With the "new" Halo update right around the corner, comes new REQs. This image was brightened to make the new REQs that are blurred our easier to see.
The new mythic looks like Jorge's chaingun. We also have Emile's, Jorge's, Kat's, and Jun's armour.
Also, the skins from the armour pack are now back to unlock. (Not the 343 skins)
Infection is now (finally) back! It only took 1... 2... 5... a lot of months!
We also have the brute plasma rifle. I made a post about its appearance at the warzone firefight trailer, which you can find [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/197324931/0/0]here.[/url]
Edited by Ashikon: 5/2/2016 5:11:12 AMAshikon
Monster Hunter - old
They should add George's Chain Gun turret to the game. Legendary, and goes with the other turrets.