[b]The Hunter sits in front of a screen,watching all of this happen.[/b]
[b]He gets up and goes to his armory. Inside the room is two weapon racks,completely filled with weapons. He picks out a blood-red scythe. On another wall is a scarlet cloak,stained with blood. He puts it on.[/b]
[i]Let's go cause some mayhem.[/i]
[b]He teleports to the nearby ship.[/b]
[b]The Hunter appears in a cargo area..[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks up to you, seemingly unarmed and unphased* New face? -
[b]The Hunter looks surprised to see someone.[/b] [i]Sort of. What year is it?[/i]
Bramd - old
I'd like to tell you, but frankly I'm too confused myself. -
[i]Hrmm... okay. This might just possibly blow your mind,just maybe,so hold on to something. [/i][b]The Hunter hesitates for a moment.[/b] [i]I'm an extra dimensional half-god.[/i]
Bramd - old
Cool. I'm an underworldly apocalyptic Ex God. Your mind should be blown -
[i]Nah,I've seen it all. Dragons,space,super death weapons,the future,I became a cowboy one time.[/i] [i]Oh,yeah,and I served under Armageddon. Where is he,by the way? I've been,umm,doing things. Yeah doing things.[/i]
Bramd - old
You sound like the doctor -
[i]Oh,yes. I've met him. Cool dude. I went on some adventures with him one time.[/i]
Bramd - old
Lucky... -
[i]So,what's been happening recently? Any wars? End of the universe?[/i]
Bramd - old
Nothing that I know of... Then again, I've spent more time at the Digital Dojo... -
[i]Oh,yeah. My clones from alternate dimensions go there sometimes.[/i] [spoiler]I guess the RP multiverse is a thing.[/spoiler]
[b][i]Silence filled the air around The Hunter. That is, until the heavy sounds of metal slamming against the floor echoed throughout the ship, bouncing off the walls all around him. The noise was slow at first, like a crawl, but gradually built up in speed until it became a walking speed, from just behind the man. [/i][/b]
[b]The Hunter turns around.[/b] [i]Oh boy! Someone to talk to! Hopefully they won't try to slaughter me! That wouldn't end well for them![/i]
[i][b]Upon turning, the Hunter had seen something menacing, something that could tear him apart if he so wished, but the markings of the Imperium of Man had shown that he had no intention of ripping a human being apart: He was an Astares, a Space Marine of the White Scars. The white and red pattern of his armour collided, like bloodstains on the grass of a battlefield, but the colour made it known that it was just paint. The tall figure was in full armour, and held a Chainsword in his right hand, with a Bolter Pistol in his left. [/b][/i]"Hello civilian." [i][b]The man said to him, through his helmet. The helm made his voice seem metallic and distorted, but there was a tone that displayed his humanity, lacing his voice seamlessly as he spoke. [/b][/i]
[i]Civillian? Hahahahaha! Civillian! You,sir,are talking to an interdimensional half-god. I can do anything,in any universe. I can go back in time and make it so you had a twin brother. Did you have a twin brother? Name anything. I can make it happen instantly.[/i]
"Give your parents a condom and make it so you were not here, only then will I believe you." [i][b]The Space Marine responded. And with that, he walked past The Hunter, having just insulted the psyker. [/b][/i]
[b]A chair appears out of thin air.[/b] [i]That good enough? I never knew my parents.[/i] [b]The Hunter sits on the floating chair and eats a taco.[/b]
[i][b]The Space Marine grew quickly tiresome of the strange man and his antics. If he didn't have a moral code against harming civilians, he would have shot him with the Bolter. But alas he didn't, and so he simply kept on walking. [/b][/i]
[b]The Hunter shrugs. So much for talking to someone.[/b]