Vlad wakes from what feels like a long sleep in the corner of a corridor. He looks around and suddenly feels a deep buzz of energy. He runs his hand over the rune on the back and finds that it has become more intricate. He stands and sees a door not too far away from him. He opens it, and the room is dark. He hears footsteps approaching him and he enters the room quickly yet quietly.
Bramd - old
*Mortar forms from the ground, ready to attack, then notices that you're just as curious and confused as he is, so he eases* Hello there? -
"Hi. Um. Who are you?" [b]Vlad asks. He seems cautious. [/b]
Bramd - old
I'm Mortar. Who are you? -
Bramd - old
Hi. I assume you AREN'T trying to kill me? -
"No I'm not."
Bramd - old
Good. *Mortar sighs in relief* And you assumed that I wanted to kill you? -
"A bit. Well. Team up?" Vlad asks.
Bramd - old