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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 5/9/2016 11:12:02 PM
[b][i]Chapter 1.6 - Killzone[/i][/b] [b][i][u]Part 1: Necron Capitol Starship - The Bridge[/u][/i][/b] [i] The monster appeared out of thin air with a crackling slap of displaced air and warp energy, it had been teleported from the depths of the Bloodwrath's quarantine zone. It was 17ft in height, with a mountain range of thick, jagged spikes on its back. It's claws were each over a foot long and connected to humanoid hands the size of a mans's entire chest. Two blazing red orbs made up its eyes while its entire body was made of pitch black, solidified shadows - this beast's is known by many names... The shape shifter, the flesh tearer, the soul eater... Most just call it Armageddon. Moments later, everything in the bridge was brutally torn to scraps of smoldering fleshmetal. [b]Armageddon shifts his form to match that of the Necron War Lord, entering it's sequence to shut down the Capital Ship's interior defenses, and disengaging the ship's engines. The ship is no longer capable of fleeing the Bloodwrath's monstrous assault.[/b][/i] [spoiler]Armageddon:[/spoiler] [b][i][u]Part 2: Necron Capital Starship - Pylon Chamber[/u][/i][/b] [i] Two figures materialize out of thin air, one gigantic, 21ft tall Draconic warrior called Ømen, the other 13ft tall Stealth Commando known as Libreous-Tibrarium. Ømen's massive shield materializes on his left arm as he stands watch over the empty pylon chamber while Libreous sets charges on the Pylon. Moments later he finishes. Destroying the pylon reduces the Necron's ability to teleport and regenerate their fearsome, metal bodies. "Ømen, make us an exit route." Says Libreous as he prepares for intense combat happening elsewhere on the ship. [b]Without preamble, Ømen bulldozes through the wall with his tremendous strength, heading for battle. Libreous falls in step behind him. [/b][/i] [spoiler]Libreous: Ømen: [/spoiler] [b][i][u]Part 3: Necron Capitol Starship - Embarkment Chamber[/u][/i][/b] [i] Thousands of Necrons slumber in this massive, 10 kilometer wide, 10 kilometer long chamber. The chamber is a giant dome at the top of the ship used as a staging area due to its size. Dozens of great shafts connect to the top of the dome for airborne vehicles to come and go carrying warriors and freight. [b]The Necron's slumber is disturbed by a powerful explosion deep in the ship, and a massive force of the most elite warriors known to the Imperium and the forces of Chaos - they teleport in all at once and begin the slaughter. Tens of thousands of corkscrewing missiles fly over head as a wall of Chaos Legionnaires, brandishing roaring chainswords, slam into the unprepared Necrons. Lumbering, 2 story tall, dreadnoughts bring up the rear, firing missiles and unleashing solid streams of mass reactive, turbo-cannon fire - spent shell casings spew from the smoking weapons as strobing flames banish the darkness in front of the dreadnoughts.[/b] The Necron's return fire would be catastrophic had they anticipated a boarding force, but this unfortunate turn of events leaves them scrambling to respond. The lack of the pylon means they are semi-mortal, and unable to use teleporting tactics - a deadly trick they're famous for. <[u]Enter Character[/u]> Armageddon leaps from the ceiling, landing among the roar of battle, tearing into the Necron forces like a terrifying bloodfeind. His claws bisect them two at a time and launch body parts skyward for several meters at every swipe. <[u]Enter Character[/u]> A forceful explosion rocks the side of the dome as Ømen smashes through with his shield, sending massive chunks of exotic metal sailing through the air and landing amongst the Necron hosts, crushing several and pelting them with smaller debris that tinks off their metal alloyed skin. [b]Ømen stands up to his full height, flexing his enormous bulk, and roars deafeningly loud as his 10ft, 2 handed shockmaul materializes into his right hand - which he easily handles with one hand. Ømen charges into the Necron's, flattening anything standing in his path, swinging his energized shockmaul like a wrecking ball - slaying dozens of Necron's at each swipe and sending entire groups of them tumbling through the air like bowling pins hit by a dump truck.[/b] <[u]Enter Character[/u]> Libreous-Tibrarium's armor floods his system with potent combat stimulants as the armor itself shifts from it's economic stealth form, into it's fearsome berserker form - the plates shift and reform into angular looking segments as his gauss capacitor reaches full charge. A deep hum resonates from his armor a split second before it bursts into a thunderstorm of crackling, emerald green lightning that arcs and buzzes across every surface of its obsidian colored plates. His gauntlets crackle with so much distorted lightning that it appears to be covered in green flames. [b]Libreous's thrusters fire in rapid succession, launching his entire, hulking body forward in a green blur. He zips across the chamber and throws a heavy right hand punch at the nearest Necron - elbow thrusters overloading with tremendous power, amplifying the punch to beyond overkill. His fist connects with enough force to flatten a dreadnought, atomizing the front of the Necron's metal body and blowing it apart into chunks no larger that a fist. Flaming debris from it's body rains down on it's brethren as the energy from Libreous's armor zaps everything within a 5 meter radius with emerald lightning.