[i]Oh, hello! Hey, I can fill you in! You're on the Bloodwrath! The giant death ship. Obviously not as deadly as me, though. I can rip holes in the space time continuum! Anyway nice to meet you, now follow me, both of you. I promise I won't kill you.[/i]
[i]"Uh... I think we are good. We aren't push overs ourselves."[/i] [b]Lucien says, his companion nodding in agreement.[/b]
[i]Eh, okay. Now, a little tip. STAY AWAY FROM THE PORTALS I PUT IN THE SHIP! It could possibly suck you in and maybe kill you. K. Bye![/i][b]The Hunter teleports away, leaving behind a small metal box.[/b]
[i]"You touchin' the box?"[/i] [i]"No way..."[/i] [i]"Could be one of his 'portals' or an IED..."[/i] [i]"Oh well."[/i] [b]The two walk off, heading back down another hallway.[/b] [spoiler]End[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Okay then.[/spoiler]