A wall of flames opened in his path, and a strange magic blocked his teleportation. He was trapped there with the Demon... surely this was the end.
Well, for the Daemon, that is.
The beast reeled back and screeched, but it was suddenly interrupted. It pushed an inqusitive scream as suddenly, two pairs of three claws bursted through its chest, lifting it in the air then splitting it in two halves. The two halves bled for a moment before catching ablaze, disappearing in a puf of unholy fire.
[b]He roared and screeched at this, and got ready for another fight as he raised the weapon again with determination[/b]
Before him stood a woman clad in carapace armour. Her helmet descended steeply down onto her face, covering it. On her arms were ornate, golden power claws, with two stormbolters strapped to them. In her left hand she held a plasma pistol. The Tempestor Prime had come to save this stranger's life. [spoiler]I suggest reading her bio for information.[/spoiler] [i]"Lower your weapons. I am not your enemy on this day."[/i]
[i]"what of the next day?"[/i]
[i]"That all depends on your actions. This place... one cannot survive on their own. My base offers safe haven to all those that wish it. As long as you don't attempt anything against us, we will provide refuge for you."[/i]
[i]"I've met scam artists before, what makes you think I believe you?"[/i]
[i]"Because I just saved your life when I could have chosen not to."[/i]
[i]"Fair point, but Graxian watches you"[/i]
[i]"As do I. Now come with me. This place isn't safe."[/i]
[b]He reloads the Rifle and trudges onward beside you, but keeping a wary eye on you [/b]
As did she. She understood why he was weary, but her comprehension stopped where the safety of her men begun. Which was pretty early. If he would try anything to endanger her people, she would kill him, without fail.
"[i]how much further to this base? I'm much anxious to get in to be safe from those things out there....."[/i]
[i]"it shouldn't be too long."[/i] She glances back at him. [i]"It's not often I get to see Eliksni 'round this side of the galaxy, you know."[/i]
"There are others here? Our race fled to the Great Machine centuries ago to survive, I did the last desparate act of one who has nothing to lose....."
[i]"Not here, as far as I know. There was one, Necron pariah though, but still counts in my book. But other than her, none on this ship. But I've seen a few Eliksni in my days. Good snipers."[/i]
[b]He growls[/b] "How did you meet these Elkinsi?"
[i]"They were living on imperial worlds. When wars came to said worlds, most of them would sign up for my regiments. They have more backbone than most Terrans I've met."[/i]
[b]He chuckles[/b] "We have to in order to live from day to day...... But where is this.....pariah you speak of?"
[i]"She's most likely staying with that Tau commander, Kor'El. Now there's a respectable man."[/i]
[i]"thank you....."[/i]
[i]"Why do you ask?"[/i]
[i]"Very few of my kind remain, I only wish to find those that do here....."[/i]
[i]"I can understand that."[/i]
[b]He goes silent as they walk, shouldering his rifle [/b]
They soon reach a vast door. [i]"the camp is in there, the arena. You can't miss it. I have to get back out there, though, so this is where our paths split."[/i]
[i]"I would grovel and give you my life but that's isn't worth much with a fallen, but you have my thanks, may your hunt be successful"[/i]