[quote]People with shitty attitudes should be banned.[/quote] fixed.
What if they get better connection but there banned then they can't come back what then?
[quote]People with shitty net should be banned.[/quote] http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-609_en.htm According to that document, 2014.... the average uplink speed in Europe is around 6.5Mbps, while this game (and PS4 traffic) during a crucible match require around 10Mbits.... You will be bombing down most people in Europe, and that's bad for business ;)
Actually it is closer to 1 Mbit. https://www.reddit.com/r/CruciblePlaybook/comments/439f1y/lets_talk_about_how_much_bandwidth_destiny_uses/ That explains it way better than I ever could
Edited by panzerfaust: 5/4/2016 3:46:44 PM1 Mbit is roughly around 100/120Kbytes/sec transfer... Activate accounting and conntracking on your firewall and see for yourself. I see my router port reporting around 800Kbps where I have the PS4 connected and the traffic is around 600/800Kbytes / sec which will go roughly around 8Mbits. That's nearly 4 times more than a game with a server/client architecture. I don't mind putting down a few graphics, but everyone can see it (assuming they know how to get the info from their devices). Please check it by yourself....
Don't confuse bytes with bits. read the article.
Just wait for Donald Trump to be president. Hell kick everyone out for lagging [spoiler]please don't elect him this is still satire xD[/spoiler]
Uhm... nope, they should be able to connect to normal connections and not to Juan in Mexico messing up their entire internet
Ban them.
Red bars shouldn't be allowed in the crucible! Plain and simple! They ruin the game for those of us who have good connections!
The Mexicans don't deserve to be in the USA! They ruin the chance of jobs for Americans!
No, something should actually be done to discourage or impair red bar players with subpar internet connections from playing with others who don't have that problem. The majority of the players in his community don't have that problem and they shouldn't have to suffer because of the minority.
So the people with not that great internet, who maybe have better things to spend money on or get screwed by this SBMM bs need to het punished by not being able to play... -blam!- this shit I am gonna play Super Mario 2
Well, if you buy a next gen console and run it off of AOL dial up, yeah, you should be punished. As would any other idiot hat buys a "supercharged sports car" and runs it with unleaded.
*falls asleep halfway* don't really care, just deal with it... I did it back in the CoD days and now I am on a forum with some whining kids that bitch about connections... really grow up
Edited by joey big guns: 5/3/2016 4:59:10 PMSorry bruh, technology has and progressed since then and cheap ass ppl who can't spend cash for better intent shouldn't be playing online video games on their pricy new consoles. I didn't know they had welfare internet too. Ppl in areas where they don't have better coverage aren't any better. They know they have subpar internet and still want to play online, which is understandable, but they and anyone who has subpar internet should expect some kind of blowback because of it. It's only fair. That, or they should find some techy way to force all the red barred, welfare internet folk to play amongst themselves.
Have you ever tried getting people to sleep that can't sleep, because I am getting real tired of this bs that you spit out with your daddy's fundings on your back
Edited by joey big guns: 5/3/2016 8:09:05 PMSorry bruh, I've been making my own money since I was 16...18 yrs later and I still support myself. You sound like you have a lot of that Generation Y in you...explains things if you are. And the only people afraid of Trump being president are the Generation Y PC pansies and illegals. Of which I am neither. I am Hispanic and I'm voting yes for Trump.
Okay now go back Jose... I've wasted too much time on you already
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
[b][i]FUND IT.[/i][/b] Oh...you...y-you weren't serious? Ooh... -
Just showing the stupid tryhard community how they sound talking about red bars
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
No, I got that...it's just...that passion...that "take charge" attitude...you reminded me of someone... You ever think about a career in politics? We could make a President out of you... -
I mean I was big in house business, had some other companies and funded a failed presidential runner...