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Edited by Drrtbag: 4/25/2016 7:15:26 PM

So about the Taken version of Archon Priest...

[quote]This post is about us needing/wanting the option to play any version of any strike on demand without having to go through a playlist to find the specific strike you want to play. Not about whether it's a dick move to back out of strikes. PLEASE READ AND ATTEMPT TO UNDERSTAND THE POST BEFORE REPLYING.[/quote] Was it really necessary to only make this strike accessible in the heroic and level 36 playlists? I don't want to run a bunch of strikes just for the chance to maybe get to play the strike I want to play. I just want to do one strike lol. Because of this I have spent the last hour going into strikes and backing out cause I just want to do that one new-ish strike. I can't be the only one. I have loaded into some strikes where all three of us were backing out the moment we landed. This must currently be a pain in the ass for anyone just trying to run some strikes. This sort of thing could be avoided if we were simply able to access the content from the director. Add another button next to difficulty for strikes that have a taken version or something, so we can select which strike we actually want to do. EDIT: So after 5 hours of backing out of strikes I finally got it. Cool boss encounter. Way too much effort just to get to play it.

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  • I was expecting something amazing. It was a disappointment. I'm glad I didn't go out searching for it. It just happened. And it was .... meh.

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  • From now on, i wont keep playing the same stryke again and again. Its insane to keep playing the same cabal strykes. Next time i get on, ill get out and in till i hit the jackpot. I WANT THAT DAMN SHOTGUN! [spoiler]only for the looks[/spoiler]

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      • The only issue I have with strikes is that you can potentially play the same strike 4 times in row lol. There should be on a cycle or something, that way you can get to all of them. Same with crucible maps.

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        • In my opinion, a player should be locked into a strike if they back out. Just until they complete said strike, or some daily reset or something.

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          • I understand your reasoning with your post, but let me help you understand your mistake. You admitted to quitting strikes in order to get the one you wanted. Whatever, I'm sure everyone here has done it at least once for whatever reason. However, you had to know this comment was going to grind people's gears. They don't give a crap about your opinion on what the devs should do. All they saw was that you quit strikes to get what you want. If you truly wanted your post to be about changing the way you can access this specific strike and not piss a bunch of people in this game off, you would have just stated that you wish bungie would have designed a way to access this specific strike directly instead of through a playlist. That's all. But instead, you had to keep going and create some friction with a lot of people here. So please, stop arguing with everyone that doesn't agree with your game play because each of them has a valid point as well. You made the mistake of creating drama in the original post.

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            5 Replies
            • People still do strikes? That's so 2014

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              • Waiting for it to be nightfall so I can get a copy roll of my dry rot 32 (full auto/fast reload/luck in the chamber)

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              • I just got this strike first try. Ran it with two randoms. They both got the shotgun and I did not. I'm so -blam!-ing pissed off right now.m.

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                5 Replies
                • Juarez and the most believe it is not for the win a nerf and a new one of my games the first IB from a new dimension to the first time I have no time for the stream in Destiny history because it's the overused and it isn't a big problem is the best ps I have a ping

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                  • Edited by BanditNation: 4/25/2016 7:29:53 PM
                    I still don't know if Nixis is Taken Aksor or a Taken Archon Priest that happens to look exactly the same and have the exact same circumstances leading up to the point when you get there, except you're fighting Taken instead of normal enemies.

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                  • What's worse is when you finally get it one of the jerk offs speeds thru it all as fast as possible. If I'm playing strikes now it's cause I want to shoot shit. Not run fast dammit!

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                      Just because you didn't get the strike [b]you[/b] wanted does not mean you should back out. Stop whining about it. All you're doing by backing out is ruining the experience for teammates who actually want to play. My last vanguard rep booster did barely anything because people would keep backing out because the strike wasn't Taken Winter's Run. Stop acting like Bungie is forcing you to leave, because they aren't. You're just making stupid excuses so that you don't feel bad. You people are complete and utter scum who don't even bother thinking of how you dropping out might affect the people you were paired up with.

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                    • I've only gotten it twice since the update and neither time was taken.

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                      • It's not a good re-design though. What they have done is make a taken ultra captain - which are annoying with their bubbles anyway and spawned in an absolute ton of adds that deal high damage - centurions and hobgoblins Plus plenty of goblins to grant immunity to everything you aim at. It's not mega hard - I've ran it twice on the taken version (and got the Shotgun) but I didn't particularly enjoy it I'd rather more reused strikes than nothing though so I can't complain - throwing adds at a strike is not the way bungie!! Malok is a good strike though

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                          A Patrolling Guardian
                          A Patrolling Guardian

                          See you, Space Cowboy. - old

                          Every time you back out of a strike, somewhere...someone pinches a puppy. Don't be that guy, Guardian.

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                          2 Replies
                          • Wow. Was it worth all that dashboarding? Cool boss fight?? Pretty mundane and about the same in my eyes. Not worth screwing over countless other players in your pathetic search.

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                            4 Replies
                            • just play strikes like normal dont be a baby

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                              11 Replies
                              • i get ommigul nearly every time, it does my head in...

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                                  [spoiler]stream pls[/spoiler]

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                                  • So you spent and hour screwing over countless guardians trying to play strike playlists. Thanks donkey!

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                                    20 Replies
                                    • I think people are missing the OP's point. All he is saying is that why is it not selectable separately on the map like the other strikes are. My guess is that you can't choose it independently because it wasn't opened up through playing the story like every other strike, you play through the story and it then unlocks a strike. Pretty stupid I know but that's bungies mentallity I guess. And as for people backing out, which is not really what the op was talking about but anyways, I don't do it but it doesnt bother me as someone else will come along anyway to fill their shoes, and I'd rather they did leave then just stay not helping because they AFK as it's not the strike they wanted.

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                                      21 Replies
                                      • 1 stop screwing people over by leaving 2 it's not only in heroic playlists 3 you must be a jerk to keep backing out 4 look at 1 and 3

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                                        7 Replies
                                        • Haven't even seen this strike yet. All I ever seem to see is Echo Chamber, Omnigul, Aluk-Hul and Dust Palace strikes.

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                                          • The strike map rotation is one of the worst ive ever seen in a game. It either needs to keep the player on a proper playlist instead of constantly swapping you to another server/playlist or add map voting...

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                                            • Probably won't happen. They don't want people cheesing it like omnigul.

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