[b][i]- An interlude for RoB and other realms, loosely tied to Warhammer 40k and several other themes.[/i][/b]
[i] Hurtling through the aether, between the currents of space and time, soars a mighty vessel of steel and flesh, a starship of vast size and unimaginable power - The Bloodwrath. This is an ancient ship of legends, with a lengthy history that has appeared throughout time over tens of thousands of centuries. It has sailed through the warp, a gateway between stars and galaxies that does not abide by the laws of physics, and is inhabited by entities of unspeakable horror including gods of madness and chaos. The inhabitants of the ship are champions from many realms. With no memory of their arrival, they are bound together for a common cause - a cause that not even they can fathom. These are the stories of these exiles.
[b]Welcome to Prison of Exiles.[/b][/i]
[b][i]For New Arrivals:[/i][/b]
[b][i]Bloodwrath Information:[/i][/b]
[b][i]Link to RoB reference:[/i][/b]
- [b][i]The Bloodwrath will now be your home, but tread lightly, for this starship has a taste for blood, and a hunger for the souls of men to fuel it's fires of war. Consider this a warning, venturing into quarantined and off limits areas could lead to an unpleasant demise. The things that dwell in the dark are beyond you, and more insidious than you could imagine.
[u]Current Happenings:[/u]
- Your memories are blank as to your arrival, but there seems to be hope. Many are reporting visions brought on by depictions of an hourglass... Perhaps searching for banners, relics, books, or other items related to the hourglass could unlock the mystery of your arrival.
The Rivers of Blood continue to flow. [/i][/b]
[b]Supply Run[/b] [i]Since news of this 'Infestation' spread word, Xavier decided to stock up on more supplies. This ship is slowly getting more and more dangerous. He looked around the ship for a gas mask of any sorts. He also was looking for a few pieces of armour to protect himself. His pain tolerance was good, but not that good.[/i] [spoiler]Fulgrim plz[/spoiler]
There are no wolves on Fenris
[b][i]Thousands of soldiers return from one of the nearby quarantine sections and are hospitalized by the inhalation of hyper evolved microbes. All of them die. What could be the source of this new infestation?[/i][/b]
[i]I'LL PURGE YOU, YOU DAMN HERETICS![/i] Sparta was still in the halls purging the shit out of Heretics, then purging them with said shit. His armor had 'F U! YOUR ARSE HERE! RAGE!' Etc. on it, although, it was covered in the blood of said heretics. He wasn't too far from the general quarters, just terrorizing a small group of Bloodletters. [spoiler]Short Post, Open.[/spoiler]
[b]The most mundane shit.[/b] Ling had just woken up, next to his dearly beloved. With a face full of hair and a ear poking his eye out, not literally of course. A couple months has passed since they first met. It was rather funny to him, seeing how when they first met they both wanted to get rid of each other. Now seeing a couple months has passed since then they were both laying in bed with each other. Fallen in love and one of them was pregnant. Ling gave her a kiss upon the cheek as he got up and dressed in a simple grey shirt and black pants. He walked into another room and grabbed a collapsible chair. Ling then walked into the living room and grabbed a book, it wasn't a thick as most books. He then opened the door, sighing as he saw the outside of his Quarters. Ling then set up the chair right outside his house and plopped down in it, opening his book. His reasoning for sitting outside was to probably see something new or just look at those odd Jade Dragons roam their Grove. [spoiler]Open, it's nothing grand though. But this allows for a ton of situations and freedom.[/spoiler]
[b]A man walks through the halls of the ship.[/b] Hello? Is someone there?
