"He belongs to Chaos, he's about as good as that Ork that looks like a walking armoury. Just hope he's smarter and is going to tell us why we're here."
[i]"Hopefully, but then again he is apart of Chaos God knows what he will do"[/i]
"God knows what I'LL do... Fūck that guy, he's a Chaotic ass."
[i]"Anything Chaos is a Chaotic ass Anyways, anyone else join our merry crew?"[/i]
"The Ork Godkillah and some Noiratrom -blam!-er."
[i]"What is it worth people and the weird names..."[/i] [b]She laughs, shaking her head[/b]
"I don't know, but that's the worst I've heard in a long damned time." [i][b]Bracheous Beranteus said, shaking his head. [/b][/i]
[i]"Anyways, need to calibrate some of the systems in the suit, it's not fully adjusted to what my mutations have changed"[/i]
"Alright, I had best return to patrols. Catch you later." [i][b]The White Scar simply responded, before he fled the scene, off to do what he said. [/b][/i]