the two of you walk down a dark corridor, weapons drawn, the tearing sound fades as you come to a Y. "hey which way should we go?" Erik says. you try to respond but he hushes you. "we should go left. whatever was getting torn apart was down that way."
Bramd - old
Alright. Definitely don't wanna be torn apart, takes me longer to revive -
the both of you turn to the left and continue. you walk for 100 yards and the corridor breaks into a large room. the ceiling towering over you both. on the other side is a huge set of doors, eliminated by two torches on both sides. Erik walks toward the door. suddenly a massive figure falls from the ceiling slamming into the floor between the two of you. it faces you with massive horns and razor sharp claws protruding from its skin. it wreaks of dead flesh and its eyes are trained on you.
Bramd - old
Man, I hate these things. *Mortar slices at the creature* -
your blade slices through the beasts flesh, but it is unscathed. it lets out a roar and swipes at your chest with its massive claws. Erik fires up the chain sword and slashes at its ankles.
Bramd - old
*Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms on the beast's head, slamming a large iron ball on it* I haven't fought something like that since... I dunno really -
the monster falls to the ground but is still flailing, trying to damage one of your. Erik leaps into its chest and starts cutting through its thick neck. "grab the horns and pull!"
Bramd - old
*does as he's told as he delivers a earth quaking punch* -
the punch stuns the beast even more. as you pull Erik slices through its neck with ease. flesh tears and the head is ripped from the body. blood flows out of both the head and the neck. the room is quiet now. you look up at your partner and notice the flame in his eyes has grown. "let's get out of here." he says as he walks toward the gigantic doors.
Bramd - old
Alright... *Mortar follows you, ready for an attack* May I ask how you got here? -
"honestly, I don't know. all I can remember is waking up on the floor and my name. how did you get here." he says as he tries to open the door.
Bramd - old
Portal Malfunction. Tried to get my friend and myself back to the Underworld, wound up here... -
"underworld?" suddenly there is a loud clank from behind the door. erik pushes it open revealing a short corridor. at the end is a small room with strange symbols on the floor. In the center is a large one that seems to radiate energy. the same kind of energy used in teleporters.
Bramd - old
Yea, Underworld. I lived there a long time, a friend wanted to see it... I've seen some of these symbols -
"do they say something? is it a map? because this seems like a dead end."
Bramd - old
I don't think so, what does your friend say? -
Erik silently looks around at nothing then says. "the one in the middle says something along the lines of transport. And these four," he point to four symbols. "are names. possibly locations?" he looks at you waiting for some sort of input.
Bramd - old
I know this one in the back means Reformation, and this one over here meaning Retribution, so I'd stray away -
Erik walks into the center of the 'transportation' symbol. blue flames ignite around the circular symbol. the rest of the symbols ignite into a brighter blue and slowly lift off the floor and circle erik. "uh, what do I do?"
Bramd - old
I dunno, I've ever seen it before -
"I wasn't talking to you." Erik lifts his right hand, reaches out toward one of the "location" symbols, and hesitantly touches it. the flames flare like someone threw gas on them, Erik becomes engulfed and you're nearly blinded by the light. when the flames finally recede your partner is gone, no sign of him is left.
Bramd - old
Oh, shit. Well, best to do the same. I am fireproof, if he did disintegrate. *Mortar steps up and hits the same symbol* -
as your hand makes contact with the rune pain consumes your body. it feels like you're being stabbed with blades forged seconds before. light fills your eyes and when it fades you're lying in an open room. outside you hear people milling around, some of the voices seem to be speaking different languages. through the colored window to your left you can see what looks to be a marketplace. "feels good doesn't it?"
Bramd - old
I've felt worse, if that's what you mean... Where are we? I'd assume we're still on the ship -
"I believe so, it seems like there's a marketplace outside but I can't get those doors open."