Just curious if we have any day one players left and how many hours you guys have gotten in. I am a day one beta player with 1049 hours game time btw. I think the game has grown a ton and people play it because they enjoy the social aspect of playing with friends and meeting new people.
Comment your favorite point in destiny so far. Mine was when the first introduced etheric light and I started the regrind for fatebringer.
Seems like all my year one veterans are in the house. Its nice to see so many people still enjoying the game and I'm happy this has maintained a salt free zone so far. And now I proceed to knock on wood.
Btw for those of you who deleted characters someone posted this link below, it will give you an accurate read out. It seems if you have over 1000 hours you are in the top 25% in total playtime. Just some stats to throw at you.
I got nothing else for you guys. I can't believe 61% over a thousand hours and no hate in here at all. Absolutely amazing that no one has been trash talking each other. Keep it cool guardians.
Revive my minions of darkness
Around 1900 hours total if I did my math correctly. [spoiler]I probably didn't[/spoiler]
Beta player with around 1250
Roughly 1000 hours
Roughly around 1050 hours played
Year one guardian with roughly 590 hours played.
I'm an alpha veteran and I only have 574. But then again I didn't play it as much as wanted to when I was obsessed with it due to school work
Around 600
Unfortunately had little time during most of year one, but now that I have time....Destiny's gone stale. Oh well.
Day 1, around 2000h. I need to talk to someone..
1027 hours, 7 characters deleted.
Honestly it's a disgrace how much time I spent on this game :/
Been playing since year one minus a lull when they put out the dlcs. Only 306 with playing constantly since taken King came out.
2400 hours, across 48 characters
I quit it uncharted 4 now bby
can someone please tell me moine?
Beta player, only 731h
5 days
Beta 3077 hrs
2848 hours
1400+ hours and I started playing early March of 2015
Beta player, only have 200 something hours. I need to step up my game.
Edited by L3SBN-69, Prime SERVitor: 4/29/2016 10:46:54 AM13 days and 20 Hours... 332 hours I think
Something like 3600 hours
600+ hours of my life wasted.
656h 240h deleted
1105h 256h deleted