Not going to say nerf because dear lord we need buffs on other weapons (Specifically primaries, THEY ARE CALLED PRIMARIES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!) but can anyone honestly go and say, "Yeah this is how snipers are intended to be used."
Shrug, maybe in Destiny 2 they will make Snipers a Heavy Weapon type.
Yes to buff, we need them.
This is due to shade step glitch which is long over due for a nerf Also you got rekt
Edited by Kami_MS: 5/22/2016 7:13:51 PMThat's really the only time I rage. When I get killed like that. I'm just glad that not everyone can do that. Props to those who can
Damn I watched that video and feel ur pain. I feel like snipers should take longer to draw considering they're heavy. Also they should switch guns slower considering its a big sniper. Or maybe run slower like they did with shotgun.
That was actually really funny
Nah man, graywolf is just a savage
Snipers are balanced. Any nerfs just make the game slower paced and more campy, that's what nerfing does and makes games last until the time limit rather than officially winning. Just buff primaries like their ammo capacity for hand cannons and range stats across the board. They should draw faster, aim faster with enhanced hip-fire capability.
You must be skilled to us snipers cry baby's complain about snipers and shot guns
Edited by Sarcasm, Kell of Salt: 5/16/2016 11:17:03 PMSnipers aren't balanced at the moment because they are the only thing that is balanced.... If that sounds like it doesn't make sense... It does. Snipers are the new meta since fusion rifles and sidearms are near useless. And shotguns are abysmal. Go into trials. About 80% of people you face will use snipers. Why isn't it spread out equally. Why aren't more people using fusion rifles or side arms or shotguns. Snipers do NOT need a nerf but every other sidearm does.
So are you saying there should be a primary only playlist? (with no exotics to avoid everyone running round with Mida and last word)
I don't think he intended to do that lol He got caught with his pants down, took a shot and got lucky. I wouldn't say its OP. Not that you did tho. Ya gotta laugh a little at this vid lol