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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
5/25/2016 4:36:53 AM
[b][i]Electrodes, pulsing with energy, fry the naked prisoners body. His skin is charred black and sloughing off in strips, burnt muscle and scorched bones are visible in many places. You notice a strange tattoo on the man's chest... [u]Its an hourglass...[/u] You go unconscious and a vision begins. You're standing in the middle of a vast, black sanded desert. On the horizon is a great eclipse taking place, it's corona as red as blood and burning unnaturally. You realize this is not an eclipse... The stars begin to fall from the heavens... Your vision ends, and you're in Libreous's arms. "What just happened?" He says, setting you back on your feet. [/i][/b]

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