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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/14/2016 6:38:20 AM
The light lowered and a man stepped from the shadows. He wore a powered Exosuit, carried an assault rifle heavily modified. "Sorry about that, things... Are dangerous, have to be careful. I'm lance corporal Blackborn."

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  • [b]Lucien raises an eyebrow under his helmet, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He himself wasn't short of empowered... Nearly hitting seven feet and having an inhuman amount of muscle.[/b] [i]"Uh. At ease. We aren't exactly your biggest threats. At least I'm not. She bites."[/i] [i]"I do not!"[/i] [b]The big man chuckles turning back to the soldier.[/b] [i]"I'm Malform, this is Lea. We could use some help with information. Do you know where we are... How we got here?"[/i]

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  • "The first took me some searching, we're on a ship called the Bloodwrath, and apparently it's taking us somewhere. Not sure how it works but it is. As to how you got here, that's the million dollar question, I don't know, don't know how I got here, how you got here, no one does, or at least no one is talking. There seems to be two factions on board. One calls itself the imperium, it's totalitarian and boy are they pissed off all the time, someone pisses in their Cheerios daily. The other are the warriors of chaos, cultists who love just being such upstanding citizens and sacrifices to their gods." He said, the last part of the sentence dripping with sarcasm. It was hard to see any relevant features on the man at first but his helmet opened up as he talked to them.

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  • [b]Damien would have shown his face... If his mask wasn't grafted onto his skin. His shoulders simply sag in disappointment but he eventually shrugs the feeling away.[/b] [i]"Well... That's not too bad. Surviving won't be hard, not if we play it safe."[/i]

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  • "One would think, but I've seen both sides take shots at people who aren't affiliated and then there are the individuals and small groups who are here and don't belong. Finding food is tough, water is tougher."

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  • [i]"I don't need food or water."[/i] [i]"Neither do I, but I still want some."[/i] [b]Damien chuckles, running a claw through his spiky hair.[/b] [i]"If anything Chaos forced won't be difficult to hide from with all their occult shit. We will move right under their noses while they pray or something."[/i]

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  • "I have some rations and a spare bottle of water, it's warm but it's all I got. Where you two from?"

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  • [i]"I'm from the warp."[/i] [b]The woman responds... It showed. Her eyes were a vibrant orange.[/b] [i]"And I'm... I'm just a guy."[/i] [b]Lucien says sheepishly.[/b]

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  • "What's the warp?" The man was clearly from a different time or dimension, his ignorance of such large factor in this place was only explained by this theory.

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  • [i]"Uhm..."[/i] [b]She stumbles on her words, Lucien taking lead once more. He seemed determined to support her constantly.[/b] [i]"It's basically hell. She's a daemon... Or part of one."[/i]

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  • He shifted uncomfortably, tightening his grip on his rifle. "What are you talking about? Demons can't take physical form... Can they?"

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  • [i]"Dude... You are in for a trip. The Chaos forces around here basically only worship these guys. But she's chill."[/i] [b]Lucien motions to the woman.[/b] [i]"If she really wanted to kill you, she'd try to bite you."[/i] [i]"That's not funny..."[/i] [b]She pouts. But he was right. She wasn't hostile by any means... She certainly held the hourglass figure of a succubus, and the bright eyes of something inhuman... But her giant friend was far more intimidating.[/b] [i]"But, if it makes you feel any better, we are on the same page as you, so if you need some backup or shit, we got you."[/i]

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  • He relaxed a little, and let his rifle rest on his sling across his chest. He muttered a small prayer they could only hear "... Forgive me..." He shook his head. "Alright, I suppose I don't have much of a choice, do you both have weapons?"

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  • [b]Lucien chuckles, pushing his brown scarf from around his waist and revealing two massive revolvers... Both about the size of his head... Which wasn't small by any means. And the woman merely nods, though it didn't really look like she was armed.[/b] [i]"I had a sword and two one handers... But I need to find a good place for a summon to get them here."[/i] [b]Lucien remarks.[/b] [i]"And my weapons lay in my seals."[/i] [b]Lea muses... Clearly talking about something inhuman.[/b]

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  • "Alright, I have a few extra guns if anyone needs them. Plus enough explosives to level a city block. Here's that food and water. We don't have a lot of time. There's worse things than chaos cultists around."

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  • [b]Lea takes the water happily and downs it quickly, Lucien merely turning to look around. The big man seemed to hold no fear.[/b] [i]"How have you managed?"[/i] [b]She asks when she finishes off her drink.[/b]

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  • "Armor cloaks, has a shield, and I was made to survive anywhere."

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  • [i]"Mhmm."[/i] [b]She raises an eyebrow at the statement but doesn't push farther. When Lucien eventually turns back around, he motions to the soldier.[/b] [i]"Alright, what now, Boss?"[/i]

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  • "First things first, from what I've gathered on data slates there's a water treatment lab down this corridor." He said pointing down the way the two were headed when he stopped them.

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  • [i]"What do you want from it... The water? It's gonna be well guarded y'know."[/i]

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  • "You have a better plan? Cause I'm open to suggestions, we can handle a few cultists."

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  • [i]"Well, like I said... I don't really need the water. But I'm willing to help. As long as I can go loud."[/i] [b]He chuckles and folds his arms.[/b]

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  • "Loud is fine, not like they won't know where we are after we hit it."

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  • [i]"True... Alright, Lea. You stay here."[/i] [i]"What? Why?"[/i] [i]"Cause you'll just be a problem, plus, it's easier if you don't cause explosions... I'd rather not have a foot frozen."[/i] [b]She pouts and leans against the railing slightly, Lucien nods to the man and adjusts his belt.[/b]

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  • He loaded a fresh mag into his rifle and motioned for the giant to follow. The corridor was dark only illuminated by flickering lights.

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  • [b]Despite his big frame... He was surprisingly quiet. He follows obediently, drawing his massive revolver and checking that it's loaded.[/b]

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