[/b] Clawed grappling chains extend from each fist, chittering like Cobras as they raise up over his head, seeking targets. The Necron's are backing away from him at this point as the long chains come alive with crackling, emerald energy. Libreous's perception slows as the combat drugs in his system reach maximum effectiveness. [b]"FUÇK EM' ALL!!!" Roars Libreous as his thrusters explode into life, sending him into a tornado of crackling, emerald fury - launching destroyed bodies and torn limbs meters into the air, and pinballing between the Necrons like an out of control, ricocheting bullet. [/b] He leaves a path flaming metal slag in his path, the Necron's are pummeled to death by his fearsome, energized fists. <[u]Enter You[/u]>[/i] [spoiler]describe your character's entrance to the battle and destroy the Necrons. Be as OP as possible and write as much detail as you can. We will vote on who has: 1. The best entrance 2. The most OP presence 3. The goriest kill 4. The best overall. Remember, you control both sides of combat - I'll not be interfering at all so make it good. We will vote in a few days and paste our posts in the RoB greatest hits - a place where hundreds of the best posts on are saved. The RoB greatest hits will be the hall of fame for this thread, take pride in your posts.... And show me what you motherfuçkers are capable of![/spoiler]

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  • Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 5/14/2016 9:04:48 PM
    [spoiler]I'm pretty sure that this competition is already over (thanks Shad), and I know that this makes no sense canonically, but I merely wish to test out my own narrative skills. Let's see how I fare, shall we?[/spoiler] Matthew Hallwinter had long bore the burden of his own impossibility, the utter defiance of law, and the sheer butchery of reality that he worked. He was no god, no immaterial being, no fallen angel or bloodthirsty demon. He was a soulless copy of another failed copy, spanning a hundred thousand generations back, yet he had been elevated by the sheer force of his own will to this echelon of existence. What he was, when he was, where he was--it didn't matter anymore; it was rendered as null and irrelevant as he himself. Did it matter? Particulate dust orbited around him as he strolled into the room, his metal greaves banging against the floor, as tidings of death. The strange armor he wore neither reflected light nor absorbed it, but shimmered with its own power nonetheless. His presence surely got the attention of the Necrons, who suddenly turned their collective gaze to this anomalous figure, this inexplicable being, and found that they hated it. The clamor of screeching and scratching soon filled the room as the horde rushed him, clambering over each other to fight this intruder, who began to calmly stride forward into this tide of metal and hate unfazed. A careful watcher would have noticed the balling of his fists, the slight dilation of his purple irises, and the imperious snarl that crept across his face, but a trained watcher would have recognized the gears turning behind his face. He didn't want to beat the Necrons: he wanted them to be rendered null, as he himself had been. The first Necron leapt at him, clawing and scratching in midair as it prepared to pounce on its prey, and was met with an armored gauntlet to the base of its neck, pulverizing its spine and decapitating it in a single blow. Telekinetic barriers vibrated rapidly across the surface of those knuckles, and the force behind the fists was so powerful that any scrap of metal would be atomized upon connecting. Hallwinter twirled, backlashing with his arm, the force tearing a wave of incoming Necrons to smithereens, and then he bent down to crush the head of one of the unlucky survivors. He did not let himself take blows from the uncountable horde, and their claws never so much as scratched his armor, less they were dead on the floor. They came at him in crowds, then reeled away as his lashing fists connected. One managed to flank him, but he ducked under the blow, grabbed the arm above him, and tore it off from the shoulder. His punches and kicks, every movement of his body was an impeccable economy of muscle and bone, augmented so many times beyond what any human could dream of. Never once did he draw a weapon, nor did he boast or taunt or laugh: he killed mechanically, without emotion or feeling, until the unrelenting crowd suddenly faltered. Hallwinter stood but feet apart from the broken horde, which stood cautiously away from him, as if a physical barrier stood between them. His eyes gazed the crowd, and saw that even these cruel machines had tasted fear and defeat, but they had not yet been broken. A challenger yet stood amongst them. He felt it in the vibrations in the cold metal floor, in the eyes of the defeated, in his very being. With a surge, an entire line of Necrons were knocked