Shadestep is balanced no buffs or nerfs are needed or wanted for Nightstalker
Lol you pussy
Add invincibility frames?!? LOL.. you must be terrible to ask for that kind of crutch.
I LOVE my shadestep ability I have the helmet that grants it so I get to keep my tracker and I can't ever change it up because I love it so much, saying that I cannot stand when I shadestep and mid roll I get lit up across the map by a scout rifle and they get a headshot!! I would love a couple frames of invincibility since you only get two rolls every so often
I agree, buff warlocks
Code of Conduct - old
You already have invincibility frames (muted) -
I'm a Hunter. And I say F#cking NO!
The only thing it needs is the tracking fix.
Edited by Tempest 24: 6/6/2016 5:16:25 PM
Lmaoooo If you can't understand that it's fine the way it is than you have no idea what you're talking about, and are definently bad at this game.
You're asking for a shadestep buff, knowing that players want shadestep to be nerfed. Just stop. Shadestep is okay the way it is already. Speaking from a PvP perspective.