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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
Edited by cyberattaq: 5/9/2016 3:15:28 AM
[spoiler]New plot[/spoiler] This takes place in the Golden City as there is no traffic in RoB [b][i]Chapter 1: Politics[/i][/b] [i]Billionaire hero Ryker Evans is involved in a press event for questions, Evans will be answering for the millions of deaths caused by him and other heroes. Some call them heroes others call them criminals. This is GC News, keeping you up to date[/i] "Mr. Evans the press is waiting." "Yes yes I understand. MARY! WHERE IS MY COAT!" A young girl of maybe 21 scurries over, handing him a coat. "Thank you love sorry for the yelling." She nods quietly and scurries off again. Ryker flicks some dust and crumbs off his suit collar. A bald middle aged man looked him up and down, inspecting his suit. "Everything looks to be in order. Give them hell Ryker." He nods, walking out the door to his right. Instantly cameras flash and and people start yelling. "Mr. Evans! What do you have to say about the Harbinger incident!" "Mr. Evans! Who is responsible for the events on the Ishimura!" "Mr. Evans do you take full responsibility for Novas creation and the destruction he caused!" Ryker walks to a podium ignoring them, they quiet down. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the press.... You all have questions. Some of you... Are angry. Some of you have lost loved ones, and some of you have lost some parts of yourself in the tragic events that transpired last year." The press explodes, they quiet after a moment. "And while... My collateral damage... Is high, and I am not proud of the innocents I have hurt and killed... It was necessary to ensure the safety of billions. I want to assure you, ladies and gentlemen of the press, that I am constantly thinking and grieving over those lost in the cross fire of me and my fellow heroes and champions." "Are you saying you will do nothing to compensate for the hundreds of thousands of lives lost!" The crowd explodes into questions again. "Some people sit homeless while you sit in a mansion with billions of dollars living lavishly while others suffer! What do you have to say to this!" "And why has the abomination Nova not been taken care of yet! He is responsible for millions of deaths." The press grew from reasonable to enraged and yelling, these were people who were injured themselves or lost loved ones... These were the people he had hurt. They were scared, and needed someone to blame. Ryker holds his hands up. "Everyone! Everyone calm down!" They quiet, against their will. "I know you are scared and I know... I am not in your shoes. I know I can not feel what you feel and I know you're scared and grieving. I understand... I do. And I am doing my best to provide support where I can. I am rebuilding structures and homes, and while it may not be evident I am funding it... So please.. Calm down... I am doing my best, and I promise I won't stop until everyo-" That's when a a drop ship hovers overhead near the back of the crowd. The loading door opens, four men with Light machine guns standing on the ramp. They were all wearing some sort of combat armor. The crowd turned, confused, not able to properly see what the men were holding, but Rykers enhanced vision could. He opened his mouth to yell when they opened fire. Bullet began peppering the crown, dozens of people falling instantly. The crowd screamed and began running, yet as they turned both of their exits were blocked by yet again two to three more heavily armed men. They opened fire as well. Ryker called his ASCS in, the suit rapping around him. Simultaneously men began deploying from the gun ship, sliding down ropes. They opened fire on any remaining civilians. Ryker shoots the first one with a rail gun shot from his shoulder, landing and punching the second one in the chest then drawing his sword lightning fast and slashing the man. He began to fight the men, more deploying out of the ship, and to Rykers horror two other ships arrive. He would need help. This was a coordinated attack... But why here? Why now? He couldn't think as he was to preoccupied wit fighting. [spoiler]Help Ryker, you heard about the attack on the news.[/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    *I form from the ground behind you* *I lean in and whisper in your ear* Why not put matters in my hands?

