[b]Hello. This is a lore theory after a long period of being off the forums. Hope you can get some idea of your own from this theory[/b]
[u]The Theory[/u]
This theory is based off something a lot of people already have inferred, but goes a little farther than that.
I, like others, have assumed that Eao is an Ahamkara, the space serpents or dragons in the world of Destiny. I believe that the Ahamkara, and specifically Eao, are immortal beings that, once killed, can live through the killer by speaking to them telepathically. Sealed ahamkara grips helps support this:
"Plating the Ahamkara bones in silver helps to quiet the auditory hallucinations...oh bearer mine."
They are immortal because of their evident telepathy after death and their hidden plan they seem to be mocking the guardians with. Things like Scales of Eao,"WE STAND UPON OUR OWN UNENDING DEATHS" and Bones of Eao:"Defy extinction" show this Space Dragon's Immortality. Furthermore, other lore writers bring up things like how they can eat reality and grant wishes, but since those cannot be read into, I am just going to say I believe they can grant powers like the light and darkness does with their own form of some energy from the void, but its not clear what as of now.
Furthermore, the Voidfang Vestments, which I also have believed to be another Ahamkara armor, speaks of these 'Auditory hallucinations', which are clearly the Ahamkara speaking to their bearer. Hence, oh bearer mine is the recognizable quote in all of the Ahamkara armor. The Ahamkara are speaking directly to the person who is wearing their scales and therefore their corpse, mocking them by showing the warlocks who killed them(Or hunters) that they cannot die. Voidfang Vestments are different, though, because Voidfang is actually a warning, so while it is not scales, it is a warning from a Warlock to the next person to have their robes what will happen if they kill an Ahamkara, or use their scales as armor:"YOU WILL DREAM OF TEETH AND NOTHING ELSE". This is part of their torment.
Where does Eao fit into this? He just might be the Ahamkara that the warlocks first killed, or at least one of them. He could also be the one who wrote the Great Ahamkara Hunt Ghost fragment, or at least influencing the Warlock who did. See spoiler for the card.
The Great Ahamkara Hunt
After great deliberation it was determined that the Ahamkara be made extinct.
It was not an easy decision. Power had been obtained from the bargains, and the City needed power. Knowledge had been gleaned, and the Ahamkara knew answers to questions no one had known to ask.
But the price was too high. And no edict or forbearance seemed to stop Guardians from seeking them out, driven by hope, or vengeance, or despair.
The call had to be silenced. So the Great Hunt did its work.
And thus the Ahamkara were made extinct, their call silenced, their solipsistic flatteries erased, their great design - if it ever existed - broken.
Of this you can be assured, oh reader mine.[/spoiler]
I believe Eao also played a major role in Ghost Fragment Warlock. See one of my favorite cards below:
Why did I set her on the trail?
[spoiler]You try and try and try to explain, but no one ever understands. No one who's not a Warlock. Who hasn't spent a dozen years scouring the ruins for one string of symbols, one clean code, one black talon. Titans just make a hmphing noise, if they've stayed awake. Hunters clean their nails with their knives and look at you like you've grown a third eye.
But when you've spent your life searching through arcana for ancient power, you have the urge to reach out and educate others. Especially if you've had one too many.
Nah, she's not my type at all. We've played dice, cards, war games, you know, the usual stuff. I'd never tried to show off before. I don't know what came over me.
I had a broken vertebrae in my pocket that I'd borrowed from - yes, borrowed, I was going to put it back - what do you think you are, my conscience? It was a fossil, that means mineral replacement, a rock, basically. They can survive a few hours in my pocket. Do shut up.
The Cryptarchs weren't going to miss it. Everyone knows the Ahamkaras were hunted to extinction. There's nothing to be afraid of anymore.
Think of how mysterious this system is, I said. How much life sprang up when the Traveler came. Like the Ahamkara. Do you know the legends? The dragon that made promises? And I pulled out the fossil with a flourish -
She pulled out her knife and started to pick the dirt from her nails. That set me off.
You could never have brought down one of these, I said. Ever. Not the greatest Hunter, not the brawniest Titan.
Her eyes narrowed. She said, Oh? Is that so? And I saw right then that she wasn't going to pass on the challenge.
I've murdered a Guardian, I thought. She's going to die. It'll be my fault.
And I looked at the piece of spine in my hand and wondered - why did I say that? What moved me to such pride?
Now, there is a lot of things to point out in this card, but also the extra theory for this concluding section that is the far more out there theory in this informative post. For one thing, I believe that this warlock ties everything together. I believe his robes are the Voidfang Vestments. It is obvious he killed an Ahamkara, and by the end where he wonders what moved him to such pride, we can tell from knowing the Ahamkara that this is the same hypnosis and telepathy from before. This ahamkara is actually urging a hunter to kill the Ahamkara, but I'll get back to that.
Firstly, before my bigger theory, I would like to finish the stretched out theory I already stated, and that is this warlocks legacy. If he were to be the same warlock, he would fall into madness by the Ahamkara, leading to him needing to leave a warning for the next wearer of his robes. After that, we might never know what happened to the crazed Warlock. Perhaps it has to do with their master plan, and also my larger theory.
The reason this Ahamkara was prompting the Warlock to trash talk with the hunter was because the hunter would then kill an Ahamkara herself, shown from Ahamkara Scale hunter artifact:"And that warlock thought I couldn't do it. Ha!" When this hunter killed this ahamkara, it allowed the hunter to become mad like the warlock, and while we do not have proof of this yet, we can infer this because of how the scales effect the warlocks. My big theory is that the Ahamkara's plan for us is to have us kill them as a trap, only to act as a virus and make us insane. As they said, they can eat reality, but this shows they can eat a civilization too. Also, while at the end of the ghost fragment, the warlock thinks he sent the hunter into a death trap, and that he was wrong since she was successful, he was right:That ahamkara could now plague the hunters mind and kill another one of the few guardians. Who knows what the insanity leads to? Death? Becoming a rogue guardian and killing others? Hopefully we will get to see an Ahamkara DLC and see if this theory of the infection of the mind by the ahamkara can hold up.
Thanks for reading, I promote commenting and critiquing this post, comments or constructive criticism. Both are great for me to become a better informer to all of you if I can.
Update #1:Thanks for all the great reception. If there's any other part in the lore of destiny you've ever wondered about, I'd be happy to research and make a post on it
Update #2:seeing as this was massively successful, if like to get a few new posts in for the time I'm here. I encourage any and all ideas for a post of a lore topic you would like to see covered, answered, or explored. Thanks!
Interesting. I guess that from your analysis we could further add more proof towards the theory that the Ahamkara are kin to if not the Hive worm gods themselves. If you want to get biblical about it, even in apparent death, they are serpents that work to tempt and corrupt their "hunters" to become servants of the Darkness.
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