[b][i]- An interlude for RoB and other realms, loosely tied to Warhammer 40k and several other themes.[/i][/b]
[i] Hurtling through the aether, between the currents of space and time, soars a mighty vessel of steel and flesh, a starship of vast size and unimaginable power - The Bloodwrath. This is an ancient ship of legends, with a lengthy history that has appeared throughout time over tens of thousands of centuries. It has sailed through the warp, a gateway between stars and galaxies that does not abide by the laws of physics, and is inhabited by entities of unspeakable horror including gods of madness and chaos. The inhabitants of the ship are champions from many realms. With no memory of their arrival, they are bound together for a common cause - a cause that not even they can fathom. These are the stories of these exiles.
[b]Welcome to Prison of Exiles.[/b][/i]
[b][i]For New Arrivals:[/i][/b]
[b][i]Bloodwrath Information:[/i][/b]
[b][i]Link to RoB reference:[/i][/b]
- [b][i]The Bloodwrath will now be your home, but tread lightly, for this starship has a taste for blood, and a hunger for the souls of men to fuel it's fires of war. Consider this a warning, venturing into quarantined and off limits areas could lead to an unpleasant demise. The things that dwell in the dark are beyond you, and more insidious than you could imagine.
[u]Current Happenings:[/u]
- Your memories are blank as to your arrival, but there seems to be hope. Many are reporting visions brought on by depictions of an hourglass... Perhaps searching for banners, relics, books, or other items related to the hourglass could unlock the mystery of your arrival.
The Rivers of Blood continue to flow. [/i][/b]
*10th Doctor shows up in TARDIS*
[b]Before the supper, Jared's "Quarters" The man sits on the mattress dragged in, and shakes slightly, his body racked by shuddering spells ridden with tendrils slithering over his body he sobs once, blood instead of tears flowing out of his eyes his character seemed unhinged, defeated His body broken, and a keyblade was leaning on the wall, anyone who dared venture near the room was met with a feeling of dread, doubt, and uncertainty Lying over on his side, he calmed down some, but then groaned Anyone with the ability to peer into minds was then confronted with a range of memories, thousands of them, from minds not his own all screams of the damned, a hellish chorus that would drive any common man insane Lastly, came a repeated phrase, heard only once by people nearby[/b] "Nocturnal, guide my hand......." ((open))
Edited by SpeedingCow8947: 5/10/2016 4:24:19 AM[b][quote]>I was only nine years old >I loved (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) so much >I had all the merchandise and movies >Pray to (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) every night >Thanking him for the life I've been given >(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is love, I'd say, (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is life >My dad hears me, calls me a fgt >I tell him he's just jealous of my devotion to (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) >call him a desticle >he slaps me and sends me to my room to sleep >I'm crying now, and my face hurts >As I lay in bed, it's really cold >I feel a warmth moving towards me >I feel something touch me >It's (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) >He whispers in my ear "o bb" >(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) grasps me with his powerful (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hands >forces me on to my hands and knees >I'm ready (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/quote]
[b]Thine Ashen One awakens within the bloodwrath,mysteriously decked out in Armor that looks like Havel the Rocks Armor. Yet the Ash flows from it. it walks around.[/b] [spoiler]Tis open.[/spoiler]
Edited by cyberattaq: 5/9/2016 3:15:28 AM[spoiler]New plot[/spoiler] This takes place in the Golden City as there is no traffic in RoB [b][i]Chapter 1: Politics[/i][/b] [i]Billionaire hero Ryker Evans is involved in a press event for questions, Evans will be answering for the millions of deaths caused by him and other heroes. Some call them heroes others call them criminals. This is GC News, keeping you up to date[/i] "Mr. Evans the press is waiting." "Yes yes I understand. MARY! WHERE IS MY COAT!" A young girl of maybe 21 scurries over, handing him a coat. "Thank you love sorry for the yelling." She nods quietly and scurries off again. Ryker flicks some dust and crumbs off his suit collar. A bald middle aged man looked him up and down, inspecting his suit. "Everything looks to be in order. Give them hell Ryker." He nods, walking out the door to his right. Instantly cameras flash and and people start yelling. "Mr. Evans! What do you have to say about the Harbinger incident!" "Mr. Evans! Who is responsible for the events on the Ishimura!" "Mr. Evans do you take full responsibility for Novas creation and the destruction he caused!" Ryker walks to a podium ignoring them, they quiet down. