[spoiler]Alright, I got bored.
Gonna have to fix that.[/spoiler]
[i][b]Arrival, Again.[/b][/i]
[b]Today was gonna be on the list of, 'Not Quite So Good Days'. First, her favorite pet had died. Of course, she had killed it, but that didn't change the fact that it was dead. Second, she was somewhere familiar, and not in a good way.[/b]
"If this is a joke, this isn't a funny one."
[b]Shadow stood in the middle of a clump of Necrons, their eyes glinting in the darkness as they leap upon her.[/b]
"Alright, now who's the prankster?"
[b]She stands firm, looking about before she stiffens in shock, her shields flaring briefly.[/b]
"Ah..... Of course."
[b]The dark corridor is illuminated briefly, showing a scene of parts and organics covering the walls. Shadow cackles and leaps into the depths of the ship, her eyes pitch-black.[/b]
[spoiler]If you are a-hunt'n, Open.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks up* I've seen you before -
*A hand shoots out of the darkness, pinning you against the wall* "What's this? Another... Toy? No.... You.... Feel different."
Bramd - old
*Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms behind you* Classic Shadow. -
"Classic? Hardly." *She grins as she turns, motioning about* "Welcome to the depths. Enjoy yourself." *She fades away, cheshire cat way*
Bramd - old
Welp, that's weird. *Looks around to see what's around him* -
Edited by TwiggierTiger22: 5/25/2016 6:57:16 PM*A long corridor, spaced with doors the entire way. It seems to go on forever, the ends lost in the distance*
Bramd - old
Oh, one of these places. *Mortar walks down the corridor, occasionally looking at some doors occasionally* -
[spoiler]Make a post to the OP. I'm not narrating this. XD.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[b][i]You feel the familiar evil all around you... You feel at home with it.[/i][/b]
*Shadow cackles, extending her senses around her* "There's no place like home!"