[b]She walks up, her helmet retracting in the process
Standing next to him, nearly half his own height, she smirks and then speaks[/b]
[i]"Want some popcorn?
Maybe a soda and a churro?"[/i]
[b][i]Libreous is deep in thought. He looks at you suddenly. "Strap your weapon soldier." Says the Commander, indicating your opened pistol holster. He looks back at the interrogation. "What have you got?" He says, still watching the torture.[/i][/b]
[b]She looks up at him, strapping the weapon, then looks over at the interrogation room Watching it go on, trying to figure out who was being tortured and why Libreous was to interested, it left her curious[/b]
[b][i]Electrodes, pulsing with energy, fry the naked prisoners body. His skin is charred black and sloughing off in strips, burnt muscle and scorched bones are visible in many places. You notice a strange tattoo on the man's chest... [u]Its an hourglass...[/u] You go unconscious and a vision begins. You're standing in the middle of a vast, black sanded desert. On the horizon is a great eclipse taking place, it's corona as red as blood and burning unnaturally. You realize this is not an eclipse... The stars begin to fall from the heavens... Your vision ends, and you're in Libreous's arms. "What just happened?" He says, setting you back on your feet. [/i][/b]
[i]"Besides a possible romantic moment, I just saw the weirded shit..."[/i]
[b][i]Libreous's eyebrows raise behind the face mask of his full battle helm at the mention of romance. "You fell..." Is all he manages to say. The interrogator exits the chamber, covered in blood. "We've got a name..." Says the interrogator. "Karnis.." He finishes. Libreous's pulse raises and his fists clench.[/i][/b]
[b]She looks over at Libreous then[/b] [i]"Who's Karnis? And, I just saw a desert in a vision, the moon was on fire, and the stars where falling...?"[/i] [b]She sounded confused, trying to make sense of the situation [/b]
[spoiler]Karnis is one of brim's evil characters. One of Libreous's arch enemies.[/spoiler] "Karnis is someone who I'm going to kill... Again.." Says Libreous as he turns towards you. "I think you need to see an apothecary..." He finishes.
[b]She seems ever more confused[/b] [i]"I just got out of the place two weeks ago, why do I need to again?"[/i]
[b][i]"You fainted, and it sounds like you're suffering from traumatic stress... I want to make sure you're ok." Says Libreous as he presses his armored fist against the door switch. The door opens, he steps into the torture chamber - mechanical tail extending from behind. At its tip is a long, wicked looking drill. The victim looks up, scorched skin stretching like cracked leather. "Do you know what a cerebral bore is?" Asks Libreous to the victim, simultaneously signaling you to enter. [/i][/b]