[b]Astrid nods and walk over, standing next to her king.[/b]
Their difference in size was quite comical. To solve this, Noiratrom sized himself down, getting to her height. "This is better."
"Yup, now we can see eye to eye." [b]Astrid sighs happily and hugs him.[/b]
He hugs her back. "How are you?"
"I'm good, how are you?"
"Never been better." He chuckles. "What do you think... of us? As being together... do you agree? I don't want to have things done that you do not wish."
"If I had to choose between the best daemon that ever existed and you and every flaw you had, I'd pick you without looking at the other."
He smiles. "Thank you, Astrid. It means a lot to me. I... I don't know much about love, or relationships. But I feel... strongly about you. I don't knos how to explain it."
[b]Astrid kisses his cheek.[/b] "We were meant to be, I can tell."
"As can I..." He smiles, holding her hand. "After I ascend you to true power, we can finally complete one another..."
[b]Astrid nods and softly hugs him, a small smile on her face.[/b]
He hugs her back. "Look at it... the flourishing forests... the calm waters..."
"It's beautiful... All other chaos realms are filled with the corruption of man's ideals and feelings.... This, this is peaceful...."
"It is. This is what I want for all. Peace."
"And we'll gain it..... All we must do is fight the other gods and use their power to bring thousands of years of peace......"
"First off, Slaanesh. Once it has been brought down, the Eldar will be free. Luckily, with Isha at our side, they will listen to us."
"Yeah, speaking of her.... How is she?" [b]Astrid looks at him with curiosity.[/b]
"She is doing well. Her recovery is going fine."
[b]Astrid smiles and nods.[/b] "That's good, I was thinking I could have a small park built for her. Maybe it could be a garden too..."
"That is a wonderful idea, my dear. I shall have a garden made for her."
"I can tell her about it, she might want to add some of her own touches to it."
"Good idea!"
"Thanks, I'll go tell her about it, alright?" [spoiler]*Is still unsure if we're the bad guys*[/spoiler]
[spoiler]nah, we're being pretty og right now[/spoiler] "I will make the preparations. You should talk to her. I do know that girls enjoy gossiping and talking..."
[spoiler]Yey[/spoiler] [b]Astrid nods and walks into the palace, heading to Isha's room.[/b]
Her room was definitely the cleanest room in the whole palace. In fact, when Astrid arrived, she was cleaning.