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  • [spoiler]um. If you want people to be able to participate in a legit manner, you'll need to wake up aboard the Bloodwrath with no memory of your arrival. You could go through and edit this post to make it aboard the Bloodwrath and make up the environment details. You're right about the ship being huge, it's 20% the size of the earth so yeah there are flight areas aboard the ship as well as trains, depots, highways, elevators, he'll we could even do boats too. The beauty of this thread is that the environment is totally subjective and you can make it however you want. Also, the ship takes up space in the physical realm of mortals and the immaterial realm of the warp.. So passing over to the warp side of the ship, you could say it's an outside environment. In fact, I have an active post where that happens. Someone entered the warp area of the ship and ended up in a desert with black sands. This is just like RoB as far as the characters, but you're prisoners aboard the Bloodwrath. The ship has its own consciousness now and is planning something unfortunate for its inhabitants. Even the summoner is a prisoner. So the difference is that the environment isn't as open as RoB was, BUT, the environment is totally subjective and open for interpretation - the benefit is that everyone will be together on the ship and we won't have characters doing something on Uranus with others on Terra and unable to interact. You see?[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Be careful of what you may wish for, as you may just regret it You feel a twang of unease and fear as the men in the far back scream the cry of fear, death, and blood You turn and see one ripped apart and left behind as bits of armor and flesh as he was consumed, and you saw a man behind him, his arm a blade of flesh, metal, and bone In his other hand he held a Revolver, with your vision you could see evidence of many fights, and kills On the barrel it is engraved Klink, and it flashes in your vision as he blows the head off of a man, and he spins like an angel of death into the crowd, his blade slashing and killing[/b]

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 5/9/2016 3:09:58 AM
    As if like a prayer was answered a Bulky figure with a flaming Sword landed. He immediately plunged his Flame like blade into a Gunman causing the body to combust violently into ash. He kicked another to the wall,forcing his blade through the body. The blade pulled out as the gummen attempted to shoot through the Bulky figures armor. A bullet did indeed Pierce his left elbow,and he howled in pain.

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  • Ryker killed the man who shot the strange hero helping him quickly, his suit firing a shot off over Rykers shoulder. "I've got you covered." He says to the man as he slashes another gun man.

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  • The figure nodded as he used the blade one handed now,using slashes instead of thrusts. The figure cut down a Gunman in the middle,The brains falling out and blood squirting out. The figure bitchslapped another Gunman to the ground with the sword. He used his boot to crush the skull.

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  • Ryker countered a punch and the kneed the man in the stomach, then elbowing him in the back and driving his sword through the mans back and out his chest. He pulled it out and continued fighting, drawing a hand gun and shooting at them that way if they were out of sword distance.

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  • The Bulky figure Threw his blade as if a boomerang,slicing through 3 gunmen,their intestines spilling out. The Bulky figure ran,being shot at but the armor shielding him. He slid to grab his blade. he hopped up and ran at some more,using the sword as a damn spear. impaling two more.

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  • Eventually all the gunman fell. The police arrived, a little to late. It was chaos, medics everywhere. In the throng of people Ryker approaches the man who helped him. "Hello."

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  • "Oh yes,Hello." said a smooth and silky voice. "I assume you are wondering who I am?"

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  • Ryker smiles. "How did you know."

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  • "Social Etiquette, Its common sense. but into the topic,I'm Heim. Just Heim. I know its rather odd. but still,May I get yours if you wish?"

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  • [spoiler]you do realize Prison of Exiles happens on a ship, don't you?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Yep... I did think about that but... It's like a big ass ship. So... It makes and that there's roads and stuff inside of it... Like the citadel from mass effect. Only not roads more of aerial highways but you get what I mean [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]yeah but the bloodwrath is inhabited by Chaos. You know, the people of the Summoner. There aren't any civilians, much less any kind of press... it's not exactly the citadel.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]WELL -blam!- ME.... Man... [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Yep. Just letting you know, dude. This isn't really the golden city. This isn't the same as RoB[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler] I made some desperate attempt by making a spoiler that it's in the golden city cause RoB has no traffic which is true so... Viable excuse [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]yeah but the people here aren't IN the golden city. They are very far away on board a completely different ship.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]well I do have a character stuck on Terra.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]that's fair, but I'm talking for the people that don't[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Shad stop it with this logic I just want to have fun XD[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I know mang but I'm just saying you can have fun in the bloodwrath, which is where this thread is intended to be.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]But all my hard work... Man I really tried to.. [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I know.[/spoiler]

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