aside, like a ripple moving through a pool, until a Necron Destroyer stood in front of him, looking down upon him like an ant who bitten him. Hallwinter looked up with the same expression. These Destroyers had been augmented with anti-gravity flyers that allowed them to levitate, and unlike his predecessors, he lacked the anti-gravity boots that could protect him from any gravitational field. Now, he would test them, and himself equally. He raised his hand, with the palm facing the floor, and suddenly all of the dust swirling around him fell to the floor. The Necrons felt it first, and the injured ones fell to the floor as the gravity in the room increased, slowly but surely. At ten times the standard gravity, no Necrons were left standing. At twenty times amplified, Hallwinter began to feel strain, and the Destroyer found itself immobilized as well. At fifty times amplified, Hallwinter stood unbent, with his teeth gritted, as he saw the Destroyer's flyer falter for a second. He balled his fists in strain, raised them above his head, and with a surprisingly human scream of rage, increased the gravity a hundredfold. The metal ceiling caved then, and shards of unknown metals fell from the ceiling like stalagmites. The gravity returned to normal then, and dust particles rose like a cloud from the floor, and obscured the battlefield for several seconds. When it cleared, all of the Necrons had been flattened like steel disks to the floor, and the Destroyer found itself on the floor, it's anti-gravity overcome by the sheer force exerted on it. Across from it stood Hallwinter, bent but unbroken, somehow saved from the Necron's fate by an impossible reserve of strength. He was caked in white dust, and appeared more wraith than man, of which he was neither. Now, the Destroyer realized what it faced, and almost felt a grudging respect at this mortal that overcame what he could not. Hallwinter walked then, taking massive strides until he looked the landlocked Necron in the eyes, and it gazed upon the depth of his being, until he reached towards his head and tore it off entirely, tossing it aside until it hit the side of the wall, hundreds of meters away. He was the only being in the room now. The Chaos Marines has suffered a similar fate as the Necrons, and Liberious appeared to have left during the conflict. And deep inside, he felt a spark of pride, and with that, primordial rage. Rage, with no recipient. Rage, with no outlet. Rage, with no hope of comprehension. Years of entropy and hate had fashioned him into this: a polished pinnacle of selfless rage and anger, at the Universe which had spurned him, the one which had accidentally created him. Accident, he had been an accident, a work of chaos that despised chaos. Before he left the room, he spoke one, unerring sentence. "So may you all."

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  • [spoiler]that spoiler dayum.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Eh, I haven't read most of them. I just thought Shad's was particularly good. How'd you like mine?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]hue[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]It was great man,Better than mine. I went the cheap route and used a Chaos entity.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Aww, thanks man. I haven't read yours yet, so I'll get back to you with that, but I've seen you write before and I'm impressed. We're you in RoB? I used to RP there, which is why I kinda appeared here without explanation, lol. [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Yeah I was,At that time I was Senpai_Shulk. I've improved greatly.[/spoiler]

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  • Some men are born for greatness. Some are born to lead others into glory. And some are destined to die for a cause greater than themselves. But not today. Today, this man was born to cut birthrights short. Amidst the chaos and death, the champion of shadows stepped forward, the light itself bent away from him, and bowed its head, should it be snuffed out if he met its gaze. Akron Stormbringer approached the horde of enemies that stood before. He wanted this he was born to do this. He wanted death, but how much more did they want it? One rushed forward to the newcomer, it was rabid and feral from the bloodlust around it, simply put it was a creature. It deserved to be put down appropriately. Akron balled his hands into fists. Before the Necron could realize it was two late, it split into two. Two shadows that once formed one on the Necron's torso split as the champion willed the darkness to separate a curtain that allowed the Necron's soul to pass on, if they even had one. It fell to the ground lifeless and twitching from the sudden revelation that it was now dead. Meanwhile Akron turned to the horde. Minus one. "You. All of you. Are mine. I gave you mercy, I gave you life. And now I find you with the creature who took mine." He bent down and picked up a shard of the broken Necron. He thrust it into his chest but he showed no pain, he bled no blood. The Crimson liquid of life flowed from his chest, to his arm and outward, into a sword. He pointed at the Necron's before him. He couldn't help but feel distant