A figure standing at 8 feet tall walked among the halls of the Bloodwrath. He was obviously a Space Marine, bearing a set of jet black VIII "Errant" Power Armor. It was a rarer, more advanced model that the typical Mark VII's. The lenses of his helmet glowed the color of blood, escaping through his black hood. He wore a black cloak as well, the only thing emerging from the black mass was his left arm, which was silver, with a stone-like texture. It was lined in gold, with a golden symbol of the Deathwatch on his pauldron. A Power Sword, a Blade of Caliban was sheathed in brown buckled leather on his back. The eerie figure continued walking, drawing the eyes of many but paying no mind to them. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]
[i]The field of Mars[/i] "Claudius, your farm on Syracuse IV, describe it to me again." Tribune Quintus spoke with his counterpart who would command the Auxlilia and mercenarius. Three years younger than Quintus Tullius, the boy had inherited a large farm from his family, whenever the man was nervous, Quintus reminded him of it and the boy drew strength from it. "The wheat, it spans the hills, like a sea of gold. There's a river, I used to play in it as a boy, I built a bridge over it when my father died. He always said he meant to do it but I was never around to help him. My older sister runs it in truth, she always was a stronger person. The workers, they're all different, some eldar, some human, even a tau. They work the fields, day in day out, earning every bit of what they're payed." The younger tribune fell silent as the two kept walking, straight out of the door and onto the field of Mars. The legionnaires and Auxlilia were all arrayed in formation, they stood in armor, the legionnaires in Lorica Segmentata, and the Auxlilia in lighter flak armor. The centurions and optio kept order and rendered the salute of the Romans. The tribunes walked to the platform and ascended looking down on the men arrayed there. The sight was impressive, and the tribune was filled with pride. "My fellow Romans, Auxlilia, and those of you who accept the republic's coin, I am tribune Quintus Tullius, and this is tribune Claudius, we are the men who will fight alongside you, for the glory of the republic. The emperor of man's enemies are ours by honor, and now the vile corrupted eldar hold a vital manufactorium, and hold prisoners. We will go and take them both. They want pain, we shall show them what it feels like to die. We take no prisoners of our own, we cannot risk the corruption spreading to those eldar among the Auxlilia and local population. But the manufactorium held a great deal of loot, loot that if you can carry is yours. Roma Victor!" The last shout echoed amongst the men and the tribunes went down to inspect their men, and the mercenarius. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]
Edited by General Percival: 7/15/2016 4:25:52 AM[i]Auxlilia and mercenarius[/i] Although the tribune Quintus Tullius had a thousand men under his command, he wanted to bolster that number. He authorized his evocati to enter the general quarters proper and begin recruiting mercenarius and Auxlilia, the main difference between the two was that mercenarius would be free to leave after the battle while Auxlilia were granted Roman citizenship and free to settle on any of the eight worlds controlled by the autonomous republic inside the imperium. You are one such person, either hoping for quick cash or perhaps planning long term you seek one of these veterans out. Or perhaps you simply bumped into one in a forum, park, or bar. Whatever your reasons and methods, you find one such man. Armored in the durable banded armor of the legion, sword at his (or her.) side, a pugio sidearm on the other, pilum pattern rifle over their shoulder cloaked in the red of the legion, attempting to capture your attention. "You there, have I an offer for you..." [spoiler]open[/spoiler]
[b][i][u]Attention Everyone:[/u][/i][/b] [i] We seem to be having less RP activity on b.net overall, this is not good. I created PoE in an effort to kickstart some activity and it worked. We're over 10k now but have lost momentum. I need your help. First of all, I wanna thank you all for being apart of this and I want to personally thank Shadlezz for all of his hard work putting plots together in my absence. Thank you Shad for doing your thing here and keeping us going. Now that Shad and myself are less active, I have an idea for the next person to take the reigns of PoE... I nominate Pavel. Pavel has been around my threads since RoB chapter 5 (about a year ago). I saw his work on another thread then harassed him into coming here. The rest was history. Pavel is a writer who's attention to detail is second to none and his creativity is probably even better than mine. He's very experienced and