[spoiler]feel free to have her have any appearance changes you want, btw.[/spoiler]
"I see... you did well, Astrid. I am proud of you."
His voice was serene, peaceful.
"Yup." [b]Astrid sighs happily and stretches.[/b] "What else to talk about....."
"I have no idea. Which is strange, considering I have spent the last ten thousand years in a rusty cage..."
"Yeah, I won't pry into that, it seems like something that you wouldn't want to talk about."
"It was mostly boring. All he ever did was test his plagues on me and check how long it would take for me to regenerate from them."
"That sounds awful, I can't imagine the pain that you felt..."
"Oh, there isn't much pain. I am a god, after all. You get used to it after a while."
"Alright.. I'll at least make sure you don't have to deal with that stuff ever again."
"Thank you, Astrid. Your hospitality... it warms my heart." She smiles.
"Thank you..." [b]Astrid smiles back.[/b] "Do you need anything right now?"
"Oh no, I'm quite alright. Thank you. You should go find your beloved, I am sure he misses you."
[b]Astrid nods and gets up, waving to her before walking out of the room. She then looks around for Noiratrom[/b]
She could feel the power of the new god being used in an area of the palace, perhaps where the garden was to be built.
[b]Astrid walks over to it, taking on her normal form along with a silk dress. Her eyes filled with excitement.[/b]
He stood in a clear patch of land within the palace, exotic trees and flowers growing along a path, with a stream of pink water.
[b]Astrid looks at it with wonder, barely containing her joy at everything.[/b]
He notices her arrival. "Nice dress... what did Isha say?"
"She loves the idea and is fine with the normal growth of the land, but she wants wraithbone flowers."
"Alright then. I'll have wraithbone flowers grow as well. How is she doing?"
"Good, she had quite a few things to say about our relationship."
"Really? What things?"
"That we make a cute couple and I was smart to fall in love with you."
He smiles. "Good to know I have her blessing."
"Yup, and she doesn't hate me because I'm a Daemonette! She sees me as a friend!" [b]Astrid giggles and hugs him.[/b]
"That's great!" He hugs her back.
"For once, I'm not hated for what I am by someone that isn't of Chaos."