memories, a legion of demons, another wave of dark wraiths. But different this time, this time he got to fight for himself. No Necron died in a similar fashion. Each twisted pile of metal bore different wounds, punctures, slashes, dents, death had no prejudice. It was a creative, it was opportunistic, it was a ravenous carnivore hungry to tear into the flesh of life and ravage it bare. He uttered no sound as his body transformed into a liquid of shadows, blood and metal. He attacked with grace that assured he was always on the offensive, and with sheer brutality that discouraged any counter attack. Indeed, you could say the Necrons allowed themselves to die, as if it was their duty to put on a show and die with some flair to lull the wrath of Akron to a dim hate. But amongst all conformity there will always be one who rises to defy. Behind the broken scraps of soulless metal a larger, bolder Necron stepped forward, axe in hand to challenge the champion. It flashed its axe in calling to its flesh covered opponent. Akron took two steps forward to accept, then waited. The Necron dashed forward axe raised over head to swing down, but it left its attack to choreographed. Akron merely sidestepped and looked down at the blade cockily. The Necron then swung the blade horizontally in an attempt to decapitate the man. Akron lowered his head and dashed forward while slashing leaving a gash in the Necron's side. Temporarily reeling from the attack, the Necron turned back to face Akron who was now behind him. Akron spun his sword once then in turn moved to the offensive. Akron swung his blade right to the machine, but it held its axe up vertically using the shaft to block the strike. Akron, anticipating the block then spun, bending his knees swooping his blade down to the Necron's feet. Surprisingly it was ready for this as well, it swung its axe in a downward arc which parried the blade and left Akron's guard open. It only had enough time to use the end of its weapon to bludgeon the side of Akron's helm however. With a growl Akron spun around thrice before stopping to look back at his foe. Something was off, they never put up this much struggle. No this Necron was different. It was filled with chaos, it had been given that boon perhaps in a last ditch attempt to avenge its fallen. But no matter, it would only die a warrior. Akron charged forward and jumped into the air while stabbing down at the Necron. The enhanced machine in turn ran forward and dodged to the side. Akron quickly rolled and turned around, while maintaining a low stance. Using his legs he propelled himself forward slashing. With a mechanical growl the Necron also charged and their weapons met. They quickly pulled apart then swung again at close range, but only yielded the same result. The Necron kicked Akron in the torso yielding both the benefit of winding him and knocking him over. The Necron, now with the advantage swung its axe down to Akron's right shoulder. He lifted his body and turned and the weapon embedded itself into the ground. Akron kicked the Necron in the knee but it only resulted in the machine bending it's leg slight. With an outcry of pain Akron grabbed his leg as it suffered a jolt from its impact. The Necron picked up Akron and threw him into a wall. Then threw its axe horizontally. Akron tried to block it through a frantic creation of a shadow wall, but the axe only passed through and sliced into his torso. Red, red blood. He was human, he bled like any other living creature, he could feel pain, he could fear death. But he had not feared death in a long time. Rather he feared he would die to someone who did not deserve the killing blow. He stood up, he let the red blood flow. He was going to show the Necron what it meant to bleed. Foolishly, now the Necron didn't have a weapon. And after all, death is creative. Sharp tendrils burst from the wound inflicted. Each end pulsed red to Akron's suddenly slow heartbeat. He used the tendrils as extra legs to leap high into the air, bring each end and his sword down with a roar. The Necron only had little time to react, it tried to dodge but only avoided the sword. The others cut into its mechanical frame, leaving deep gashes that still had drops of blood within them. It gripped its wounds and tried to back pedal to no avail. Akron leaped forward and the tendrils cut its legs clean off. Now crawling it scrambled back still, many things feared death, who was to say a Necron couldn't? Rather than hunt it down Akron ordered the traces of his blood that were now inside the Necron to freeze. To its surprise, it was now frozen, incapable of any movement. Akron realized it was over, he allowed his tendrils to enter his bloodstream again, and slowly walked forward to savor his final kill. But he paused, it could die with a more poetic fashion. It deserved the least. Akron opened his palm and his signature blade melted down into liquid and entered his rent armor. He pulled his hand behind him and the Necron's bloody axe flew into Akron's hands. With a small chuckle Akron brought the axe down lodging it into the machine's now lifeless skull. Akron stepped back to admire his work, then turned his back and left. Today, he claimed his title as champion of death.

