"You are the first person that I truly expressed my feelings for Macha, I thank you for that."
Ling said, he was content expressing his emotions.
"It is still early... perhaps we should enjoy a meal together?"
"That sounds great." He said. At first he was rather tired this morning until Macha showed up, clearly his mood gets better with her around. Certainly something to take in account.
"Well then, that's perfect. I haven't seen what the Quarters have to offer as much as food goes."
"It's honestly not much, just bland tasting rations. But it's the only thing we have."
"Well, it's not the food that matters. It's the company." She smiles at him, taking his hands and bringing him out of his room. "Let's get going, shall we?"
"Yeah." Little did Ling know, he was the biggest player on this ship. Jk but they walked along the general Quarters, the only building standing out from the other Ferrocrete buildings was the Tech Priests, due to the fact it had useless junk hanging from it.
"I see the Techpriest is still hard at work... if he even knows anything other than that..."
"I heard that they go out and scavenge parts...which is creepy in my opinion. But that tech Priest in there is a good friend." He said, rather remembering the first time he met the Adeptus Mechanicus. Ling then took notice to the rather small group of Imperial Guardsmen lined up into a building. "That must be where the food is.."
"Most likely. Seems there isn't too much people yet. We're in luck."
"Yeah, though there's one problem.." He didn't want to mention it very much. "No one knows about [b]us.[/b]"
"Indeed... they don't. But... how is that problematic?"
"They aren't exactly..friendly. I mean like they can be but they dislike alot of people.." He said, though he wished that wasn't the case.
"I see... well, I am sure your rank of Inquisitor will be enough to intimidate them."
"True..Well we should get in, more people could be coming." Ling was honestly terrible at explaining things, just like me.
Macha chuckled. What's the worse that could happen? They step into the line together.
After a while with no one paying attention due to the fact that someone spread a rumor about Jaghatai Khan [spoiler]I'm not namjng who because I'm not a snitch.[/spoiler] they eventually got their rations and I guess sat down.
They seated together, eating their rations. "This... is... well, pretty bland." She chuckles.
He chuckled too. "I honestly don't like it, but the Imperium insists 'We don't have time for taste'."
"I can see that..." She tries conversation to distract herself from the awful food. "So, other than banishing demons to the warp, what do you do in your free time?"
Ling hated the food too, but he was slightly used to it. "If you are talking about right now then I keep this place from falling apart. But if you are talking about Terra.. Remember that person, Farion? Well we used to go and test Imperium weaponry, I think the last thing we tested before all this happened was a Storm Bolter."
"You speak a lot about this Farion person. Who is he?"
"Another Inquisitor..He is like a brother to me. He is a good person." Time for some off the scenes shit. Ling here has been wondering where Farion was, basically he is concerned since he is a good friend. Alright that's over.
"He works for Ordo Xenos, yes? How do you think he would feel about... us?"
"I..don't know. I know he won't try anything rash..but still." Ling thought about this, Farion was usually okay with everything that wasn't Exterminatus. But this he did not know.
"If he really is your good friend, I am sure we can make him understand."