Death Spinners.[/spoiler]
[i][u]"You have been here for many years. Trapped, some would say. Many people await your return. Your soldiers. Your brother."[/u][/i]
She stared the Primarch in the eyes. She was determined.
"I am not trapped here with them. They are trapped here with me." [i]The Khan spoke with truth to his words. Not many men would go fisticuffs for all this time, but oh damn did Jaghatai ever do it. [/i]
[i][u]"As your legend goes. But your time in the Webway is over. Milennia have passed while on your quest for revenge... but it is time you came back to the realm of reality."[/u][/i]
"And how would I go about returning, hmm? I've been searching for millennia."
[i][u]"I can show you the way. My people, the Eldar, avoid this section of the Webway, for it is home to our sworn enemies, the Dark Eldar. I have braved these dangers to find you. Your brother, Roboute Guilliman, has requested for me to find you. And I always keep my promises."[/u][/i]
"Ah, Roboute... Take me to him. And if you manage to spot Leman somewhere, tell him I apologize. He'll know what I mean. Lead on."
[i]that was... easier than I thought it would be.[/i] She thinks to herself. [i][u]"Well then, let us get moving. Follow me closely. The Webway is dangerous to those unprepared."[/u][/i]
"Alright. Oh, and if you try to cross me at any point during this encounter, I'll rip your arms off and cut your whole family down with them. Lead the way."
[i][u]"Yes yes, I've already heard that one..."[/u][/i] She moves on, walking down the sinuous path that was the Webway. [i][u]"It is possible that we encounter Dark Eldar while moving. Though I suspect that won't be a problem for you..."[/u][/i]
[i]As the figure spoke, Jaghatai had already encountered - and swiftly ended - one of them. [/i]
I don't exactly see how that works since they were alone, but then again, Jaghatai had been gone a bit crazy, staying alone for ten thousand years. she cleared a path going to him. There's nothing yet. And if there was something, she could see it coming from far away, what with being an Eldar Farseer and all. She waited for Jaghatai's momentary craziness to pass before moving on. As they descended the corridors, The Phoenix Lord seemed to be getting worried. [i][u]"I sense a disturbing presence approaching. We will advise caution."[/u][/i]
[spoiler][quote]She waited for Jaghatai's momentary craziness to pass before moving on.[/quote] Savage. [/spoiler]
"Of course, yes." [i]Jaghatai said as he stared down the halls, spotting what the strange Eldar had called out. He wasn't going to risk screwing up the escape, so he needed to remain with this figure. [/i]
Calling them Halls was a confusing statement. These halls had no geometry whatsoever. They went against anything that a person could call comprehension, going around in the craziest of ways. The Eldar picked up the pace. [i][u]"We must hurry!"[/u][/i]
[spoiler]He's bloody insane, so he sees this place as orderly lmao. [/spoiler] "Then let's go!" [i]He responded to the Eldar who had, for some reason, actually decided to aide the Primarch. He started to pick up the pace as well, matching the speed of the woman. [/i]
They ran through the twisted corridors of the Webway, the Dark Eldar were hot on their tail. [i][u]"Just a bit further, we're almost at the gate!"[/u][/i]
[i]He knew what needed to be done. He started to sprint full tilt for the gateway, and with that, he jumped into it as soon as he could. -blam!-ing Dark Eldar always ruining shit. [/i]
As he crossed into the gate, he was overcome by a white flash, and passed out. When he woke up, Macha was standing over him. [i][u]"Good. You're awake."[/u][/i]
"Where am I?" [i]The Khan asked of Macha, as he looked around the room, scanning everything to give him a general location. [/i]
[i][u]"You are on board the bloodwrath. A ship commanded by fiends of chaos. Or at least, that is what we once thought. But in this ship, both chaos and all others are trapped."[/u][/i]
"What?!" [i]The Primarch almost screamed at the top of his lungs as he shot upwards, but he decided not to in fear of Tyranids or Daemons being anywhere nearby. [/i]
The room they were in, however, was massive. It was the size of a city. Civilian structures, buildings, parks, imperial bases, the whole whoplaa. [i][u]"I am telling you the truth."[/u][/i]
"What... The... Hell...?" [i]Jaghatai asked as he took the sight in. It was a city? A chaos ship that had both sides trapped was... A city? This was certainly strange, even for a man who was stuck in the Webway for years. [/i]
[i][u]"This place, the General Quarters, is merely a section of the ship. The ship itself is massive..."[/u][/i]
"...Around twenty percent of Terra, I know. This ship belonged to another Primarch so long ago."
[i][u]"I see you know where you are, then. Saves me the trouble."[/u][/i]