Dude the proof is in the way they have constantly "Heard" our feedback. showed that they "Listen" to our feedback.
Deej even said it himself. YOUR POLL'S DONT MATTER.
The only feedback they give a shit about is how you spend your time ingame.
Thats why 65% of people have jumped ship.
Theres alot of stuff thats been on bungies "Radar" look at the community wishlist.
Transmog has been there since week 2. if I remember correctly.
Fact is, if something is too difficult for the Dev's to do. they wont do it. and by god Transmog surely is out of their brain capacity to be able to pull off. Especially if they cant implement 2 things the game has needed.
1. Anti cheat/lagswitch
2. Separation of pve and pvp.
Also please tell me where Transmogging is available in-game.
It isnt.
He said this in line of the petitions all over the #Destiny forum. This is #Feedback Pools matter here
Edited by Johnny Five: 5/10/2016 4:53:14 AM" Deej: "Please do talk about what you like and don't like in the Crucible. [b][b]As always, more than petitions,[/b] [/b]the way you spend your time in the game is the best way to communicate to us what you like and don't like."" You can see it all on this guys thread. https://www.bungie.net/en-us/Forums/Post/187961323?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=0 So yeah. POLLS dont matter. HOW YOU SPEND your time ingame is the BEST way to communicate with them. NOT THEIR FORUMS! Now go spend time showing them whats wrong with their game. ingame. not communicating with them via their forums.
The word "Petition" isn't a poll, nor is its definition. Petition is something people sign to [b]force[/b] something upon a group or someone. Usually taking upwards of around 15k-over 100k people to sign. Polls are opinions, not petitions.
Nice job ignoring the rest. Fact is still fact. THEY only care about HOW you spend time ingame. ITS THE BEST WAY TO COMMUNICATE WITH THEM.
Best way [b]best way[/b] Difference between [u]only[/u] and [u]best[/u]
Are you a blind ass fanboy? Seriously. "the way you spend your time in the game is the best way to communicate to us what you like and don't like." So. Yeah. right from the Dev's mouth. This is pretty much what they are doing. Staff: Oh those people on the forums. making petitions, and polls. and ranting. We dont give a -blam!- about them. Whats the numbers on trials players this time? Who's our top streamer? 500? Oh thats a low number, Lets tell them in our fluffdate that over 5 thousand players played Trialsoflagfest and 2k made it to the lighthouse good good. See you next week for the weekly numbers report." Wow.. Yep. keep on ignoring the truth kid. someday you'll go far.
I'm finding flaws in your arguments, I hate Bungie as much as the next guy and agree they almost never read the forums and take the suggestions, but half the additions to the game, since year one, were, what? [b]Forum posts???[/b] Bizarre! I guess people are also right about #feedback, more toxic than #Destiny and #Offtopic combined.
More like you're continuing to ignore the most valid points of it. So yep. Keep on keeping on.
You keep it going
Edited by Mikeachusetts: 5/10/2016 10:50:02 PMJust ignore it
Edited by Johnny Five: 5/10/2016 9:45:24 PMIgnorance? Valid points is ignorance. joy. Soo amazing, especially considering you agreed to said valid points. Edit: and couldnt handle the truth about both issues being on "Game" side
Got it man
Edited by Mikeachusetts: 5/6/2016 8:57:32 PMEh you make valid points but I think you're unaware of the ARTISTIC talents behind the scene. The stuff you mentioned is based on network and server side of things. The poll is to answer the obvious need for transmog. The voices below this post speak louder than the poll itself. Later.
Of course I make valid points. I've been a gamer most my life. I have also been a coder. No its not based on network. Or "Server" side of things. Implementing a code to recognize inconsistent changes in ones PING. to take and validate them as a cheater or not. is game side. Same with implementing a code to take and separate pve and pvp is game side as well. You've seen how they added those "Bumpers" in atheon? You see how they do the "Out of map" areas, where it counts down til you die? and get respawned back on the map? Those can be what you call an "Area of effect" zone. Which can have codes added to them to do multiple things. Like how it kills you when you dont turn back. THIS is the simpliest way to seperate pve and pvp. To add the lines of coding that change the stats. Health. Damage, shields of guardians. Rate of fire of gun type A,B and C. in pvp maps. Instead of nerfing and buffing all the weapons to wreck pve because of pvp.