I hope your neighbor changes the WiFi password ;) <3
Edit: Got some troubleshooting tips for you red bar warriors. Alright so ask your mom for like 15 bucks, buy a really long (and I mean really long) ethernet cord. Next, knock on your neighbors door and tell them you need to inspect their router while hiding the cord behind your back. Plug that bad boy in and make sure you have a Pabst blue ribbon in hand to make sure it all goes smoothly. Congratulations,you've upgraded to a yellow bar ;))))))
Edit 2: You people realize this is a joke?
Got several private messages of people whining with paragraphs of these random people telling me about myself. Just comment down below so we can all share in laughing at you.
LOL the sarcasm is real. This is something Mtashed would say and people would be like "Really?"
Well my friend is screwed. He lives about 2 miles from his nearest neighbor. That's a long cord
Good advice too bad i can't do it cause what's more fun then getting killed form air when everyone spawns
LOL I used to be continuously a red bar so I stayed out of the Crucible. Bought a new high end ASUS router and now my Wireless is only 1ms slower than direct wired. Unfortunately, CenturyLink is the only option and wired connection is still 88ms repose time. :( Also checked and my daughter has been hogging 7Mbps of out 10Mbps connection so she it now "capped" at 2Mbps bandwidth. I love technology! Ican now play PVP again. I still red bar from time to time but am green bar more often then red! :) Thanks for this post, helped to weed out some more ignorant players and my mute list is growing. Forum is becoming more possitive every day. :)
I think it's hilarious when a red bar player doesn't finish 1st. How shit do you have to be to have that much of an advantage & not go ham on everyone else? I have top notch Internet, so I get nerfed every goddamn match. Destiny [b][i]is[/i][/b] awesome, though.. Good internet? Punished! Do well in PVP? [b]NO SOUP FOR YOU![/b]
I use a wired connection. My Internet is still crap.
Edited by scooty-bby: 5/3/2016 2:29:32 PMPlayed a red bar in Iron banner last night. I stuck him with a sticky grenade. He continued running at me. I emptied a whole clip of auto ammo at him. He's still coming. I turned on my super and hit him THREE times with my blade dancer. And then he killed me with a throwing knife. What.The. Phuck.
It's not always on our end cause I'm typically green bar but here for the last couple weeks my bar dips into the red inexplicably. I turn around and check my network connection on the console and it registers as all good. This can only be explained by two things: Bungie's lack of dedicated servers and player host connection lag time.
You must be a red bar jokester
Got shot through a couple walls during ib last night. I no longer have a PlayStation
most the time it's the overseas out of country matchmaking
Send this message to them: how's that McDonald's wifi, assholes?
haha mannnn i love you sarcasm
My connection has been suffering recently I play on a wired fibre optic network even rang up isp and they tried changing the channel or what ever to no avail. It's only on destiny all my other games are near enough 100% stable so the fault must be on there end.
Edited by Lillaourabee: 5/3/2016 2:03:31 PMA 50ft Ethernet cord can set you back like 40$ lol not 15$
Agree, please die red bar bas tards. Always one in every game.
HAHAHAHA "passwordispassword", too good man. Unfortunately, sarcasm flies harmlessly over most of the keyboard warriors/Internet toughguys' heads.
My connection is usually green but i get pissed when i'm red bar or the team i'm with is red bar. I know players say it's an advantage but i'm not the type to play unfairly. I was trained in sportsmanship in real life so naturally it carries over into gaming. There are ALOT of "douches" that play Destiny.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Screw you, OP. My McDonald's Wifi works just fine, and I have access to all the Orange Hi-C and McNuggets I can buy. [b][i]I'm lovin it.[/i][/b] -
Lmao for $25 bucks I'll make u a 100 ft cable lmaoh!!!
Thanks, now I got a bunch of 12 year olds trying to plug into my modem.
Haha. No, it's not their neighbors wifi that they're using, they're camped out in McDonald's parking lots.
I wish I could run an ethernet cord to my parents router lol. Sadly I live across the street and have no jack for cable. AT&T is also the only shit service offered where I live. Best package they offer us is an abysmal 2 meg download speed. Luckily I'm in Chattanooga for the summer and got comcast to hook me up with cable internet. It brings tears to my eyes when I see that green bar man.
This isn't satire....
Long Ethernet cables are actually pretty expensive.
Having a red bar doesn't make you a god. If that was the case my KD would be a hella of a lot better then what it is ;)