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4/27/2016 8:19:49 PM
Well if you are good that isn't a problem. I don't get scared the second a red blip shows up on my screen. Regardless of the enemy coming in there is always a 50/50 chance that person has a super and guess what their entire goal is to get you to pop the heavy so that your entire team doesn't get any heavy, chances are that person is bound to make mistakes as they are essentially willing to risk their life in order to disrupt the heavy round. So if you are the moron who pops it early because you see a red blip and turn chicken, chances are you are doing exactly what that enemy wanted you to do, because chances are they are a good player and they are expecting some idiot to go chicken shit and do exactly what they wanted you to do. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've been near heavy and a red blip shows up so I eliminate the threat because I didn't get scared and about pee myself then some idiot pops the heavy and I get left without any but gee thanks to me now some idiot can go shoot a few rockets and die instantly without helping the team actually win the match, glad I could help you get one or two kills...

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