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Edited by Draco_Mantis: 5/9/2016 1:14:46 PM

Sexism in raids.

So I have a concern I would like to express. Both my girlfriend and I are avid Destiny players. We both love raiding and doing POE and all of it. We both love PvE and PvP. My concern comes in this, we do have a group that will do all of these things with us. But as it stands all of us have jobs and/or school. So sometimes it is difficult to get all of us together. So what my girlfriend and I do is get a team of randoms. Why is it that just because she is a woman that plays games she gets automatic passes into every group there is. Yet I have to pass some sort of test. We will even ask for groups with room for two for both of us. And as soon as they find out she is a woman they will invite her anyway and tell her to ditch me. I have even had groups hit on her while I am in the chat. She is an amazing woman and tells them to stop or we are both leaving. Most of the time we have to end up leaving because they wont stop. I have even heard a guys girl yell at him to stop or she would break up with him. Just because she is a woman she gets treated like a slut from multiple other people. Why is this a thing. When did disrespect become the common thing. Edit: Thanks for the responses guys. I also have an experience to add that I forgot to mention on here. I have one female character which is my warlock. Well while on my warlock and with my girlfriend, A random guy at the tower decided to try and add us both. And as he put it he thought he it the jackpot. Like wtf is wrong with people that is so wrong and disrespectful it isn't even funny. Edit: OK. To say for the record the reason I said sexism is the derogatory statements made because of her gender. attitudes or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of gender roles. This is the definition of sexism as taken from those fall under sexism. if you are going to try and bash me for just voicing a concern, at least get your facts straight before you do. Edit: Yes i Know all woman get hit on. That's the nature of males. I am talking about the way it is being done. Plain out disrespect in the things being said. I wonder if some of these things they said to a woman if they would ever dream to ever say them in person, or better yet in front of someone else. Edit: This is just voicing a concern. Thinking out loud. Asking a question. Whatever you want to call it.

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  • I have never understood this concept of joining a group as opposed to leading a group. Maybe that is just me, but when I'm with one other player I post that WE need 4 more, and pick my own randoms... as opposed to trying to find a place in an already established group. You and your missus ARE the already established group. Try using the LFG tools in the opposite manner more. Doubtless you will get more respect if you are the leaders.

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    2 Replies
    • Are you 12? that sh!t isn't new

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    • Edited by LxGhostSniperxL: 5/9/2016 11:28:00 AM
      Was doing hm KF with some randos at totems cp and they got another player to join. This person wasn't talking so one guy in the fireteam kept asking questions like, "Do you have a mic?" and the person would shake their head "yes" or "no". Eventually he asked, "Are you a girl who doesn't want to talk because she'll be harassed by a bunch of @******?" Everyone started cracking up and when the person nodded "yes" we went hysterical. We ended up wiping a few times at totems and I would eventually end up leaving because we wiped at totems 7 times. Eventualky the girl started talking with a mic because she was frustrated with wiping. But the thing to point out is that the one guy who asked questions at first kept asking questions. He wouldn't shut up. He even asked her where she lived. How ironic that he made fun of guys who harass girls, but he himself was a harassing @******. Just a short story about this topic. Thought I'd share an experience. :p

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      • Men get picked on too. There is a group that only allows women on this game.

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      • Yeah I hate it when I join a full raid team consisting of only girls and they go all ape shit

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        1 Reply
        • Tell your girlfriend to put her big girl pants on. You might as well do the same. Stop projecting your metrosexual/Feminazi BS into video gaming. Can't handle pressure or assholes? Turn your game off an go get yourself a latte at the local coffeehouse. Muted for being a whiny bitch.

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        • This is like asking "why does racism exist?" People are ass holes. That's why.

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          • So you're new to gaming and life are you?

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          • Anonymity. Until you can pull off a Jay and Silent bob and go to every users house and beat the crap out of them, you're better off ignoring it and doing your own thing. Me for instance, I love females, but that doesn't mean I have to call them out. Heck, it'll even do some good to have a females voice in the group, all these mulitple dudes voices in your your ear all day and you turn around an give the girl the stink eye, lol losers. Truth is, many of the people doing this never experienced a womans touch, that is why you got so many little angry people who get bent out of shape when a woman is around. A naive and childish view of the world, losers.

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          • It's in every game with chat unfortunately.

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          • How the hell do people know wether its a man or woman? Just turn of the mic problem solved! And its a lie, most of these nerds love to hear a wonans voice through the mic....the people you encounterd must be fags cause everyone loves women.....

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          • "And as soon as they find out she is a woman they will invite her anyway and tell her to ditch me" Is it bad if I find this comment downright hilarious?! :'D

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          • I'll run relic...she (insert gamertag here) can go make me a sandwich

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            • I'm a kid (13) just so you know. But I was doing VOG a while back around HOW and then I invite this person off LFG and it was a girl. Man I felt sorry for her as soon as people heard her voice they started harassing her. Like a direct quote from one of the guys was "Hey slut what's your number so you can send me some nudes". And another "I would love to plow you so hard". Ah when a child is more respectful to women then grown men. :/ bye.

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              • Get your girlfriend to change her gamer tag to elephantwoman. That will probably stop people from trying to hit on her

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              • They just can't resist the rare creature we humans in the gaming world call "females" [spoiler]A bunch of thirsty kids out there[/spoiler]

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                2 Replies
                • So... Where's the sexism? Has the word been redefined or has it been used so much it's lost it's meaning?

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                • I'm a female and I've never had anyone say anything derogatory or sexist to me. Maybe it's because I never give guys the opportunity to be an arse and if they did I'd shut them down so quickly it an incredibly sarcastic way...who care about gender. Can you play the game or not???

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                  3 Replies
                  • I have heard some immature d-bags treat females in Destiny the way you described, kinda saddens me, no values. I suggest joining a clan of like minded gamers, I joined MAD XBOX (Moms And Dads), they're not all "Moms & Dads" but they respect that people have family and life to deal with. I play with many couples but we're in a clan and know each other so it's all good, no disrespect.

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                  • Captain save-a-ho. GTFO

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                  • Played with plenty of women on Destiny, and other games. And in all my years of gaming I've yet to see actual discrimination against female Gamers (tons of favoritism though). What I have seen, however, is the harsh and cut throat banter between players (regardless of gender) which is part of gaming/internet culture. Smack talk, trolling, and insulting fellow players - especially opponents in competitive environments is part of the game, and a valid tactic - have you ever played against girls in fighting games? They talk legendary levels of shyt - but at the end of the day it's all in good fun. Sure you'll come across genuine a-holes - just like in this little place called the real world. So you can't possibly expect everyone to be kind, especially in Destiny... You'll live...

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                  • I have been in several groups with females and I've never experienced any problems, I'm just sick of thirsty white knights on the forums begging for attention.

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                  • I've never had issues as a female playing this game.

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                  • It's very VERY irritating to put up with. I don't really want to be flirted with by some random guy... Banter is fine, but I really don't want to be asked by kids OR grown men if I can be their internet gf, or told how sexy my voice is or shit like that. I want to play the game, same as everyone else. Glad it's the minority that do this (it's just frustrating that the rest of the group often eggs them on while I'm trying to politely deflect) [spoiler]On a side note, I also don't need any extra help because I'm female. We don't inherently play poorly, despite the fact that a few people seem to believe this.[/spoiler]

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                  • You make the food let her play

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                  • Tits or gtfo

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