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  • Edited by Tâxx, Herald of the IRS: 5/13/2016 4:05:52 PM
    [b]Kira dives downwards to the ground, going straight through a ship on the way down. She lands on top of one smashing him into the ground, making bits and pieces scatter everywhere, as well as causing a loud and powerful quake. She slowly stand up as lasers deflect off of her with out a scratch. She looks around as Necrons swarm around her, still firing beam after beam to no effect.[/b] Seriously? I get kidnapped and not even a good fight? Typical. [b]A sonic boom can be heard as she runs through the crowd at super sonic speed and begins to circle a large group of them. As she circles them she blows upon them with her icy breath, freezing them solid. She leaps up into the air as she charges blast of pure solar energy. She hovers I mid air and fires a beam of energy down at the frozen Necrons, disintegrating them completely. She channels more energy as a giant vortex appears in the sky, sucking the nearby ships into it self also disintegrating them. She dives towards the ground and lands with a loud boom and forces everyone around her on their backs. She stands up again and runs at a soldier at super speed and punches right through his face. She moves to another one and rips his head clean off and throws it at another soldier, going straight through him and anyone behind him. She upper cuts someone else and shatters their metal skull, making the bits and pieces fly everywhere. She leaps into the air and dives down towards the ground. Her fist punches the ground and creates an explosion of solar energy that spreads across the battle field destroying everything within a 5 kilometer radius. She slowly stands up and looks around at the barren field and exhales a long, deep breath [/b]

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  • The harsh whistle blew at the front of the corridor. It Pierced the sounds of battle and the dying screams. Dmitri exhaled slightly and gripped his rifle tighter. Everything was going in slow motion. He and his comrades stood and began the courageous charge into the lines of necrons. His right foot propelled him up and he joined in the great war cry of his countrymen. He gripped his lasgun near the barrel and on the stock, the bayonet at the muzzle of his lasgun was a triangular wedge of metal, and it gleamed in what light there was. By the emperor he was nervous, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to swallow to make it go away. Yet despite his fear he pressed forward as the men around him did. Their war cry reverberated through the air and shook loose or exposed metal. The necrons turned to face the coming threat, in their slow menacing way. The front ranks were hit with the green beams that the robotic death machines were know for. Soon however the tide of guardsmen crashed into their ranks firing lasguns and bolters, stabbing with bayonets and cutting with chainswords. Dmitri crashed full force into one of them, his bayonet either by pure luck or the emperor's will pierced the necron's body, but the thing was still alive and was now trying to kill him. He fired his lasgun into it six or seven times and pulled it free. The robot still did not seem to notice it fired its weapon and Dmitri had to dive out of the way to avoid his sure death. As he rolled to his feet he nearly tripped over a plasma gun. With our hesitation he picked the weapon up, knowing the risks and took aim. He fired three or four times, hitting areas he'd already weakened before. That pissed the thing off, he then took aim at the head and fired a few more times and the death robot fell to the ground. Dmitri was fueled by adrenaline now, with time speeding up and slowing down for him in certain spots. The battle around him raged and he looked to join it, plasma gun in hand he fought on.

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  • Edited by TwiggierTiger22: 5/13/2016 2:33:28 PM

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  • Edited by DGC LemanRuss: 5/15/2016 3:04:26 AM
    [spoiler] Warning: the following may not be as lore friendly as I like but it is as how I would interpret. [/spoiler] [u]Necron Stasis Chambers [/u] The stasis chambers hummed to life as Necrons teleported in the chamber's walls. The chambers custodians going from pod to pod checking on each recovery process and fixing the minor damage of time of unuse. (Transports?) loaded up the freshly recovered to be shipped out to the invaders of their home. All that changed in a series of brilliant flashes of light. Lacking the uniform or conventional weapons of the Gaurd, the Redemption Corps. came into to the stasis chamber guns blazing. Auto rifles and slug guns punctuating the ocassional flash of a Las rifle and filing the complex in a cacophony of noise and barrelflash. A lone Krak missile streaked up and into the Necron transport, reducing the center into a mass of slag and shrapnel as the vessel listed into the stasis pods. Even after the shock of the initial drop the redemption corps held their position, content to let the Necrons come to them. In their command stood Leo his power armor shining in the dull green light of the Necron ship and his weapon covered in the twisted metal flesh and dripping promethium. But their were others, 20 men and women bearing the tattoos of the Death March Redemption Corps. "Hold the fragging line!" He shouted as another one of the Death March disintegrated in the blast of a Necron rifle. "We need to buy him some damn time. We hold this." [b]Stasis Core room[/b] Brimstone spat blood as cursed any higher being that may exist. His armor was gouged and smoldering from the assault of the tomb gaurds. At the far end of the chamber