very fair to RP with. You can't go wrong when you're working with him. Back in RoB, I made a stealth challenge plot with specific rules - Pavel was the only one to get it 100%. By using his creativity, he solved my puzzle perfectly. Here's his solution to the puzzle I created: [quote][b]assassination[/b] Hideo Tanaka stood at the top of the golden palace, his target was on the third floor. He had his instructions and he would follow them. Another man would die by his hand tonight. The night covered his approach as it would his escape. He descended through an open sky light in the Far East wing. Fitting he thought, the same senator who had closed this wing was the one he was sent to kill. He made his way through the empty halls, after dark the palace was deserted, only a few senators stayed. Hideo stuck to the shadows, avoiding main hallways forsaking time in the name of stealth. His target would be here until the morning. He had memorized the map his employer had provided and made his way to the senator's office. Hideo stood outside the door, readying the poison he had prepared, normally he considered such methods below him but tonight his employer specifically demanded no trace be left. That being said Hideo had nothing against the man he would murder, only acting because of his blood debt to senator Gaius catto. He entered the senator's room and the old man looked at him, only his eyes were visible. "So it seems that the cult has decided to finish it." Hideo nodded, the old man would not live to tell a soul. "Will it be painless?" The senator asked clearly accepting his fate. Again Hideo nodded. The man would simply fall asleep, the poison, was untraceable, tasteless, odorless, and would cause no pain to the target. That is why he had selected it, his target had not offered him insult, simply the man Hideo owed his life wanted him dead. He set down the vial and let the old man take the poison. Minutes passed as the old man wrote his letter of resignation and left it on his desk before consuming the powder. Hideo now faced the problem of disposing of the body. Again he trudged back to the Far East wing and to the skylight. Using a Pulley system he hoisted the old man up and then followed him. He closed the skylight and looked out across the city, towards the southern districts, one day he would kill the man who made him do this, one day. For now he had to dispose of the body, he took the body to a monastery high in the mountains where his order was located, people would come looking for him, they would find his grave but they would not be surprised. His order had a group of monks who maintained the monastery. There they looked after people who wished to leave their life behind in pursuit of inner peace. Sometimes people passed away during the ascent, the senator would be buried like the rest who had actually died on the climb.[/quote] Obviously this man thinks out of the box. [b]Please post below your nomination for the new plot leader for PoE. I think it should be Pavel. Who agrees?[/b] [/i]
Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 7/13/2016 3:21:35 PM[b][i]New Hire at the Crimson Flagon[/i][/b] [b][i]The Crimson Flagon is open. Aliza prepares the bar for business as Mac and Shannon begin taking orders. Everyone is on edge, considering that the Summoner forced a few chaos allied workers into the staff at the bar. They are only there to serve Chaos faction patrons. One by one, patrons enter the bar.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
[b][i]You saw nothing. [/i][/b] *Mortar runs through the halls of the Bloodwrath. In hand, a strange one of a kind looking sword. It's dark blue, four and a half feet long, three and a half inches wide at the base of the blade. It seems to be a katana/broadsword mix. And it was ignited in ominous emerald green flames. With one swift move, he impales a heretic who attempted to murder him the other day, then looks around to make sure nobody saw him, his blazing crimson eyes looking around three hundred sixty degrees.* [i]Eh, I don't think anybody is gonna notice.[/i] *He grabs the corpse by the legs and hides him in a small room, hoping no one will notice. He then takes an icy blue knife, about seven inches long, and jams it in the keyhole, freezing it* No one saw anything... *He says this out loud almost as a threat to anyone sneaky enough to watch* [spoiler]Open[/spoiler] -
