I finished it! I wrote the theme song "Cabal Stomp" for trombone and played it! Since I took a very long time to do it, I will make it up to you guys by doing more of these videos. Suggest the next video in the comments! Also, are you going to live up to your promise DeeJ?
Meanwhile the video will appear on my YouTube Channel [url=]here[/url]. Subscribe so you know when it is out.
[b]edit: since everyone is saying that I need more air, I will clear the air (lol) about why. I recently found out I have asthma and it's hard for me to get air like i used to. [/b]
Edit:[b] for all of you questioning my skill, I have not been playing it my whole life. I have only been playing it for about two years or less. [/b]
Fixed the link
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
"Regicide" on a Kazoo. [b][i]BECOME ASCENDANT.[/i][/b]