[b]Stratos sprints out of a hallway with a folding chair in hand, heading straight for sanic.[/b]
[i]ALLAHU ALBAR MOTHER -blam!-ER!![/i]
[b]He leaps into a spin and slaps the chair across sanics face[/b]
[i][b]Bracheous watches from a corner, a look of immense confusion cast beneath his helmet. [/b][/i]"Wha...?"
Bramd - old
THE DOJOOOO!!!!! *Mortar runs up holding a steel bar and smacks Sanic with it -
[b]*continues beating sonic* *Spray paints a penis on his forehead and writes "the dojo sends its regards" on the wall behind him*[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar shoves the pole up his ass* FINISH HIM OFF STRATOS