Tribune Quintus Tullius entered the command tent, the other tribunes and the legate were gathered around the map of the known areas of the Bloodwrath. General quarters was displayed and there were icons representative of the troops stationed there. The Legion, 6,980 strong were a large bulk of the imperium's forces. The giant ship held many evils and these troops would be hard pressed to hold the general quarters alone, luckily they wouldn't have to. The Heroes and other imperial guard units were instrumental in holding the line. The topic of the day was a planned assault on a manufactorium held by a group of dark eldar. The first cohort and fifth cohort would be tasked to take it. Tribune Quintus was placed in charge of this expedition as the troops assembled on the muster grounds. There was rumor of regular eldar prisoners and human torture victims held there. They would try to free them, if they could. The thousand man army marched soon, and everyone was on edge. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]
Edited by Thot Slayer Emps: 7/10/2016 4:11:38 AM[b]General Quarters, Jade Dragons Grove.[/b] Ciarn was passed out under a tree in the Grove, a few bottles of something besides him. Possibly his Spiced Wine. His red warlock robing still upon him. His helmet though was lacking and his mouth slightly gaping. He awoke from his slumber, with the biggest headache he had in his life. Ciarn looked around, his vision slightly fuzzy still. "[b][i]Oh no....[/i][/b]" He sighed, Ciarn was almost used to this now. How he isn't dead from alcohol poisoning or stupidity no one knows. But perhaps Ciarn is just being a lil fgt and drowning his fears away with booze. [spoiler]Open, short post and writers block.[/spoiler]
[b][i]Reports of Dark Eldar have been filed, they're making a push for key areas of the ship related to production, construction, and research/development. They've slaughtered countless undead and demonic forces in the area and have secured many sites... Imperial and Chaos factions are scratching their heads, wondering what the Eldar are up to.[/i][/b] [spoiler]this is pavel's idea. I think his plot could be gold, let's play along with his posts for awhile while myself and Shad relax a little [/spoiler]
*Lets this post die*
Edited by Storm Wizard: 7/11/2016 2:40:50 AM[i][/i]
[i][b]Practice Makes Perfect[/b][/i] [i]Thump. Thump. Thump thump thump.[/i] All she heard was her breath and the sound of her fists slamming into the bag. A kick thrown in there every once and a while. She had to find something to do in her downtime other than fighting, so what better to do than to train. What she hadn't told Tulleesh, was that she was a semi famous MMA fighter. Having been on multiple very large broadcasts, currently the youngest female fighter to ever compete. Her fists and feet flew with expert expertise, almost terrifying in their power, she was known for her brutal strikes, multiple one punch knock outs, and especially her sassy, fiery attitude, nicknamed 'The Mistress of the Octagon'. She continued, her focus honed with deadly accuracy. [spoiler]Aye lmao Shad[/spoiler]
[u]Warehouse, General Quarters.[/u] [i]Lucas - after being rescued from the Medicae by Ling, and getting yelled at by several nurses, nurses whose curses definitely hurt his feelings or some shit like that - was being a little hurt bitch in front of Mir'ika's warehouse, sitting against the giant metal door. His left leg and arm were in casts, so even if he wanted to move, he practically couldn't. So he was stuck. Basically. He's actually an idiot, yes. I know. [/i] "I could use a coffee.. Or a rest.. Or my fücking bones not being broken.. Goddamnit.." [i]He muttered to himself, his head laying back against the metal door behind him as his hazel brown eyes scanned his surroundings: the buildings, people, and other things you'd see in a city thing on a Deamon and other bad stuff infested death ship of death. Bad place, mostly bad things. Then, he closed his eyes, and rested his mind, thinking about many random things, nothing in particular, really. His breathing slowed as his heart rate dropped. He was calm as hell except hell isn't really calm. [/i] [spoiler]Open, very short post, yaya. I'm just bored, man. And writer's block.. [/spoiler]
A snapshot of my actual life if anyone wanted to know what I look like and things I do outside of RP. Enjoy me :) https://imgur.com/a/16Tus https://imgur.com/a/ySod1 https://imgur.com/LUBj6je https://imgur.com/ApR0OF9 https://imgur.com/a/6pyBN https://imgur.com/5xiu73Z https://imgur.com/dlyp8g9 https://imgur.com/2mvLvyG
Me and my friend are 335 in all characters need one more don't mind carrying just be at least 300 light message: rocmaster456 Message quick if you want the spot also do trials carry's for fun let's destroy scrubs
