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Edited by Mangojoyride: 5/6/2016 7:32:56 PM

Less People Are Getting Married Why?

>Women arent women anymore. -Think about it for a second.... >Boys are shamed on their masculinity. -Some arent man enough to lead a household anyway. >"I dont need a man! Im independent!" -Yet you wonder why relationships dont last. >People are scared of commitment. -Both sides keep thinking that one is going to cheat anyways so they keep being active with partner B. >Traditional marriage doesn't benefit the state. >Virginity is viewed like a disease you need to get rid off. Later it can look very unattractive to a possible life partner. -Too many young kids are having sex. >Its hard to find someone that isnt a slut or insufferably rude. -Teens think promiscuity is liberating and fine. Thats what tv said so it most be true. >Porn cant accuse you of r@pe -Why bother going out there with another human being when you could just stay home, be chilled and fulfilled. >Public schools will soon stop words such as boys/girls and he/she. -They are gonna start asking kids what preferred name and/or pronoun they wish to be referred as. >One of the greatest privileges a modern woman can enjoy is the ability to clean her husband's emotional and financial clock in a divorce court. -So of course guys double think before popping the question and if they dont want to then its not true love relationship ends there. >Women just want the big ring and a Disney Princess wedding. Once they dont feel pampered they bail out. What do you think about marriage?

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by …….: 5/20/2016 3:59:11 AM
      Everyone's saying how men lose everything in a divorce. It's easily avoidable with... [spoiler]..a prenuptial agreement.[/spoiler]

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    • Godlessness, it will get worse as we move on. 2 Timothy 3English Standard Version (ESV) Godlessness in the Last Days  But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive,disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,  3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal,not loving good,  4 treacherous, reckless,swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.

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      • \_( ͡°_ʖ ͡°)_/

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        • I agree with all the things you said. But that's only one side of the equation.

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          • Dammit, a serious post. Look I totally agree, but can we please stick to shitposting, its what the internet was made for, not serious discussion.

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            • -Divorce -Child Custody problems -Half your stuff gone I think I'll pass.

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              • [quote]>Women arent women anymore. -Think about it for a second.... >Boys are shamed on their masculinity. -Some arent man enough to lead a household anyway. >"I dont need a man! Im independent!" -Yet you wonder why relationships dont last. >People are scared of commitment. -Both sides keep thinking that one is going to cheat anyways so they keep being active with partner B. >Traditional marriage doesn't benefit the state. >Virginity is viewed like a disease you need to get rid off. Later it can look very unattractive to a possible life partner. -Too many young kids are having sex. >Its hard to find someone that isnt a slut or insufferably rude. -Teens think promiscuity is liberating and fine. Thats what tv said so it most be true. >Porn cant accuse you of r@pe -Why bother going out there with another human being when you could just stay home, be chilled and fulfilled. >Public schools will soon stop words such as boys/girls and he/she. -They are gonna start asking kids what preferred name and/or pronoun they wish to be referred as. >One of the greatest privileges a modern woman can enjoy is the ability to clean her husband's emotional and financial clock in a divorce court. -So of course guys double think before popping the question and if they dont want to then its not true love relationship ends there. >Women just want the big ring and a Disney Princess wedding. Once they dont feel pampered they bail out.[quote] Says me every day of my life wondering why girls have become the way they are. (Goddamn 60s hippies...) Srsly tho I can't stand it every nice girl is taken by some nice-guy-turned-asshole and everyone else are absolute pathetic excuses of human beings.

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                1 Reply
                • A wedding is very pricey and a lot of women want big weddings with 100+ people invited and a big wedding dress on some beach in some hot country. That's just ridiculous. I don't necessarily want to marry but if my other half would ask? Why not. I don't need a paper to proof or show that I love him.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Edited by mister deathgod : 5/17/2016 5:23:30 PM
                    Gf and I both aren't big on it, everyone tells us we practically act like a married couple. However, we both agreed if it were too happen we'd just get the paper from city hall and do a vow renewal destination wedding type in the Bahamas with minimal people.

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                    • [b][/b]

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                        Because American women suck that's why. :/

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                        • You can say what you want. But to find a true love is close to Impossible nowadays. Just look at this society where we live in. It's like DOOM 2. [spoiler]Hell on Earth. [/spoiler]

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                          3 Replies
                          • Marriage isnt as convenient as it used to be

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                            • Because marriages take a lot of work and people are lazy.

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                              2 Replies
                              • I'm a very caring person, but I get the sense relationships just aren't for me, much less marriage. I've sort of reached a point with how things end up going that I'm more accepting of being alone and find myself happier that way.

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                                5 Replies
                                • Because marriage is now nothing more than a legally binding piece of paper, that when broken, screws one party completely (usually the male). Men typically think more logically than women, so when they see potential for their life to be screwed just because a relationship doesn't work out, they opt out. Honestly, there is very little to gain from marriage, which is why I find it confusing as to why homosexuals wanna fight so badly for it.

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                                • It's pointless and not necessary for survival of the human race.

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                                • Marriage is just is

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • I can't stay in a relationship very long, because I think of someone who I can't seem to get out of my head. [spoiler] since 8th grade, I'm 21 now and we stayed in contact since even went to highschool together[/spoiler]

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • It's more of a natural phenomenon that occurs in highly developed nations. Birth and marriage rates decline. Current cultural trends probably don't help, though. The courts might also have something to do with it. Getting married has become such a massive liability to men. Why risk your entire livelihood?

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                                      • I have no idea wtf your points actually gave to do with it. BUT, what is interesting is those who are getting married are staying married longer and divorce rates are coming down (rates mind you, just a reminder that's different than total number and can't be blamed on fewer marriages).

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                                      • 1
                                        It seems people after marriage change, usually for the worse, sadly.

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                                      • You raise good points especially to do with the whole preffered pronoun thing. I prefer to follow facts than fiction and i cant see why places of education want to play into these victim complexes delusions about being a non binary teradactyl traffic cone

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                                        • My uncle is having a wedding in June, no fancy party or big fcuking show... His friends and family (basically whoever wants to come) can show up. No dress code no nothing just a very chill, very relaxed evening.

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                                          2 Replies
                                          • If that thing about public schools is real then I'm actually killing myself

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