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5/6/2016 8:46:35 PM

BATTLEFIELD 1: Official Trailer

World War 1. There you have it!

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  • [i]So I'm sitting in this trench when all of the sudden nothing happens. I wait, I wait, I wait for about 2 more weeks and then my squad gets taken out by a mortar. I run the trench and finally get taken out by some mustard gas. Only in Battlefield[/i]

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    • No watchy

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    • Seems boring. So use to automatic weapons and helicopters, bikes, and jeeps, feels like it will get boring.

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    • Lets be real, the MP wont look or feel like the trailer. Anyone whos played a previous BF game should know this.

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      • This is the first historic FPS I've seen in a LONG time. Graphics look promising, but of course, this isn't real gameplay. So I don't know what to make of it yet.

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        • I don't know if anyone caught this or not, but at some point they said battleships will be driveable. As in the big ass navy warship.

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          9 Replies
          • Hype.

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            • should I get battlefield or cod 4?

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              • Edited by cyberattaq: 5/7/2016 5:19:35 AM
                You know what would be really impressive? 120 v 120. Imagine that... So awesome. Never the less, I'm super excited and will be preordering that with premium

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                12 Replies
                • Nope access denied ▼ ̄>-―-< ̄▼   Y         Y  /\ /   ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡° ) \ |  つ  ヽつ

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                • As long as they capture the real feel of the First World War. I want six months sitting in a muddy puddle, followed by 30 seconds of action in which I'm instantly killed by a machine gunner I never saw. Then respawn back in the puddle.

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                  • Everything about that trailer was completely amazing! The song selection was great and the plane warfare looked extremely intense. Infantry looked looked like a fantastic clusterfúck! I'm definitely looking forward to this more than any other first person shooter in a long time.

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                  • The hype is fúcking real!

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                  • Ehh... Meh naaah. They next should be a truly future one. Not COD a few years ahead future, or planetside future where 2/3's of the guns still fire fairly modern bullets. I want plasma, lasers and gauss rifles with modern bullets being a middle ground. I want each gun to be your own with small tweaks you can make to damage, RoF, range, stability. Your weapon type and maybe some soldier customization. Same with different vehicle turrets all having pros strong against something but weak against something else. Of course another thing I want is to have class weapon locks removed... I guess we can all wish...

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                    4 Replies
                    • WW1 huh? Geez we get it, you're not cod. I guess I just don't get how people get so excited for military shooters when it's just the same thing that's been done do death but with slightly better graphics.

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                      11 Replies
                      • I dont think it will be better than 4 because its in WW1. But it'll defenitley be better than CoD for the next several years.

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                        2 Replies
                        • So Would you rather: A. Be in space Or B. Be in WW1

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                          11 Replies
                          • I was doubtful about the WWI setting, but it seems like they've fudged history just enough to make it playable. I'm excited.

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                          • Edited by Smarkdow: 5/7/2016 11:58:35 AM
                            Kinda disappointed ^this wasn't the trailer song. Battlefield 1 World War I One by Metallica Come on, EA. Haven't you heard of the rule of three?

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                            5 Replies
                            • armour dlc?

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                            • Infinity ward is shaking in their Exo suits lol

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                              2 Replies
                              • Lost count on how many times I have watched this

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                                • I'm just glad we will finally have an fps will no choice but to slow down the gameplay.

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                                  • Needs more 1000 foot tall robot abominations

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                                    • Edited by DjNormal: 5/7/2016 12:30:06 AM
                                      Day 237: I'm still sitting in the same trench and nursing an infected foot. Half of my platoon has gotten severely ill from the Spanish flu. I don't know how much longer I can hold on. During the last German advance across no man's land, I could only get three shots off before my rifle jammed. Day 284: We got hit with mustard gas again today. The German tanks have been pushing us back every few weeks. My foot is a lost cause, it smells worse than the death around me and it's likely going to need to be amputated before I die of blood poisoning. Not that it matters, I can barely breathe after my mask wouldn't seal over my whiskers and I think my lungs got burned bad. Day 312: The last German advance came with tanks and zeppelins. We lost our few remaining aircraft to ground fire and the sky belongs to Germany now. We started eating the horses for food as we ran out of ammunition for the artillery and abandoned it. Day 325: I cut off my own foot with my e-tool today. The medics said they couldn't do any field surgery in these conditions. The pain of hacking through my ankle wasn't as bad as the pain in my lower leg. The stench that erupted as I broke the skin was unbearable, I almost preferred the mustard gas. Day 327: We lost contact with the rest of the front today. Only about 12 men are left in my platoon. I've been holding 150 feet of trench on my own. I burned my lower leg with kerosene and wrapped the best tourniquet around it that I could. I don't think I stopped the infection though. I've been coughing and shaking constantly. My lungs still burn from the gas. Day 328: The Germans made one final push today. Our trench was overrun and I could hear the screams of my platoon being burned alive by a German flame thrower. I had no ammo left, but I kept one grenade in case I had a chance to take one of those kraut bastards with me. Out of nowhere came the sound of aircraft, machine gun fire and the cries of dying Germans. I wasn't sure if I could believe my eyes or not but I thought I saw a man wearing a cape, standing in the open and hip-firing a machine gun. Day 402: I've been in the field hospital for almost 3 months now. I have no idea who or what unit it was that came to our aid, but they behaved as if they were invincible. Standing tall in no man's land, casually gunning down Germans and even beating one to death with a stick grenade and an e-tool. It was some of the most incredulous things I've seen during my year at war in France. On a side note, the docs told me to gangrene spread to my abdomen and I've got a few weeks to a month to live. Not a bad run I guess, it sure beats dying in Kentucky. (Edit: typos/errors)

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • In-game engine footage. For most of you who are psyched for this, keep in mind that this is what DICE does: they take the in engine models and animate them for the trailer to deliver the most cinematic looking thing ever, I highly doubt that 90% of what the trailer is showing is actually in game. Just look at Hardline and Battlefront, the same trend exists there.

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