as your hand makes contact with the rune pain consumes your body. it feels like you're being stabbed with blades forged seconds before. light fills your eyes and when it fades you're lying in an open room. outside you hear people milling around, some of the voices seem to be speaking different languages. through the colored window to your left you can see what looks to be a marketplace. "feels good doesn't it?"
Bramd - old
I've felt worse, if that's what you mean... Where are we? I'd assume we're still on the ship -
"I believe so, it seems like there's a marketplace outside but I can't get those doors open."
Bramd - old
One moment. *Mortar dissolves into the ground, then reforms on the other side of the door and opens it* Not bad, huh. -
"not bad at all. I bet that comes in handy in a lot of situations." Erik walks past you into the marketplace. people move around like a swarm of bees, seemingly random, but there is a pattern. "although this stuff is nice. I think I could use better armor and weapons. where do you think we could find some?"
Bramd - old
Probably over near there. *In a clearing, there are two people fighting, in heavy armor* I'm gonna try my luck. Don't worry if I die, I'll just be back in two minutes after that -
"alright, good luck." the two of you walk to the fighter. metal slams together filling the air with metallic clanks. an announcer screams over the crowd, challenging anyone brave enough to face one of their opponents.
Bramd - old
*Mortar makes an entrance by dissolving into the ground where he is and forming in the center, his red eyes glowing in the dust* -
"looks like we have a challenger!" the announcer yells, the crowd follows and let's out a roar. then becomes quiet once more. "this brave soul will be facing off against the famous punisheeeerrrr!" the crowd erupts once again as the 'punisher' enters the arena. it is a tall person, about 6' 7". it walks toward you, it's armor plates reminds you of a gladiator mixed with a samurai. in one hand it carries a broad sword and in the other a massive shield. "are the combatants ready?!" the announcer screams again. the both of you nod, keeping an eye on each other. "fight!" the moment the T is said the punisher swings it's sword at your head. the fight begins.
Bramd - old
*Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms behind him, slicing at his armor* Do not mess with the Gods -
you blade barely leaves a scratch. the punisher swings it's shielded arm around and mocks you back. the crowd erupts once more.
Bramd - old
*Mortar dissolves into the ground before he hits him and Mortar's sword, now a war hammer, is smashed into his head* -
the hammer slams into the punisher a helmet shooting sparks I every direction. he staggers backwards. he's hurt, but still fighting. he steps forward and strikes again with his sword.
Bramd - old
*Mortar jumps with ease. His hammer now becomes a sword again, but gets smaller until it is a dagger. He lends behind the Punisher, knees him hard between the legs and before he can react, Mortar plunges the dagger in an exposed spot between his helmet and the rest of his armor* *The crowd is silent, for a small being of 5'9" seemingly beat the strongest warrior they had* -
after a moment the announcer yells. "we have a winner!" the crowd erupts again, everyone claps and cheers for you. hundreds of eyes watching you. the announcer pulls you to the side. "that was amazing, would you like to be a regular combatant?"
Bramd - old
For the duration I'm here, sure. *Mortar's red eyes blaze with triumph* -
he shakes your hand and continues announcing other matches. "should I take a match and barter for some armor?" you hear someone say from behind. you turn around and see Erik stand.
Bramd - old
Why not? -
he shrugs and steps into the ring, drawing his chainsword. the announcer recognizes a new challenger and announces him. "our new challenger will be facing off against another one of our fiercest combatants! he was recently recruited into our competitions and killed the first combatant he faced. please welcome, MORTAR!" the crowd roars and opens a path to the ring for you. [spoiler]thisll be interesting.[/spoiler]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 5/30/2016 11:01:21 AMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
[spoiler] Let's see how this goes[/spoiler] *Mortar steps into the ring, not trying to make an entrance, because he apparently looks badass when he simply walks into the ring* Alright then, this will be interesting. [spoiler]If this is your new character, and you're not used to RP, be aware, that I do things like this in a different RP, I'm used to it... better to plan out your character's moves and plan them ahead, like Chess.[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]i don't really know all the rules so I usually just make one move then wait to react. action then reaction, kinda like dnd.[/spoiler] Erik sets up in a defensive position as the announcer begins to announce the start of the bout. "if you could refrain from killin me, that'd be great. I don't think I can regen like you can." he asks nonchalantly. the match begins.
Bramd - old
Wasn't planning on it, but I'm assuming you're gonna lose. *Mortar puts his hand between his shoulder blades, and his sword forms in that hand, igniting in green flames when fully formed* You first, I insist -
in he blink of an eye Erik strikes down from above, the chain sword growling to life as its teeth start around the track.the match has begun.
Bramd - old
*mortar dissolves into the ground, reforming under you and sending you flying. When in the air, Mortar throws large iron balls at you to keep you in the air. The crowd roars to life with drunken betters* -
suddenly you hear a voice in your head. "I can't let you do that." you feel something pick you up from behind, their touch burns your skin. you rise up then are slammed into the ground. Erik falls from the air and lands on his back.