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Edited by BraveKinkajou14: 4/11/2016 7:19:05 PM

Fractured House ( Chapter three : Blackflame )

We arrived outside the outpost at around midnight, and decided to wait till morning to enter. We set up camp on a high hill about a mile away from the outpost. Skoei told us about what he was doing on the ketch, how he had salvaged it all and was planning to wait for scavenger ships to pick him up. When the sun First peeked over the horizon we set out. The outpost was no longer an outpost. It was covered in black fire and showed signs of something big happening there. "What happen to outpost?" Skoei wondered aloud. "Stay low and quiet. Blackflame people may still be here." We crept silently through the outpost, finding dead fallen and more Blackflame. The fallen were the most interesting however, for they didn't wear any known house color, instead cloaked in black and gray. We reached the control room and found only more black fire and dead fallen. "Check machines. They may work still." "This one is working!" "Radio capabilities?" "No. But look at this." She pulls up some security footage. [i]Fallen are walking around, doing day-to-day operations maintaining the outpost. A servitor floats along to a console. Suddenly, the air seems to darken, alarms blare, and unmistakeable sound of taken appearing is heard. Fallen rush to send a distress call and others scramble to grab weapons. A tall captain cloaked in black sweeps into the room and starts shouting for a lockdown. "Seal all doors! Activate the trip mines!" More servitor a flood into the room and begin to interface with the consoles, performing unknown operations. "Sir! Sector three has been breached!" *Angry growling and clicking noises* "Sector two!" "Focus all forces on protecting this room!" *Taken noises and the sound of gunfire* "They're penetrating ou-" * Taken Thrall and fallen flood into the room, and begin to kill everything.* "Protect the Captain!" * More taken flood into the room.* "There's too many!" * The fallen start dropping like flies, the captain is the only one left standing* "For House Steel!" He yells as he activates a shock grenade, jumping into the biggest group of taken. *Boom* The security feed goes dark [/i] "Wow." "Wait, look at date." The security feed reads it happened yesterday morning. "If taken here recently, that means..." The air gets heavy and darkens, we hear the sound of taken warping in. "Run!" Zelkir yells, sprinting off down the hall. I pull out my shrapnel launcher and run after her, hearing Skoei activating his swords. We tun back through the outpost, shooting at the taken who are now chasing us. We run outside and turn around. At the front of the charge is a fallen captain, consumed in black flame, but unmistakably wearing black armor. We feel the ground shake and see a taken beacon crash down, blowing off part of the outer wall. We turn and run to our pikes , but Skoei gets hit by a black sphere the captain throws at him. Skoei falls to the ground and we rush to help him. We drag him over to a pike and lay him on it. "Take Skoei and run!" I yelled at her, but she stands by my side, pulls out two shock pistoles and her wire rifle, and fired into the oncoming horde. We try desperately to keep the taken back, but it soon became apparent we couldn't. "Take Skoei and run!" I yell again "I'll cover you!" This time, she jumped on the pike and takes off, only to loop back around to start firing into the hordes of taken. "Go!" She yells and I jump on a pike and take off. [i]Later[/i] We arrive at the hill we made camp on. We lay Skoei out and try to wake him up. He opens his eyes but seems dazed. We turn up his ether valve to try and revive him. It seems to work and he sits up. "What happen?" He asks us. " You hit by black fire captain sphere. " "What?... All I remember is standing, then blackness.... So cold...." He starts shivering and we wrap our cloaks around him. "Calm down Skoei, you is fine." Eventually he calms down and gets up. "Where to now?" "I don't kno-" I'm cut off by the sound of thrusters. "Defensive circle!" I yell as we get back-to back, drawing our weapons. We see a fallen skiff coming towards us, we wave our arms and fire our weapons to get their attention. The skiff hovers near us and a captain drops down. He is cloaked in all black. He raises a scorch cannon at us and says "Under the authority of Kezil, the Kell of Steel, you are hereby prisoners of the House of Steel."

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