was his adversary, a Necron warlord, silent and judging as he sent forth his gaurd in waves. A small amulet was hung around his neck, a null generator of ancient Necron origin, that all but eliminated any advantage Brimstone had. With a wave of his Warscythe another line of Necron immortals advanced. Armed with sheilds and voidswords they appeared to be of little opposition to a primarch but the reality was much worse. Necron blades phased in and out of space and time, meaning they could rearrange themselves on a sumatomic level to cut through anything they desired like a hot knife through butter by completely seperating it's molecular bonds. Brimstone twisted his chainaxe in a brutal ark as he paired a necrons slice and brought it into the sheild of another. The teeth of the ax knawing a nasty rent in the metal and showering the duelists in sparks. He rolled right as another attackers blade filled the spot his head was just occupying. He answered the sneak attack with a Salvo of his storm bolter the special rounds splintering into a wall of explosive slugs before detonating on impact with a hard surface. It did little more than buy him space but it gave him just as much as he needed. He scooped up the blade of a fallen Necron gaurd and thew it as hard as he could toward the Necron Lord. The sickly green blade seemed to spin in slow motion as it approached the Lord before stopping mere millimeters from the Lord's chest. The silence of the room was torn apart by the eerie sound of laughing as the Lord pulled out a green orb from his robe. "This is our galaxy. Be content in knowing that it sh as ll return to its true masters." As the Lord spoke the orb pulsed to life, emitting waves of green light that reverberated on the fallen Necron gaurds. One by one they began to rise again. The horrible wounds on their metal bodies healing at a truly alarming rate. In a rush of desperation Brim sheathed his weapon and opened on the coming hoard with his storm bolters. Meeting a wall of metal flesh with an onslaught of high explosives, he fought his way closer and closer to the Lord. When his bolters ran dry he scooped up 2 Necron blades and tore through his adversary like a caged animal. HoS onsloght stopped at the Lord as his stolen blades once again were stopped short. "You really are a fool for a species of warp traveling apes." The Necron Lord observed as he stared down Brims smiling expression. "Tell me what it's like knowing you are about to perish like the rest of you species." "Why don't you tell me" Brim retorted. But the voice was not simply his but many as fire began to well from beneath his wolf shaped helmet. The very tip of the Necrons blade had scored a hit on the pendant of the Lord. The inner working of the null generator laid bare and scoured rendering the device inoperable. [b]Necron Stasis Chamber[/b] An explosion towards the core of the chamber was followed by a singular pillar of fire as Leo saw a lone figure launched away from the area. It streaked through the air with the grace of a grox as its body landed in the center of the Redemption Corps. He rolled it over to reveal it was what was left of a Necron Lord. Its body damn near cut in 2 by what appeared to be claw marks. There was a momentary pause in the fighting before the Necrons appeared to pull back. Encouraged some if the men pressed the advantage home before the reality of the situation was realized. In a ship shaking tremor something awoke in the stasis chamber. Something Massive. A massive beast made of metal crawled out of the upper reaches above the core room. Its body black and coursing green, resembled that of a dragon A pillar of fire emminated from the core room as Brimstone is launched though the air. Bale fire drips from his figure as the dragon twists it's body, as he sails through the air and into the pillar beyond, and looses a barrage of missiles towards him. Brim springs back in a burst of flame and can be seen almost running across the missiles as he closes the distance between the two before a brilliant flash of light is seen as his fist connects with the dragons jaw. The dragon twist again with a loud roar and smack him across the room with its tail before sending another barrage of missile toward him this time the explosives pepper the ceiling before being angled down toward him. Tendrils of fire envelope his arms as he pushes himself free and shoots away from the barrage with the dragon on his tail, depris raining down below. Crushing through the stone and metal he smacks hard into the far wall before an explosion of bale fire rockets him backwards as he slams into the reeling dragon. They fall through the sky as flashes of light signify Brimstone trying to carve his way through the things carapace with the balefire claws. In a ground shattering crash brim is shot backwards towards and through a Necron pylon before being unceremoniously engulfed by the dragons maw. [url=] Optional Music[/url] The dragon roars in pain as it stomach begins to glow white hot. In a shower of molten slag and sparks Brim shoots up and out of the monstrosities gullet before unleashing a torrent of green balefire beneath him. The damaged dragon launches itself free before releasing a powerful beam of gauss energy In His general direction ripping countless stasis chambers to little more than smolding rubble. Brimstone shoots forward corkscrew in around the beam with his chain ax held low before burying it in the underside of the things mouth. With a roar of triumph another blast sends him down the length of the dragon, the cursed chain axe ripping a massive rent in its underbelly as its inner working leaked vital fluid and parts from the wound before it all went in flame as Brim took the beasts head in a final storke.

