I believe the elemental primaries should return for several reasons. The video explains why I think their removal was unjustified and how they could be implemented into the current game. Let me know what you think, if they should return or not, and why?
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Add a consumable that xur will bring solar core arc core etc. And when consumed will grant the element said to the primary equipped if a primary already has an elemental burn you can't change etc. You understand where I'm coming from if everyone has access to elemental primaries than they're not op -
Yes. Just yes
Elemental primaries should be Exotic, and elemental cores should be hard to earn. But no, elemental primaries should not return as legendaries. No one used y1 vendor rolls except pvp players because raid weapons melted shields, and had god-rolls. I'm glad Y2 has validated vendor rolls, introduced armsday, strike-specific and crucible-specific firearms, and eliminated legendary elemental primaries. Will of LIght coming for free on King's Fall guns was a great compromise. Embrace it, learn how to do well in PvE, and move on. What I don't get is why they added a light level to class items and didn't bring back Shadow of Veils and Scarf-Cloaks. Cloak of the Sojourn and AoS #Cryptid haven't come back as an archetype.
its nice without them...its nice to have variety with primaries rather than only using fatebringer or VoC
I've seen many posts like this in the past, elements make no difference in PVP, the perks that came with some of them however did. I like the idea of being able to get a elemental core or something to add a specific burn to a weapon. That way there would still be the variety of weapons we are seeing at the moment.
They said it was to promote variability. I disagree. Now I find a good "kinetic damage" weapon and stick to it. In year one, I had two or three primaries, each with a different burn, so I switched from one to another quite frequently. Bungo is retarded. P.s: by the way: why even bother with Zhalo, anyway?
I've been peddling this idea since they ditched them. Their reason for leaving them behind was because they wanted more weapon choice rather than relying on a select few. The easy solution is to make all legendary weapons changeable when it comes to element. How? Etheric Light. Make it a consumable that when applied to a weapon gives it a random element. This way you may have to use a few to get the element you want on the gun you want. It'll have no effect in PVP and it will allow more customization in PVE plus it encourages PoE play. Simple.
i hope so , right now my primary loadout is limited to zhalo supercell, i refuse to use non-elemetal crap
Final bump
The best way to solve this is have a burn drop and be used as a consumable. Use the burn of your choice and have it last for an hour.
Elemental primaries was the best thing this game had. They ruined that, along with a ton of other shit when they dropped TTK. Ruined the NF experience. Ruined the weekly Heroic experience. Ruined all handcannons. Totally shit on reputation gains (just recently fixed) Etc.. this list goes on for dayz.. I don't see their justification in all these terrible changes.. (they wanted to add variety) I've never met another gaming company so damn keen on trying to control the way we play.. who's ever calling the shots over there at bungie needs to be canned.
Back when elemental primaries were a thing I would use any of 3 different weapons of each of the weapon types depending on the burn or just what I was fightingat the time, now I have one of each with a splash of exotics thrown in every now and then (the same splash was also around with the elementals). The removal had nothing to do with variety, it was because they made burns way easy. Fatebringer and Vision of Confluence were left behind in year one and the loss of elements is a post Taken King change so that alone renders it invalid.
It should be no secret to bungie that everything should come back! Make this game more diverse and great again! :)
I guess a better example of weapon perks determining the strength of a weapon over elements would be the year 1 adept weapons. Jewel of osiris and the messenger specifically, had ideal PvP perks, such as Icarus on Jewel. But in regards to the element, it definitely did not turn these guns into PvE monsters.
Yes because when you go flawless you get adept weapons and they are not elemental like the year 1 adept weapons
Yes feel the burn again
Edited by CptRJ: 5/23/2016 2:01:44 AMI'm all for Elemental primary's but it makes sense to remove them. Their claim makes sense, they said it makes the other weapons obsolete, which is honestly true (pve) so I hope they keep it the way it is.
Does Luke Smith still work for Bungie? If yes then, you won't see the return of burn.
I had no problem with it being gone but then they put modifiers like match game. Dick move bungie
Removing elemental primary = dumb Returning elemental primary = smart Think about this one Bungie. Think long and hard.
They should it to exotic Primaries and treat it like Chroma :D. Any other gun should drop with a random element.
Bump again