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Ive been a huge jerkie in my latest posts. Gonna try not to sound so whiny this time.
There's a lot of perks that aren't up to par. For instance, 'feeding frenzy' compared to 'who's next'. Feeding Frenzy increases reload speed after a kill. Whos Next increases reload speed, after a kill with the very last bullet. Why would I use Whos Next, over frenzy, or even outlaw? Here's a small list:
Who's Next: Kills with the final round of the magazine instantly reloads the gun from reserve.
Shoot to Loot: Shooting any type of ammo on the ground picks it up, returns the used round, and reloads the gun that got ammo from the reserves.
Surrounded: For each enemy within 8m, gain 4% damage. Stacks up to 5 times.
Danger Close: For each enemy within 12m, gain 10 reload speed and stability, plus slightly increasing handling speed. Stacks infinitely.
Eye of the Storm: Gain increased accuracy and fire rate the lower your health (up to 100% for accuracy, and 15% for fire rate.)
Exhumed: Range, stability, reload, and handling are maxed for 12.5 seconds after revive. Damage is also increased by 10% while active.
Last Resort: Massively increased range, stability, reload, and handling, along with 10% more damage, while the last teammate alive.
Glass Half Full: The second half of the magazine does 10% more damage.
Hip Fire: Hip fire accuracy is greatly increased. Range penalty for hip firing is greatly decreased.
Ideas, too:
Refill (Sidearm Only. Kills instantly reload your primary for free.)
At the Ready (Sidearm Only. When your primary is emptied, instantly reload this gun for free.)
Conversation Starter (Deal 20% more damage to enemies that havent hurt you yet, if and only if you havent damaged them either.)
This list is subject to change
A lot of these would become very OP
[quote]Have you never used surrounded before? its a 33% bonus. My Last extremity's damage increases from 49 to the body to 66 in crucible. Test it. [b][u]I have tested it, it's 10%.[/u][/b] That damage buff is minuscule to useless. Plus, the advantages of Counterbalance overweight a tiny damage buff. [b][u]It does IMO. Being able to kill in one less shot is more useful when many autos already have little to no recoil already.[/u][/b] They would only do that if that started the engagement first, without being shot at. And, again, I said already it would be too good on snipers. [b][u]This isn't cod, we don't need to turn this into a "who sees who first, wins" type of game.[/u][/b][/quote]
Two of those were opinions. Not based off of stats.