*Mortar walks up to you, seemingly unarmed and unphased*
New face?
[b]The Hunter looks surprised to see someone.[/b] [i]Sort of. What year is it?[/i]
Bramd - old
I'd like to tell you, but frankly I'm too confused myself. -
[i]Hrmm... okay. This might just possibly blow your mind,just maybe,so hold on to something. [/i][b]The Hunter hesitates for a moment.[/b] [i]I'm an extra dimensional half-god.[/i]
Bramd - old
Cool. I'm an underworldly apocalyptic Ex God. Your mind should be blown -
[i]Nah,I've seen it all. Dragons,space,super death weapons,the future,I became a cowboy one time.[/i] [i]Oh,yeah,and I served under Armageddon. Where is he,by the way? I've been,umm,doing things. Yeah doing things.[/i]
Bramd - old
You sound like the doctor -
[i]Oh,yes. I've met him. Cool dude. I went on some adventures with him one time.[/i]
Bramd - old
Lucky... -
[i]So,what's been happening recently? Any wars? End of the universe?[/i]
Bramd - old
Nothing that I know of... Then again, I've spent more time at the Digital Dojo... -
[i]Oh,yeah. My clones from alternate dimensions go there sometimes.[/i] [spoiler]I guess the RP multiverse is a thing.[/spoiler]