[b]Stratos groans awake clutching a piece of dry wall portraying a crude drawing of a liver with 23 tally marks underneath. He reaches over and grabs his spear, which has a liver on its tip.[/b]
[b]He struggles to his feet, holding the drywall like a shield and progresses slowly through the ship[/b]
[b][i]Dust and echoes are the only response. You feel the ship resonating through the deck plates as it powers through the warp. It's quiet. But you get the feeling you're not alone.[/i][/b]
[i]GOD DAMNIT I SWEAR TO GOD! THIS ISN'T FUNNY! WHEN YOU TAPED ME TO AN ELEPHANT AFTER THE 40K PARTY THATS WAS FINE BUT THIS...[/i] [b]You eventually just stop listening to the man ranting about previous pranks, as he doesn't sound as if he's going to stop soon. He continues to move along the Halley he woke up in, peering into doorways as he passes them, ranting all the while to an unseen companion.[/b]
Bramd - old
Erm... *Mortar forms from the ground* An... Elephant? -
[b][i]Whatever's watching you, it's biding it's time. Calculating. Cold.[/i][/b]
[b]Stratos picks a door at random and slowly creeps inside, prepared to explore.[/b]
The door leads to the dark lobby of a medical facility. You see a rebel searching for loot, heavy machine gun gripped in his hands as he fills a sack with expensive items. He hasn't seen you yet. "Find any narcotics in there? My withdraws are killing me!" He shouts to his comrade in the other room." "You won't believe what I've found.." Comes a female voice in the other room.
[b]Stratos slowly backs out of the room and ducks around the corner. He then un-spears the liver and chucks it full force into the room, aiming at the machine gun wielding man.[/b]
[i][b]The spear strikes him in the back between the shoulder blades, pinning him to the wall with barely a noise - he died instantly. "You there?" Comes a female voice from the other room.[/b][/i]
[b]Stratos quickly ducks back into the room, stealthily jogging over the mans body. He picks up his fire arm and holds it up in one hand, then turns to the room the voice was coming from. He throws the liver itself into the room, where it makes a juicy splat as it impacts the floor[/b]
[b][i]The woman screams. You hear footsteps running in the other direction. You smell perfume in the air. It's intoxicatingly wonderful.[/i][/b]
Edited by Stratos: 5/8/2016 3:34:22 AM[b]Stratos sniffs the air[/b] [i]That smells nice.[/i] [b]The combat liver activates in the next room, sprouting tiny mechanical legs legs and a laser gun, of which is impossibly large considering the size of the weaponized human organ. It sprays a steady beam of energy after the woman as Stratos enters the room.[/b]
[b][i]The woman is struck in the back of her legs 3 times, blowing her left leg off at the knee - she begins screaming as she bleeds out. She's clutching something in her hands.[/i][/b]
[b]Stratos almost absently puts a singe bullet from the machine gun into her head, killing her, while he stoops down to check what she holds in her hands [/b]