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the press.... You all have questions. Some of you... Are angry. Some of you have lost loved ones, and some of you have lost some parts of yourself in the tragic events that transpired last year." The press explodes, they quiet after a moment. "And while... My collateral damage... Is high, and I am not proud of the innocents I have hurt and killed... It was necessary to ensure the safety of billions. I want to assure you, ladies and gentlemen of the press, that I am constantly thinking and grieving over those lost in the cross fire of me and my fellow heroes and champions." "Are you saying you will do nothing to compensate for the hundreds of thousands of lives lost!" The crowd explodes into questions again. "Some people sit homeless while you sit in a mansion with billions of dollars living lavishly while others suffer! What do you have to say to this!" "And why has the abomination Nova not been taken care of yet! He is responsible for millions of deaths." The press grew from reasonable to enraged and yelling, these were people who were injured themselves or lost loved ones... These were the people he had hurt. They were scared, and needed someone to blame. Ryker holds his hands up. "Everyone! Everyone calm down!" They quiet, against their will. "I know you are scared and I know... I am not in your shoes. I know I can not feel what you feel and I know you're scared and grieving. I understand... I do. And I am doing my best to provide support where I can. I am rebuilding structures and homes, and while it may not be evident I am funding it... So please.. Calm down... I am doing my best, and I promise I won't stop until everyo-" That's when a a drop ship hovers overhead near the back of the crowd. The loading door opens, four men with Light machine guns standing on the ramp. They were all wearing some sort of combat armor. The crowd turned, confused, not able to properly see what the men were holding, but Rykers enhanced vision could. He opened his mouth to yell when they opened fire. Bullet began peppering the crown, dozens of people falling instantly. The crowd screamed and began running, yet as they turned both of their exits were blocked by yet again two to three more heavily armed men. They opened fire as well. Ryker called his ASCS in, the suit rapping around him. Simultaneously men began deploying from the gun ship, sliding down ropes. They opened fire on any remaining civilians. Ryker shoots the first one with a rail gun shot from his shoulder, landing and punching the second one in the chest then drawing his sword lightning fast and slashing the man. He began to fight the men, more deploying out of the ship, and to Rykers horror two other ships arrive. He would need help. This was a coordinated attack... But why here? Why now? He couldn't think as he was to preoccupied wit fighting. [spoiler]Help Ryker, you heard about the attack on the news.[/spoiler]
What is this shit?
[b][i]A red man wanders the dark halls of the ship, choosing to be invisible to the eyes of the Bloodwrath's prisoners. [u]HIS[/u] prisoners. His color is red. The red man is not human.. He is Bloodwrath and Bloodwrath is him.[/i][/b]
[b][i]Chapter 1.5 - Bloodwrath's Vengeance[/i][/b] [i] The decks within the massive starship, Bloodwrath, resonate fiercely as the ship translates out of warp transit and materializes into reality. All aboard feel the translation tugging at their souls and consciousness. [b]The ship's fearsome weaponry begins arming. The Summoner has a frightening realization - the starship has done this on its own. It has taken control away from the crew entirely.... He realizes the ship hasn't had anything to consume in quite some time. It must be feeding time.[/b][/i] [i]An alarm begins wailing, indicating an unknown number of contacts in close proximity - the population of the Bloodwrath begins preparing for boarding action if it comes to that, soldiers and legionnaires issue orders and assume battle stations. [b]A deafening concussion rocks the entire ship as the Bloodwrath's main battery's open fire.[/b][/i] [b][i]The Bloodwrath unleashes a full scale assault.[/i][/b] [spoiler]shit is about to go down, get ready. Go to your battle stations ASAP![/spoiler]
[u]Meanwhile, inside of the ship...[/u] [b]Ornstein is going mad. Traveling deeper and deeper within the ship, he's not relatively sane anymore. Even as a dark spirit, summoned by some...thing, insanity and anger surges through him. Blood-red light shines through his armor, as he moves deeper within the ship than before, waiting for the next demon, or spirit, or other monstrosities...[/b] [spoiler]To be open, or to not be open. That is the question.[/spoiler]
[b]I jerk awake and find myself in a cot, In some kind of holding cell.[/b] "What the hell?"