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  • Edited by TwiggierTiger22: 5/11/2016 6:20:28 AM
    [spoiler]I heard OP, so I showed up. Of course I have to send a little help to my poor little Slayer....[/spoiler] [b]Today was not a good day. After all, it was a Tuesday. Known in Sunnyhell as Apocalypse Day, it is a day when various groups or personages of questionable sanity decide to try their upmost best to cause the invasion of Earth or, in some not-quite-so-rare cases, world endage. Such situations now seem a bit more appealing to the Queen Slayer as she smashes yet another of member of the endless waves of Necrons with her hammer. Said hammer was a bit of a legend, for it had quite a special name. [i]Mjölnir[/i], hammer of Thor the small, grey alien himself. The 30lb alien-made weapon was hardly something to laugh at when it is obliterating your face. Now being utilized to its full face-obliterating capabilities, it was delivering hits strong enough to crumple battle-armor like tin foil to some [i]very[/i] unfortunate Necrons. Buffy's ever-present quipage continues its monologue in the grand orchestra of battle.[/b] "I've fought zombies, -*[u]Crunch[/u]*- homicidal robots, -*[u]Crunch, crunch crunch[/u]*-, and even -*[u]Smack[/u]*- homicidal zombie cyborgs, but this!!!-*[u]Whomp[/u]*- Is overcompensating!!!" [b]The Queen Slayer ripped and bashed her way through the pressing crowd like a scythe, utilizing her full strength and speed for the first time in years. No longer fearing the opinion or judgement of her un-powered 'friends', she was Death itself incarnate. Death was her gift, and she gave freely. A single swing removed a Necron's head from it's body in a fraction of a second, the act repeated with various body parts of over a dozen Necrons, in the same second. Her enhanced senses and reflexes allowed her to dodge or parry any attempted retaliation. The few strikes that did get through her guard were blocked by a briefly flaring shield, a welcome gift from [i]Mjölnir[/i] as it built up and stored the kinetic energy generated from her swings.[/b]

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  • [spoiler]interesting abilities. I like the shield that builds energy from the kinetic swings. And the whole Tuesday bit was amusing lol[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Best of all, Apocalypse Tuesday is completely canon. The hammer is slightly modified from the fanfic, but that's under my OC rights.[/spoiler] [spoiler]I [i]might[/i] bring Shadow back into the rotation, but not for now.[/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    *My sword forms in my hand* And I thought I was just a passenger

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  • [spoiler]somebody didn't read lol[/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]I skimmed [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]buddy you gotta write the whole battle sequence, it's a narrative challenge.[/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old


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  • Edited by Shadlezz: 5/13/2016 1:56:26 AM
    Rust. A sea of sickly orange and red. That is what was spreading through the massive room. A tidal wave of rust. The slow machines of grey metal, no matter how big or powerful, every one of them fell victim. And in the center of it? The Harbinger of Death himself. Noiratrom. The Plagued Son. A constant pale green cloud surrounded him; what had simply rusted away and died was now eroding, crumbling away into nothingness. The Primarch of death -and life, in an ironic way- walked over the dust of the former Necrons, his scythe well in hand. The teeth on the edges of the scythe were drooling, its wicked tongue whipping at the moist air. It was thirsty for blood, disappointed in a way, since Necrons shed no blood. The burning devilish grin stapled to Noiratrom's face also drooled a sickly mixture of... well, if only it could be described as saliva. The mighty primarch of death advanced on the field of carnage, barely stretching to wreak destruction upon the foes. None stood a chance. None could raise an effort. There was no fighting him. Not here, not ever. All the cold machines could do was wisp away and die pathetically, since escape wasn't an option. Where could they escape? This [i]was[/i] their home once, but now, it was home to one thing. Rust. A sea of sickly orange and red. Eventually, the Primarch was struck. Not by his current foes, no. By a far more fearsome monster. Boredom. They were not putting up a fight; they couldn't. Resistance was futile. So, Noiratrom got an idea. It was something he had been storing for a little while, now was the perfect time to use it, seeing as finally, something worthy of being dubbed a challenge presented itself. A necron floating fortress hovered forth, presenting itself as a force of destruction. It fired darts of heavy green gauss energy straight towards. Foolishly, this machine believed it would work. As soon as the dart entered the pale cloud of smoke that hovered around him, it disintegrated, as if it's very particles had succumbed to the rot. Raising his hand forward, a huge pillar of green smoke rose from the ground before Noiratrom. A shady figure was pulled from the ground, via a hellish portal. The figure kept coming out more and more... it was around fifty feet in height, taller than even the necron fortress, taller than even the mighty Omen. [url=]this being... it was once a machine. Something mechanical.