Ariel stepped inside the shower, and opened the flow of water. The warm water rushed down on her tall body, making her release a long, pleasant sigh. "Well there's the highlight of my day..." Being a (literal) daughter of the Emperor can be very difficult at times. Especially when you live surrounded by sisters of battle. That's why Ariel lives in the highest summits of the Metropolitan world known as Ophelia VII. Now, don't go thinking Ariel is a hermit, not at all. She very often travels the galaxy, sticking mostly to imperial worlds of course. Even though she gets adventurous sometimes. She just tends to avoid the streets of Ophelia, due to them being filled with crazed, overzealous worshippers of the "God" Emperor. She doesn't live there by choice, but she makes the most of it still. So, back to our hero. Ariel, in all of her primarch-sized glory, stood in the shower, letting the warm water flow on her body. She took the time to clean herself up nicely, wash her hair and... With her eyes closed, she couldn't tell what happened. But suddenly, the water had stopped. "Hey! Who turned off the water?!" She opened her eyes, frustrated, as her shampooed hair was still bubbling with the, well, shampoo. When she opened her eyes, she saw that she wasn't in the shower anymore. In a fit of panick, she covered her exposed parts. Luckily for her, her oversized towel had come with her to the bloodwrath. Rapidly, she wrapped herself in the towel. "Well this is [i]JUST[/i] perfect! As if the day couldn't get any worse!" She crossed her arms, flicking her black, soaped hair backwards so it wouldn't drip all over her face. She let out a long sigh. "Might as well try to find out where I am... or at least find some damned clothes!" And so, the Cynical daughter of the Emperor, Ariel, set off into the bloodwrath in the search of answers. Or denim. [spoiler]open.[/spoiler]
A man wakes up on a mattress. He sits up and looks around. He is in an empty room, but he sees a door. He gets up but has a hard time walking. He gets to the door. *Creeaak* He enters a long dark hallway. *Tap Tap Tap* He hears footsteps. He walks towards the sound. *Tap Tap Tap* The hallway feels as if it goes on forever. The sound becomes louder as he gets closet.... But suddenly it stops. He waits. "Hello? Is anyone there? "
Anyone order pizza? [i]no?[/i]
[i]Drip. Drip. Drip.[/i] This is the very first sound. The first sound that reaches his ears. Finally, he has awoken...barely. He feels a slight warm liquid constantly meeting with his forehead every time he hears it. [i]Drip.[/i] His body finally feels movement again as he slowly, ever so cautiously sits up. [i]Drip. Drip.[/i] It angered him to the point that he lifted his massive metal arm as his forefinger met with his forehead. He drags it across and lowers it in front of his eyes. [i]Blood. It was blood, dripping on him.[/i] He looks up, confused. An awful expression grows across his face as he sees nothing when he looks up. He looks to his sides, only to see nothing. He looks forward. [i]Stairs. Pathways. Going where?[/i] He struggles to stand up, but manages to do so as he pushes with his knees. While doing so, he notices that he was in a disc-shaped platform with a foot tall edge decorated with spikes of all sorts of sizes and variety. In the interior of said platform was at least a three feet deep pool of blood. It certainly wasn't his, no. For all he could remember was a lovely feast back home on the Deathworld. He takes a step forward to see his weaponry and even his own Wolf-skull helm dipped in the same pool of blood he had been lying in. "Bloody hell..." He reaches down to his helmet and tries to shake some of the warm redness off its interior. The exterior he was not content with cleaning. He places it over his face and takes a deep, long and hard breath as he reaches for his Bloodraven and his Crozous Arcanum. He feels his sides, ensuring that he still held his necessary positions and Fang of Morkai. He finally takes a few more steps forward, now leaning over the edge of the blood pool. [i]Bottomless.[/i] He shifts his gaze across the several platforms that loomed over a bottomless pit. There was no memory in the Wolf Priest as to how he got inside such a terrible place. His first thought was that he had been possessed by a Witch, but quickly killed the idea, as his long and hard service with his Chapter would never allow such tyranny. Then, it hits him. [i]The Wolftime...[/i] Farin the Annihilator, with every inch of his massive anatomy, leaves the blood pool and slowly walks across the stairs and pathways. They seemed to have been made of solid bone. He continues forward, now believing that he had a reason to be wherever he was. Perhaps it was destined. Perhaps this was the accursed Magnus The Red's doing, perhaps this was fate and he was to find long lost Leman Russ...or perhaps it is something entirely bigger. (Open.)
My slumber was peaceful. Quiet, even, despite the location of the Bloodwrath. Suffice to say, I slept like a rock, at least partially thanks to my training. Of course, waking up a rock takes a bit more than a shake of the shoulder. So it was that I found myself suddenly not in my warm, soft bed, but rather landing on the cold, hard floor. "SONNUVABITCH!" And so the cycle continued. [spoiler]Open to Pavel.[/spoiler]