[b] [/b]
[i] *puts on an antic disposition* [/i] [i]RP THREADS ARE BACK RUN![/i]
Bramd - old
Seems cool -
Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 5/8/2016 10:29:18 PM[b]Knight of Gwyn,Havel the Rock.[/b] While there were two People in Havels Armor aboard the ship,Only one was the true Knight. The clinking of a Chime,the Heavy footfalls and the scraping of a Dragons tooth on the floor was signs of Havel. Yet as wary as he was he knew that his Lord of Sunlight,Gwyn will have three others if he were to fall. He delved into a quarantine zone,unknowingly. He read a Miracle,Tales of the Ancient gods that one Cleric may use to assist himself or others in Holy ways. White-gold symbols appear on the ground reading [i]Go back! Do not head this way! One will die if one enters. Thou hast chosen a perlious journey that thou may not cometh back from.[/i] Yet he pushed on,As he was not called The Rock for nothing. But another part in him did not want to go,as if he could sense the perlious dangers. He was a Knight,So he pushed on ahead,his bravery conquered the fear that is the mind. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Since Havel of Rock and Dragonslayer Ornstein are already in the thread, I guess I'll continue the Gwyn Knight theme. [/spoiler] Deep within the Bloodwrath a churning emerges, one sinister and chilling... Out of it rises a lone figure, one in elegant armor, a long great sword at his hip, corrupted by swirling dark. A pup stands next to his left leg, shrouded in darkness. The two seem to emanate death, wrath, the horrors of the Abyss... For this was Knight Artorias, the Abysswalker, first Knight of Gwyn, nobleman, the one who braved the Darkwraiths and Abyss Manus himself, sacrifice his blade and armor to protect his companion, Sif. He groans from his recent revival, taking in his surroundings, limping through the corridors with Sif at his side, a young husky pup as opposed to his larger form when he was tragically slain. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]
Something stirred in the shadows of the bloodwrath. The reflections of light began to mold into their own form, opening and closing, whispering of things that had happened and will occur. They formed into an opening, a gateway from another shadow. A man clad in black plate armor stepped out of the darkness. He certainly did not belong here, but did that ever stop him? He looked around to see where he was on the massive vessel. He had done this before. "Where are you little bastard? I'm gonna make sure you stay dead this time."[spoiler]BAAACK IN BLAAAACK! (And open)[/spoiler]
@all, Going to sleep now, I'll reply to you all tomorrow
[spoiler]wait we're back?![/spoiler] [spoiler]fukfukfudukfukfukfukfuk...what happened?![/spoiler]
Fools. Incompetents. Heathens whose idiocy knew no bound. Those were the words used to describe those who declared themselves "brave" or "courageous" enough to dare try and claim the harbinger of death as a trophy. Death can never be tamed. it can never be destroyed. it can never be satisfied. it can only be appeased. But above all, Death cannot be cheated. Throughout the gargantuan vessel, a feeling of unsettling unease, of mysterious, yet incredibly disturbing nausea took hold of each and every occupant. Even the mighty Summoner. Although he, compared to the others, was the only one able to comprehend what was truly happening. throughout the sickness, a wicked grin would dawn on his face. Deep within the bowels of the vessel, away from where the adventurers shared their tales, the rust proliferated. In the vessel's deepest hold, the Harbinger of Death ruled over his kingdom of rust and disease. The Ash-Faced son, clad in his sickening white armour, sat in his festering throne of the bones of the wicked. At his side rested his one and only [i]Silence,[/i] the sickle of the reaper. The plagued fumes emanated from his armour, filling the room with a greenish smoke. Before him rested his army. His minions of sickness. His soldiers of Nightmare. His monsters, spawned from the horrific cauldron of the plague god. They were at his beck and call, and they would protect the diseased king with their lives; or rather, their deaths. Everything the sickness touched became an evident mark of Noiratrom's -The Plagued Son- presence. Beware, adventurer of fortune. Although you have lived your life in the quest for a tale grander than the previous one, the outcome of a foolishness as profound as engaging the knight of plague had only one possible side. Your sweet, inevitable demise.
[b][i]The Womb of the Night[/i][/b] — [i]Deep Space, 47 meters from the outer hull of the Bloodwrath[/i] [i]"Tiel... Do you feel its presence?" Tiel says he does, and what was present was delicious. "I salivate at the thought of it... Of its great aura entering my bosom..." He, the Great Glutton, drifts towards the hulking spacecraft, curled into a fetal position. He is within 30 meters of the Bloodwrath. Tiel asks if he is at least feeling filled. "Never am I filled, Tiel. My bosom is ever spanning, and one digested god leaves room for hundreds of kings to be so themselves." He, the Eater of Stars, slides his eyelids back to see the feast in front of him, coming into a dozen meters from the Bloodwrath. "Oh... Oh Tiel, it's a... A god of machines..." Tiel reminds him that he has never eaten a machine god before. "I know this." He, Consumer of the Night, begins to uncurl himself from his placenta of solitude as he comes within 5 meters of the Bloodwrath. He unsheathes his great utensil, Blackstar, which leaves ribbons of godblood and kingblood trailing behind it as it comes forth. "I smell blood, Tiel... So much of it... Never have I smelled so much blood on a machine..." Tiel says that all things fueled by blood are machines. He, Intruder to the Bloodwrath, begins laughing, and laughs as he strikes the hull of Bloodwrath with Blackstar at the velocity of a roaring comet, hundreds of thousands of times over within a minute, boring himself into the great spacecraft.[/i] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]
swiggity turd, get out of here [spoiler]nerd[/spoiler]
Edited by DGC LemanRuss: 5/8/2016 12:42:19 AMWrong place... again
[spoiler]hmm... how to get back into this[/spoiler]
Uh, #destiny?
This seems interesting, but considering my profession, probably not really my type of thing to get into. Unless of course you need a trader to randomly appear like in every game ever to have a merchant. You know, so I can sell people stuff to help them on their journey Otherwise, I'll just watch
[u]The Summoning[/u] ~[b]Deep within the Bloodwrath, a large figure rises from the ground, as if clawing out of a portal. He stands up, with his shining gold armor now a dark red, and he holds his electric spear in both hands. Unaware of what lurks inside of the ship, he moves forward~[/b]