[b]Feryun walked the halls of the Bloodwrath,eventually reaching the hull,staring at the endless Void of space.[/b]
Yet he felt rather worried,there have been reports of a peculiar Red man.
[i]Was this the being The Summoner warned me about? I do not know but I should keep an eye out,He can attack at any moment...I can probably fend him off,But I can't escape the ship....No one can...Has my Lord Tzneetch punished me to an inevitable death? Maybe this would be the end,my soul would be Tzneetchs. This is probably the debt being repaid,My soul..[/i]
He was worried under the mask,His piercing white eyes looking around.
Bramd - old
*you see a man with blazing red eyes walking nearby* -
Rust began spreading through the room, at a slow, steady pace. A stench filled the room, but as a chaos sorcerer it was a stench he knew well. The stench of Nurgle.
[i]Interesting,The Great Unclean one sends me a visitor...This I did not expect...[/i] Feryun sent the message telepathically. While he was intrigued he was also rather cautious.
[i][u]"Not just any visitor..."[/u][/i] The raspy voice that came from behind him send shivers down his entire body. He knew that voice. He had heard it before, in his nightmares. It was the voice of Lord Noiratrom, primarch of the Death Guard, lord of sickness.
[i]Aah..Now I know who you are...[/i] Said Feryun once more. He turned around [i]What brings you to visit me..? Does Nurgle request my soul?[/i] He scoffed at the idea,as he was already damned to serve The Lord of Change. [i]But I must say,you are the last person I expected to visit me...I just recently spoke with The Summoner...He tempted me with the request of joining that deviant Slaneesh. But I denied.[/i]
[i][u]"I have no intention of converting. It is not in my interest. I have come here to settle bickery between lords. In our current situation, there is no time to clash in the name of our lords. We should cooperate, making us stronger against this current foe. Chaos undivided."[/u][/i]
[i]Ah yes...[b]Him.[/b].[/i] He slightly shuddered at the thought. [i]Fine,As it would be the better interest for everyone but I believe getting Khorne will not be easy. Though he does respect the lord of change he despises Slaneesh. He is not one to turn quite easily..[/i] [i]It is a convoluted on its own indeed.[/i]
[i][u]"Then again, getting everyone in the deal isn't necessary. We will do as much as we can."[/u][/i]
Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 5/14/2016 2:32:23 AM[i]That is fine,Separately I'm sure the best we can do is just fend him off,but if we were to work together,we could surely defeat him..but still,I recommend keeping low,he could be anywhere.[/i] He turned back around,looking at the deep Void of space. [i]Recently there have been sightings of him,but I'm sure you already know that..the problem remains,if he requires unity of Chaos to even stand a chance I shudder at the thought of how powerful he truly is.[/i]
[spoiler]who is dat mang? Just so I know how to interact[/spoiler]
[spoiler]It's A Chaos Sorcerer, You can use anyone,but you will get mixed reactions.[/spoiler]