Titans have always been inferior to Hunters and Warlocks. The neutral game and supers have always been meh at best and downright useless at worst. This can be supported by statistical and anecdotal evidence.
First up, I'll give some of the anecdotal and firsthand experience I have acquired after over 1800 hours logged as a Titan and hundreds of hours using each subclass.
[b]Why Do I main Titan Despite It's Mediocrity in PvP?
I get this question constantly from friends who have to endure my constant rants. The answer is simple, I feel most comfortable as a Titan and it fits my playstyle the most. I don't feel like I should have to switch characters just to do better.
[b]Why are Titans Underpowered?[/b]
Titans may be PvE Gods, but in Competitive Multiplayer, they are complete crap to be perfectly honest. Here's why.
1. The Neutral games don't feature any overly powerful abilities (Juggernaut shotgun is pretty decent but that's it, Shoulder Charge is mediocre as a killing machine and isn't used for that purpose anyway by most top tier players, and is instead, used to move faster) The grenades are meh. Fusions and magnetics are the only OP grenades Titans have and so I use them instead of lightnings or suppressors which take skill to use and aren't as effective in my experience. Plus we dare the only class that doesn't have blink.
2. The Supers are underwhelming
Fist of Havoc has no range and is really just an inferior version of Nova Bomb.
Defender is a bubble and for PvP it's a super magnet and only dangerous to idiots.
Sunbreaker is actually pretty decent but the last nerf gutted the hit detection and blast radius, making them very underwhelming, albeit the best subclass Titans have atm.
3 The melee is borderline useless
This is simply because of the severe lack of range.
[b]Statistical Evidence[/b]
This is also posted at the top.
In general, Titans are the worst class in the game and have been since Alpha. The fixes are easy and include fixing the hit detection on all supers and melee attacks, and restoring the damage and speed of hammers. Maybe making Ward of Dawn mobile would be smart too but that may be overkill unless done properly.
[b]Just an FYI[/b] I do not have regular access to a computer as my PC has died so I cannot respond frequently to everyone for now.
This article is pretty old and came out before TTK. A lot has changed since then. I don't doubt that Titans are underused but they are not necessarily underpowered. A very slight buff to sunbreakers and a slight buff to defenders would be fine.