Dirae feels something approach only moments before the stranger speaks, weaponless and in her underwear she phases out to almost nothing and disappears into the long dark shadows that seem to be everywhere. Unlike home the shadows here aren't peaceful and quiet, but twisted impressions of a thousand lifetimes ,all clamouring and swept along in the massive force of some colossus, the howling grief ,and insatiable hunger. As she reappears a couple of meters away she inhales sharply as though she had just come up for air.
Her eye's narrow at the guy who startled her.
[i] " Did you really just say that to a girl who has arrived in hell, in only her underwear?"[/i]
Bramd - old
Hey, do you think THIS gives much protection? *Mortar pulls at his black metallic shirt* Wait, bad example. Name's Mortar. -
Sighing she looks like she might be about to speak but pauses . [b]' you think talking to this guy is a good idea. '[/b] [i]' well what do you suggest I do, stand here staring blankly at him, and since I already said something It would be super wierd to just say nothing "[/i] Finally her she returned her attention to Mortar [i]" Dirae, " [/i]
Bramd - old
Hey. And, I'm not exactly hostile until threatened, I don't know much about you -
[b]What does he mean by not EXACTLY hostile ?[/b] [i]' Probably means he won't attack me unless I attack him first.[/i] Dirae attempts to reassure the shade.'[/i] Turning to Mortar she asks [i] ' so where have you been hanging out, is there anywhere safe. Any organised effort to get off here, or we just surviving?'[/i]
Bramd - old
Well, it's pretty much survival here, but I have been modifying my PST, that could help us get off.