"She loves the idea and is fine with the normal growth of the land, but she wants wraithbone flowers."
"Alright then. I'll have wraithbone flowers grow as well. How is she doing?"
"Good, she had quite a few things to say about our relationship."
"Really? What things?"
"That we make a cute couple and I was smart to fall in love with you."
He smiles. "Good to know I have her blessing."
"Yup, and she doesn't hate me because I'm a Daemonette! She sees me as a friend!" [b]Astrid giggles and hugs him.[/b]
"That's great!" He hugs her back.
"For once, I'm not hated for what I am by someone that isn't of Chaos."
"Isha is a forgiving goddess. In fact, she very well may be the only benevolent god in the universe, which saddens me."
[b]Astrid nods and sits on a small rock.[/b] "Yeah, and she made me start to think about something.... I don't know if I was created as a Daemonette or turned into one.... I still don't know that answer...."
"Well, whatever the answer to that is, I love you nonetheless." He smiles to her, holding her hand.
[b]Astrid smiles back and softly squeezes his hand.[/b] "Thank you... You mean so much to me...."
"You mean just as much to me, my dear."
[b]Astrid kisses his cheek.[/b] "Thank you.... I'll never stop loving you..."
"Neither will I." He kisses her back, smiling happily.
[b]Astrid relaxes against his chest and closes her eyes, the quiet and peaceful environment making her drowsy.[/b]
He holds her closely, kissing her head.
[b]Astrid softly smiles and kisses his head.[/b]
He was pretty tall, so she ended up kissing his cheek. "Are you tired? I shall let you sleep if you are. If not, I have a demon transformation waiting for you..."
"I can stay awake for that, where will it be happening?"
[spoiler]that's a weird question...[/spoiler] "Uhm... here? I mean... I don't know."
[spoiler]Sowwie.[/spoiler] "It's fine.." [b]Astrid sits up and stretches.[/b]
"Well then, I suppose I could have a little altar for you..."
[b]Astrid nods and stands up.[/b] "I'm ready, wanna start?"
"Let us begin." He picks her up off the ground, smiling.