[quote]This post is about us needing/wanting the option to play any version of any strike on demand without having to go through a playlist to find the specific strike you want to play. Not about whether it's a dick move to back out of strikes. PLEASE READ AND ATTEMPT TO UNDERSTAND THE POST BEFORE REPLYING.[/quote]
Was it really necessary to only make this strike accessible in the heroic and level 36 playlists? I don't want to run a bunch of strikes just for the chance to maybe get to play the strike I want to play. I just want to do one strike lol.
Because of this I have spent the last hour going into strikes and backing out cause I just want to do that one new-ish strike. I can't be the only one. I have loaded into some strikes where all three of us were backing out the moment we landed. This must currently be a pain in the ass for anyone just trying to run some strikes.
This sort of thing could be avoided if we were simply able to access the content from the director. Add another button next to difficulty for strikes that have a taken version or something, so we can select which strike we actually want to do.
EDIT: So after 5 hours of backing out of strikes I finally got it. Cool boss encounter. Way too much effort just to get to play it.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Every time you back out of a strike, somewhere...someone pinches a puppy. Don't be that guy, Guardian.