"This is kilo 2-1, we are taking small arms fire."
"Two on that roof top, smoke em!"
Gun fire filled the air as the VTOLs soared past the initial defenses. Two F-35 mark threes flew escort, engaging SAMs before the missile launchers got locks on the transports.
Staff sergeant McGregor maned one of the two remote turrets from a tacpad, the 20mm auto cannon with HE shells tearing through the relatively light armor of the infantry below. He quickly engaged the two on the roof and moved to other targets, it was like some one stepped on an anthill and now the ants were pissed, but this time yet had rockets and assault rifles. A rocket slammed into kilo 3-1 and caused the aircraft to lose thrust and plumes to the ground trailed by a plume of smoke.
"Ghost eye, this is Kilo 2-1, kilo 3-1 is down I say again, Kilo 3-1 is down."
Ahead a Sam launcher got a positive lock on kilo 2-1 and launched, the VTOL's countermeasures fired and lead the rocket away but in an attempt to evade it, the pilot stayed into the path of another VTOL, the two collided and Kilo 2-1 lost engine thrust. It spun uncontrollably as the marines inside it activated the mag-grip on their exosuits, and gripped to the aircraft to keep from flying around inside and hitting anyone.
"Brace for impact!"
The altitude warnings chimed in the interior and the pilots struggled to regain control. The twelve men inside the aircraft were suddenly blinded by a flash of light.
On the Bloodwrath, inside a large cargo compartment kilo 2-1's vtol struck the deck and slide, causing sparks and a loud crash. It came to rest against an interior wall, causing a large dent and damaging the VTOL further.
The marines inside deactivated their mag-grip, some falling down as the craft was on its side. They took accountability, Perez, Miller, Gideon, Briggs, Thomas, Douglas, Sanderson, McGregor, Ramirez, Tanaka, were all good to go. The two pilots, major Smith, and captain Simmons, were both KIA.
The soldiers set up a perimeter while McGregor took both's holotags, which displayed name, serial number, blood type, religious preference, as well as face, and Thomas tried to contact Ghost eye for further instructions.
"Ghost eye this is Kilo 2-6, our bird is down and our pilots are KIA, request new orders or exfil."
After listening to static he shook his head, not good McGregor thought.
"No good cap, nothing on comms."
"Damn, alright kilo 2, rally on me."
Captain Briggs called his men together, while Miller and tanaka faced out, everyone else huddled up.
"Cap, what the hell happened, where the hell are we?"
"I don't know Perez, I don't know anymore than you do. First thing we gotta do is try and reach ghost eye for instructions. Douglas you got point, were in some sort of ship, so there's a bridge somewhere, let's see if we can find it."
"Yes sir."
Douglas racked his shotgun and moved to a door leading out, the rest of kilo 2 stacked up, when everyone was ready they moved into the hallway, Douglas, then Perez, followed by Tanaka, Miller, Sanderson, captain Briggs, McGregor, Gideon, Thomas, and Ramirez on rearguard.
Edited by BrandRobKus: 5/23/2016 3:35:38 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*guns can be heard* *The temperature seems to rise slightly, seemingly calming your nerves a little. You don't know why, until you look behind you, and see a figure, clearly the source of the heat, run towards the gunfire* *The figure turns around, staring at you with blazing red eyes, then turns back and charges again* -
"Contact front, possible hostiles, don't not engage unless fired upon, back up the hall move!" Captain Briggs ordered his men to move, not wanting to engage in any fighting before they knew what was going on.
Bramd - old
*the figure heard you, so he runs back up to you, his red eyes looking you and your team up and down* We can have all the help we can get. Name's Mortar. -
[i][b]The hallway was strangely quiet for a massive ship such as the Bloodwrath. No creaks from cargo, no chatter from Imperium nor Chaos entities for a time, just the breaths and footsteps of Kilo 2. That was, until a heavy clanging of metal slamming into more metal came from around a corner, just ahead of the team. It came it a pattern that sounded almost like footsteps, but whether it was an Imperium or Chaos... Thing, would have to be determined by witnessing it. [/b][/i]
Douglas held up his fist and kilo 2 stopped, he indicated that there was noise ahead, captain Briggs nodded and motioned for he and McGregor to check it out. McGregor activated his Exosuit's shield and Douglas followed behind him as the rest of kilo 2 held tight. McGregor and Douglas moved cautiously and McGregor held his pistol in one hand while keeping the shield up with the other.
[b][i]Upon rounding the corner, a hulking metal figure could be spotted. This figure was not of the Chaos, however. Instead, the figure was that of an Adeptus Astares, decked out if full Power Armour gear. In his left hand was his Bolter Pistol, with the same white and red pattern as the Chainsword in his right hand. His armour colour indicated he was of the White Scars, based primarily on the white colour with red that clung to his armour, and the thunderbolt symbol that designated his allegiance. He looked down at the members of Kilo-2, his Bolter raised for but a single moment, until he lowered the firearm. [/i][/b]
Douglas kept his weapon trained. And McGregor covered him with his shield. "Who, or what the hell are you?"
"I am Bracheous Beranteus of the White Scars, sole survivor of a fallen successor chapter, with the Imperium of Mankind. Who are you?"
"Sgt Douglas, this is Sgt McGregor. We're with the UN sanctioned mission, valiant blade."
"What is your missions objective?"
"Retake New Delhi from the Chinese forces occupying it."
"Seems that went well, considering we're on a ship full of -blam!-ing Chaos entities and few Imperium forces."
"Honestly don't know what the hell youre talking about. But I'll assume it's not good."
"It's me, a White Scar, with the Ultramarines and a Void Wolves Ascended Battle-Sister, and a group of Scions, against some Chaos. Following up well?"
"Yeah. Kinda of." McGregor spoke. "So these chaos guys and your side are fighting over this ship. I'm assuming it's of the space variety. Just where the hell are we?"