[/url] but after the warp had embraced it with it's touch of madness, of sickness, it could now only be described as... an horrific creation. It's armour plates were rusted, coloured with a white pure rust, much like the Primarch's own armour. It was covered in sickly pustules. It's mechanical head was now dotted with a toothy, fleshy mouth and a diseased tongue. It's armour was doubled with old, plagued leather, it's flesh falling off with rot, yet unfathomably resilient. It's rail cannon had now been mingled with a horror of the warp, it was a being of its own, its power was too fearsome to be known by mere mortals... Out of its back grew torn wings, much to the image of the Primarch. Its exhausts were now releasing the same toxic fumes as its master's. It's hands and feet were now clawed, covered in the same rotten leather. Simply looking at this monstrosity was enough to make any mortal topple over and drown in their own vomit. A grossly overwhelming nausea filled the massive room, making the bones of even the other warriors itch with an uncomfortable feeling of disgust. The stench was unbearable to those unused to the folly that is chaos. The smoke had cleared out, and the demonic apparition let out a roar so mighty that it made the entire room tremble. Staring down its opponent with its hollow eyes, it unsheathed a massive, twenty feet tall whip-sword of firery rust, and in a dash it cut the Necron fortress. Its speed was illogical for a being of this size. This was simply a complete and total defiance of the laws of physics. In the realm of the immaterial, there are no laws. The monument to the sins of the Necrons fell, cleaved cleanly in two, both of its halves crumbling away into a fine, rusty powder. Other necron creatures of amazing power attempted to defy this champion of darkness. But none stood a chance. Soon enough, Vile plumes of green smoke appeared around the room. Through these pestilent portals poured forth the Death Guard, Noiratrom's personal legion of chaos. The husks of Necron deposits were now a new addition to the Legion of the Undying, since their rusty necrodermis floated ominously into the air and attached itself to the Chaos Marines' armours, now embedded with the remembrance of the Necron. More power. Always more power. These soldier's sorrowful black armours were now covered in rust. For the first time in their non-empathic lives, the soulless machines felt something. Fear. An unsurpassable fear. This threat was greater than they imagined. It was greater than what they had fathomed within the realm of the possible. This threat needed to be annihilated. The Necron army, what was left of it, focused all of their might upon this great foe. They would overwhelm them with sheer numbers and firepower. They assumed distance would be their key advantage. They assumed wrong. Taking up artillery position, the Necron tides unleashed Gauss energy upon the Guard of Death. Returning fire, the hail of unholy bolter fire had an unexpected yet devastating effect. Every bullet, wether it missed or hit it's target, unleashed a small cloud of rot. Every necron whom found itself within that cloud would see its body and mind slowly overtaken by the rust cloud. Then, the rusted husks transformed into shelters, generating more of the deadly cloud. It was a chain effect of incalculable damage. Meanwhile, the Carrion Sentinel, massive being of plague, fired it's shoulder-mounted weapon into the rear masses, where artillery cannons were pounding on the Guard. Each inhumane shell that struck the ground left a green dome of explosive fumes, like a hydrogen bomb causing the ground where it appeared to have cratered into nothingness. No trace of any necron was left. It was just an empty waste. The remaining necron footsoldiers fled for their lives... or what seemed like it. The last foe standing, challenging, was a Necron lord. It's troops had been reduced to utter nothingness. Although this challenge was for the Plagued Son to tackle. And he did so, with a demonic grin upon his mouth. The Necron lord's rushing of the champion had come to an unexpected halt. The pale green cloud struck him like a whipping strong wind, eating away at its armour, skin and very soul. It struggled to step forward. Every painful step was more challenging than the last, while the Primarch stood there, taunting him with his cold, hollow look. Eventually, the Lord needed to crawl. It had crawled to Noiratrom's feet, it's ornate armour was now a rusted memory, a mere shadow of its former self. It's legs were crooked, it's arms weak. It grasped the rusty ashes weakly as a means to propulse itself forward. It was no longer seeking to kill the Harbinger for what he had done to his comrades, to him. It was seeking death. And Death granted. Hoisting him off the floor with his free hand, Noiratrom stared the Necron Lord dead in the eyes, rust and pustules spreading from his hand. He then pierced the necron lord in the gut with [i]Silence[/i], his scythe. The Necron lord was struck with an awful, horrific fear. It saw its soul, its C'tan energy being ripped out of its body and fly into the scythe. Now robbed of its existence, the lord vomited out of its mechanical mouth its rusted innards. It... it was literally puking itself to death. Soon enough, there was nothing left to vomit. The literally empty husk rusted away and faded into the dunes to join its dead comrades. Even the dreaded Nightbringer would quake under his hood. Soon enough, the room was split into two. A small half of the room contained the fleeing Necrons who attempted to escape their timely demise, only to be met at the hands of the other warriors hailing from the bloodwrath. The other, larger half of the room was a literal sea of rusted dunes, through which walked the Harbinger of Death. At his side was his Legion, his Guard, and his champion, his creature of wickedness, the Carrion Sentinel. This was... beauty. A filth, a plague so immaculate, so perfectly wicked and disturbingly fearsome... this moment was true beauty in the eyes of Noiratrom. For once, the very first time since his first voyage through the warp, the Ashen Son felt something different than hatred towards his arrogant, foolish father. He felt, momentarily only, a deranged, peaceful bliss. This death... this Decay... he felt as if he had surpassed his lord Nurgle. As if [i][b][u]He[/u][/b][/i] was the true and rightful God of life. And his monument to perfection was just that. Rust. A sea of sickly orange and red.

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  • [spoiler]damn dude Makin me look bad lol It was the definition of OP and exactly what I was looking for. I liked how you killed the Necron lord and created ash dunes out of his kin. Your Primarch is badass[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it. I really wanted to bring out the feel of how very powerful Noiratrom really is, and I think I transitioned it pretty well here.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]heretic.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]loyalist.[/spoiler]

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