The door slammed shut as we heard more footsteps pounded down the hall where Blake made his way just moments before. I sat still on a chair by Angelica's bedside while she continued to watch the door, drawing her knees to her chin as she coiled into a ball once more.
Silence over took us for a few moments before I managed to speak. "So... How are you feeling?"
She gave a glance at me then looked back to the door. "I'm fine..."
"You sure?... You seem..."
"I'm fine." She spoke with a bit more aggression in her voice.
I gave a small nod. "Alright... You think you can make a full recovery?"
"Blake says so."
"Well that's atleast one good thing." I gave a smile. She simply gave a small glance again. My smile faded as she curled up in a tighter ball. More silence followed as the footsteps outside faded to nothing.
"Well... How long till you are ready to go back to the Tower?"
"I'd rather go back now... get as far away from..." Her voice broke off as she tensed up suddenly in fear.
I started to put my hand on her shoulder. "It will be..." Angelica suddenly gave a squeal of fear and slapped me away. My vision was blinded by a bright light as I was suddenly forced backwards into the wall. I coughed up blood and crumbled to the floor.
Charles suddenly appeared and scanned my body. "Don't die!!... This is not how you want to be remembered!!"
Angelica started to get up. "I'm sorry!! I didn't mean..."
Charles spun around and glared at her. "What's the matter with you?! He's your teammate and he's injured!!"
Angelica recoiled and slowly backed away into a corner, tears streaming down her eyes. "I didn't..."
"Sure you didn't!" Charles spun back around and continued to scan me.
"You have no right to scream at her!" Elizabeth appeared and started raising hell. "She's as beat up, if not worse than he is. It was an honest mistake!"
"Mistake or no, she shouldn't have done that!"
"Charles... shut..." I coughed up more blood and winced.
"She's afraid just as we all are!"
"So?!!" Charles spun around and glared at Elizabeth. "Doesn't give her the right to hit em! He was only trying to help!"
"Well he did it poorly!" Elizabeth got right in Charles' face. "He should have known not to touch her!"
"Well he certainly didn't deserve a slap in the face! Must less a Solar Wind!"
"If he's going to be that idiotic might as well have!" Elizabeth's voice was rising in anger.
Charles replied with his own angered voice. "So he can't help is that it?!"
"Not if he's going to act like that!"
"Well excuse us misses high and mighty! Too stuck up for us?! How about you two just..."
"STOP IT!!..." Angelica screamed and the two Ghosts spun towards her direction. Tears were flowing like streams as she tried to hide in the corner away from everyone. "Just... stop please..." Sobs took her over as she hid her face in her arms.
Elizabeth gave another glare at Charles and floated over to her, speaking soft comforting words to her.
Charles huffed and floated over, scanning me silently. I pulled myself up to a sitting position and watched Angelica as Charles slowly fixed my opened wounds with what little Light we had remaining. After a bit I managed to stand back up.
"No! You should..."
"Just shut up Charles..." I waved my hand at him and slowly stumbled towards her. He flinched slightly and simply watched. I squatted down infront of Angelica and held my hand out slowly. She stopped sobbing briefly and looked up at me. I kept my hand still and gave a small smile.
She slowly held out her hand and grasped mine, our fingers interlocking. I looked her square in the eye. "I swear... I will find that b****** and [b]he[/b] will pay for what he did to you. To Laurentine. To Rex and Kate. To all of us. I swear it on whatever Light I have."
She blinked at me slowly and her face contourted into a sob once more. She nodded slowly as she hid her face once more from me. I slowly drew away as I stood up and made my way towards the door. "One of these days..."
I opened the door and started to go out just as Amelia and Sri were slowly walking up the hallway, decked in their armor. They both stopped and looked at me.
"Well." Amelia was the first to speak. "Don't you look like s***."
"Nice to see you too..." I leaned against the wall. "How's Rex?"
"A pain in the a**." Amelia grunted. "He won't stay down no matter how many times I bash his circuits in."
"That's probably why he doesn't." Sri crossed her arms angrily but she was looking at me with concern.
"Well either way, it's annoying to keep doing it. Not to mention Kate has lost it and we've had to place her in in a cell as well."
I sighed. "Thanks for the help..."
"Unfortunately I have to cause the guards can't do squat against him."
"I don't want to hear that from the likes of you." We turned to see three guards walk up to greet us. The head guard glared at Amelia. "Not a word."
Amelia flinched slightly but regained her composure and glared back.
The head guard continued the glare and looked back at me. "We received a message from your Vanguard. They will send a ship to pick you up within the week to take you back to the Tower." She looked at Sri and Amelia. "Vagabond will stay with us to aid in the rebuilding while Lavashki will return with you lot."
I nodded slightly. "Sorry for the trouble."
"While I admit you lot were... less useful than advertised, you have done some useful duty for the Queen, so we thank your team for that and we hope your recovery is swift."
I nodded again. The head guard saluted along with the others and they went off to resume their patrol.
Amelia grumbled. "Stuck up little b****... Thinks she can talk to me that way... and I'm older than her."
"What are you jabber..."
"None of your concern!" Amelia barked at Sri and stormed down the hall.
Sri sighed. "Ok then..." She glanced at me. "Need some help?"
"It be nice yea..." She took my arm and wrapped it over her shoulder as we slowly made our way down the hall and back to my room. link to chapter 31 link to chapter 32
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