A hole.
Way to watch the video, dumbass.
You're literally cancer.
Edited by HeartDeer: 4/29/2016 9:13:50 PMUltra gayy
He's in too deep to back down now! He can't just admit he didn't know it was satire OR watch the whole video! He MUST DEFEND HIS PRIDE! ( by calling people scrubs based on kd in a pve based game). I hope you bring your kids up to be considerate and kind. With a sense of humor.
Edited by HeartDeer: 4/29/2016 9:14:00 PMSuper gayy
You seem to be butthurt and projecting. I'm wondering if your first knee-jerk reaction was to blast my kd too, but then realized that wouldn't work...
https://destinytrialsreport.com/ps/Blonde_tarzan/JoshBolin75/ghostblade03 That's funny
Yeah, it was! Gotta say that was the most fun I've had playing trials. Even more than the lighthouse. Three guys drunk off their asses finishing out a card after our bounties were all done.
Just admit you suck
So you use the extremely valid *ur kd sucks kid* argument
Super mega scrub gay
Edited by mrmanjob372: 4/29/2016 9:18:24 PMIf you wanna go there I'll go there I have a higher KD then you mega super ultra supreme gay skrub And a higher grimore
Im top 1 % in free for all top 3% in trials # 2600 ish in world stfu
Edited by mrmanjob372: 4/29/2016 9:23:27 PMI BEAT ALDUIN NAKED WITH MY FISTS AT LEVEL 2
And why does anyone care about battlefield?
And why dose anyone care about your "top 1% in free for all"?
why does anyone care about your 0 times flawless 1.15 kd in trials
Obviously you do because you went that far to find it And why dose anyone care about your 52 raid completions?
No one Does dont try to say your better Scrub life
You care a little bit you know you do deep inside you know you do I never claimed to better actually because not everything is a passing contest and i could give less of a damn I really don't care
Oooooo you don't?
The entire I was just sitting there making that face to myself lol Anyway to each their own have a good day