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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/14/2016 12:04:01 PM
"The first took me some searching, we're on a ship called the Bloodwrath, and apparently it's taking us somewhere. Not sure how it works but it is. As to how you got here, that's the million dollar question, I don't know, don't know how I got here, how you got here, no one does, or at least no one is talking. There seems to be two factions on board. One calls itself the imperium, it's totalitarian and boy are they pissed off all the time, someone pisses in their Cheerios daily. The other are the warriors of chaos, cultists who love just being such upstanding citizens and sacrifices to their gods." He said, the last part of the sentence dripping with sarcasm. It was hard to see any relevant features on the man at first but his helmet opened up as he talked to them.

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