[b][i]Interdemensional Roofies[/i][/b]
[b][u]Bloodwrath, The cold hard floor.[/u][/b]
[i]"Ah... Shit! Disengage you stupid... Agh..."[/i]
[b]Lucien rolls over onto his stomach, his head pounding. He taps his helmet, trying to get his interface to stop freaking out. Looking around he sighs... Probably just another hangover... But he didn't recognize this place. He holds his head with a grunt, sitting on his knees. Suddenly, a noise at his side spooks him. It's a woman, easily dwarfed in comparison to him wearing some ridiculously skimpy outfit... Her hair pushed back and her cheeks full of delicate color. So Lucien does what sane people do and pokes her cheek with a pointy metal finger.[/b]
[b]Azalea wakes with a start, her eyes burning with fear... And she quickly bites down on the metal finger poking her cheek and quickly draws blood.[/b]
[i]"Bah...! What the hell is wrong with you...? And why are your teeth so damn sharp?"[/i]
[i]"Don't poke me!"[/i]
[b]She gets to her feet in a huff, Lucien simply looking up at her, bewildered. He speaks up again, looking around.[/b]
[i]"Hey... Do you think me and you... You know... While we..."[/i]
[i]"No! You probably have teeth down there."[/i]
[i]"Can't be sharper than yours..."[/i]
[b]He says with a chuckle, getting to his feet. He adjusts the large brown and dirty scarf around his neck and checks his sides. He was still armed... From what he could tell.[/b]
[i]"You remember anything...?"[/i]
[i]"No. You?"[/i]
[i]"Yeah. Plenty. I know all about myself, where I come from, what I do... But not how I got here."[/i]
[i]"Then let's find out where here is."[/i]
[b]She takes off down the street, not exactly waiting for her giant companion. Lucien huffs and follows slowly behind her, his large metal hands falling into his pockets.[/b]
[spoiler]Open! Sorry for the silly intro. Never been good with a starting post, and excuse me if I get stuff wrong. I'm not very good with Warhammer stuff.[/spoiler]
[i]"I'm just gonna go... Down here..."[/i] [b]And with that, Lucien rounds a corner and takes cover behind a metal panel, motioning for the soldier to follow.[/b]
The Maine did so and placed a charge down behind him. "Maybe we should get some more distance."
[i]"Agreed, but where...? I don't want to run into some more assholes."[/i]
"I've heard about some kind of settlement near the center of the ship. I was working my way there when I made this detour and met you and your female friend."
[i]"Damn... Is it controlled under the Imperium...?"[/i] [b]He asks, looking around for his companion.[/b]
"I think both sides live there." He said shrugging. "Or atleast no one kills you for being different there."
Edited by Chesh I Guess: 6/16/2016 12:01:30 AM[i]"Fūck yes! You have me sold. Lea! Get over here! We blew shit up!"[/i] [b]Seconds later, the patter of footsteps approaches and the woman appears again, a scowl on her face.[/b] [i]"Yeah... I could hear."[/i]
"What's wrong?" The marine said raising an eyebrow.
[i]"Malform is obnoxious and loud. That's what's wrong."[/i] [i]"Yeah... But he knows a place we might be able to stay at."[/i] [b]She shrugs and leans against a wall.[/b]
"Near the center of the ship there's some sort of safe area, an uneasy peace but no ones dead yet."
[i]"We'll take it. I over rule her vote."[/i] [b]Lucien remarks, humor turning into cold authority as he glares at Lea.[/b] [i]"Yeah... What he said..."[/i]
"Well, it's settled then, I'll lead the way, you two keep up and watch for ambushes." With that the marine began to lead them on a course towards the main lodging area.
[b]The two follow mostly silently, though sometimes they bicker about something pointless... Lucien more importantly being the one to start it. He enjoyed teasing and just generally being a smartass. His sarcasm was mostly unchallenged.[/b] [i]"Hey, Boss, where have you stayed prior?"[/i] [b]He suddenly asks.[/b]
"When, on the ship? Where I could, alcoves, hallways, empty rooms. Any place I could fortify I did. Why?" Blackburn had largely tuned the two out, they were either going to love each other or hate each other by the end of this and he didn't know which was worse.
[i]"I'm just... Surprised. It may sound weird but this isn't actually my body. Hint, hint right? Well, I used to be a weapons manufacturer before the collapse of earth and actually had a time machine or two... What I'm trying to say is: I just haven't seen a normal functioning human in a long time."[/i] [b]He says, thoughtfully.[/b]
"I'm not."
[i]"Which part? Functioning or human? I count Robots and Augs as humans too. I don't judge."[/i] [i]"Unless they are not of earth, right?"[/i] [i]"I don't judge aliens and the xeno populations."[/i]
"Biologically I am human, my DNA is the same. But I was breed for one purpose, war. I was manufactured, one of a number. Although we all look different, speak different, and fight different, we think the same."
[i]"So, clone or test tube?"[/i] [i]Lucien asks, extremely curious.[/i]
"Test tube."
[i]"Damn! If only we had such technology back then. I guess that makes you younger than me..."[/i] [b]With a chuckle, Lucien throws his claws into his pockets.[/b] [i]"That's pretty cool... Sometimes I wish I was more than just a scientist..."[/i]
"I'm 22... I think... Biologically, I've spent a lot of time in cryotubes. What happened to you, that made you as you are?"
[i]"Uhh... I got some chemicals spilled on my body and turned into goop. I got shoved into various things by a terrorist but eventually got this mass of flesh and metal."[/i]
"That is... Equally gross an unfortunate. I assume you've tried to return to your previous body?"
[i]"Well. I tried recreating it, but the original was incinerated."[/i] [i]"Well, technically the organ part is still inside you."[/i] [i]"True... But those don't function well without some new additions."[/i]