Having done a good amount of jolly cooperation in Dark Souls 3. It has come to my attention that a huge amount of players scrub it up, summon two, even three players for a simple boss fight.
I personally feel this kills the whole point of Dark Souls, that's its challenging gameplay. I've been summoned into other players games, watched in disgust as they don't even attempt to hit the boss.
One summon should be more than enough for any boss fight in Dark Souls 3. How do you feel about this guys and is more than one summon really necessary?
I run summons just to dick around. Plus fight clubs and invading
One summon should be the limit. There are only two situations where I use summons. A. If I'm really having trouble with a boss. B. If I'm playing on NG+ and am in the mood for some jolly cooperation.
Personally I think having summons can make boss fights harder. Souls of cinder is significantly harder if you have more than 2 summons. His damage output and absorption are buffed ridiculously and the fight becomes extended especially if summons are killed mid fight. That being said the only boss I needed summons for was the nameless King. Having someone to take agro while you heal is invaluable. His combos are so punishing with damage. One slip up on dodge timing and you're reduced to almost no health.
Trying to beat 3 people in PVP is so great
Edited by StookeyBoy: 4/27/2016 10:23:41 AMI always felt that summons should be a last resort, like if you truly cannot beat a boss. It makes me sad seeing a few of my friends carry a newbie through all the encounters. It really does ruin the experience. But to me, you haven't truly beat a boss unless you have defeated him alone.
Edited by Flailing_Weasel: 4/26/2016 5:38:55 PMIf you want to make it as hard as possible on yourself that's fine. If you want all the extra help you can get that's fine too. Some people may not be able to progress the game without that kind of help, which is a shame because it has such amazing atmosphere and design. I love From Softs work too much to want it closed off over something so petty as making it "too easy". Just seems petty to me.
It's fine. It is an easy mode button true, but it also allows you to play with multiple friends, and let's face it even 2 man is easy mode for nearly every boss. Co-op is there for new players or those who want a less rage inducing experience and there's nothing wrong with that.
>Jolly cooperation >Scrub for summoning Pick one. Just let people play how they want. Personally, I think phantoms do better as secondary objectives during invasions if you know what I mean
I didnt have much trouble with pve either. I also dont think it been dumbed down for casuals. That line of thinking is just cringeworthy. It more likely that we're well versed in the dark souls forum. This is the third game, 4th if you count bloodborne. I see several posts a day about how new players are stuck on vordt or ever ludex gundyr.
If players want summons to help them its their choice, they can play the game the way they like, it does not affect my playtrough in a negative way so why would I care? I actualy play the game mostly ofline because it performs a bit better, but I don't care what other players do and IMO so should you.
I like to invade so NO
Yes, it's perfectly fine. That being said, I personally don't think you should summon unless you've tried & failed 50 times over. When you die 50 times over with 1 phantom, summon 2. [b]HOWEVER[/b], don't just accept this help without trying to better yourself. We blessed by the Sun don't wish to carry you, we wish for you to realize your true potential! \[T]/
Nameless king was hard even with 1 summon. On principle, though, I'm gonna have to solo him on my NG+ run. That will take a few tries, I imagine.
I solo'd my first play through. But now I don't mind. I've beaten every boss on my own so teaming up is just for a bit of fun. Plus although it makes it easier as it loses agro so you can heal, it also gets more health to help counter it a little bit. I do think people should beat bosses on there own atleast once though but that's just me.
What does it matter? By the time anyone gets a few NG's in and is really ready to go hard, the summon signs will be drying up from the people who don't go as far.
Considering each summon increases the bosses health and defense, not really, no. I wish invaders could follow you into the boss room however.
every summon increases the bosses hp so imo it's fine
Haha, the guy was making a parody for all the people saying, "dark souls needs a easy mode." But, I do see the issue with what you're saying. All I can say is, people play how they want. You can't change that.
Edited by Cinders-Shadow: 4/26/2016 5:45:13 PMPersonally I solo. But ugh... how does other people summoning make my game worse? It doesnt... Let people enjoy their game. Game is still difficult solo, so play solo. The only way that mass summoning really effects you, is if you invade. Which when I do, I expect at least a 3 on 1
HEY I did that for the dragonslayer armour and one of them died in the first 30 seconds so the boss was hard af
I will admit I had 2 summons for ornstein and Smough because I had my arse handed to me one too many times.
You can have up to 2 summons for boss fights I've been involved with them. It's easier but you do way less damage
Biased butthurt OP is biased and butthurt
I play a Sunbro.... so I'd rather not be crass... but alas... [b]You sir, can eat a bag of dyx![/b] [b]\['T]/[/b]
They bought the game so they can do whatever or play how ever they want shouldn't concern you at all
It's their play through. Cry about something that actually affects you.